PE & Sports Grant Plan 2015/2016

Plan for PE & Sports Grant 2015/2016 - £8445 ( split between October/April)
What will be different
for the children
Children will enjoy PE and sport and this will be used as a mechanism to improve achievement
Staff will be delivering effective lessons in PE impacting on children’s standards of learning within this subject
Networking with other schools, including secondary, to be part of competitions, to socialise with other children
and to enjoy a range of sporting activities.
Develop a healthy competition with school
Children to experience a wide range of sporting skills and disciplines
Impact and Evaluation
(To be monitored by SMT/Subject
To set up a range of meetings
with staff to look at the options
available to support PE and
Sport across school
PE Audit to be undertaken
Liaise with Stockton School Partnership and meet with Daisy
Chain to assess what is on offer to support teaching and
learning within school.
A Wilcox (Autumn 2015)
All staff will be involved with the decision
for their key stage.
PE Audit to be undertaken
(Summer 2016)
Recognise need for resources and
development of skills.
Assessment of Staff
A PE Audit/review yearly to be undertaken to assess the
needs and CPD requirements of staff and to establish areas
for development, as well as resource needs.
Curriculum self- assessment sheets from Youth Sport Trust
CPD for specific curriculum areas eg netball, tag rugby,
gymnastics or dance
Create a list of CPD for staff to develop
sporting skills across school
To improve the quality of
teaching and learning
A Wilcox
All Staff
Mr Burke
Support from Stockton
Schools Partnership - bronze
(Autumn 2015)
A Wilcox
All Staff
Mr Burke
Support from Stockton
Schools Partnership – bronze
(Spring 2015)
A Wilcox
(Summer 2016)
Effective teaching of PE is taught across
school by knowledgeable and confident
PE Co-ordinator to work
alongside PE staff in order to be
able to lead staff effectively
and to impact on standard of
teaching and learning in PE
Bronze Package (5% of Sports Premium)
Weekly sessions with sport coach – Daisy Chain
Lessons to be organised which will involve the use of a PE
coach to work alongside staff on a three lesson project:
Lesson 1 – PE Coach demonstrates lesson within a specific area
for development
Lesson 2 – Team teaching
Lesson 3 – Teacher demonstrates lesson to PE Coach
2 x week lunchtime sports coaching from Daisy Chain
PE Co-ordinator to work with PE colleagues in order to share
good practice
Continuous CPD with Stockton Schools Sports Partnership
Attend relevant CPD provided by Stockton Schools
Partnership link
Continue to review new curriculum
Lesson Observations to be monitored to
assess impact of the quality of teaching
and learning of PE
To ensure all areas the PE
curriculum is effectively
Updating of PE documentation
To network with other schools
with particular focus on
Billingham Cluster of schools
Inform parents of arrangements
All parents to be informed of
the arrangements for PE.
Specifically the information
regarding competitions.
To ensure all children are able
to access PE and sport within
Increase participation in
afterschool activities.
Improve on School Games mark
Funding & Resources
Swimming sessions organised through Tees Active
Sessions to be condensed in blocks, rather than across the
whole year
Remainder of the curriculum to be taught during timetabled
PE lessons
All PE documentation to be reviewed and updated in the light
of new developments and reflect the practice in school.
Liaise with Daisy Chain staff to ensure all groups are following
scheme of work with clear differentiation
Ensure assessments are completed and used to inform next
Staff to network with other local schools, including secondary
schools, for CPD, inter-school competitions and to observe
excellent practice
Participation in Daisy Chain Cluster competitions
Organisation of clear timetable
Ensure competition is a key focus
Effective networking to be established to support
development of PE
Establish/update PE noticeboard
Include sporting events on any newsletters
A Wilcox
Daisy Chain Staff
Tees Active instructors
All curriculum areas for PE planned for
and delivered throughout the year
A Wilcox
K Haycock
Daisy Chain Staff – Mr Burke
All documentation to reflect the practise
in school.
Assessment informs planning
Clear differentiation
A Wilcox
Daisy Chain PE cluster
Stockton Sport Partnership
Effective networking links to be
established to support the development of
PE and Sports.
A Wilcox
Focus on competitions within the cluster
and beyond
Develop great awareness with parents of
the focus on sport within the school
Arrange for clubs and specialised coaches to deliver in school,
targeting those who cannot take part in all aspects of PE
Utilise new all-weather pitch
A Wilcox
Specific coaches to deliver activities all
children can take part in (targeting KS2).
Offer a wider range of afterschool activities that appeal to all
Rolling programme of afterschool sports clubs to prepare for
Northfield and Daisy Chain cluster events
Utilise new all-weather pitch
A Wilcox
J Cumiskey
Sports clubs to be organised to match
half-termly competitions. Afterschool
clubs to be reviewed on a termly basis to
encourage participation.
Keep registers of children who compete in competitions
Registers for after school clubs
Set up a ‘Sports Crew’ to enable children to get involved in the
organisation of sporting activities
Evaluation of sporting activities in school
P.E. and Support Grant- £8445
Lee Fawcett & wheelchair
basketball coaches
Freek Dance instructors
A Wilcox (Summer 2016)
Achieve Gold School Games Kitemark
Total Costing
Stockton Sports Partnership = £422
Daisy Chain Coaching & Lunchtime (due to expertise in ASD) PE Sessions Full Year £6000
Daisy Chain Cluster competitions £500
Dance, gym, wheelchair basketball and other specialist coaching sessions £25 per hour (Approx)
Supply costs to release staff (TBC)
Coach costs to attend competitions (TBC)
Total £8445 + extra costs met out of school budget