SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY

SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY
Completing the Extended School Year Section of the IEP
When an IEP is developed initially or reviewed annually, the IEP team must consider the need
for Extended School Year (ESY) services for the student. ESY services are not the same as
general education summer school. ESY may or may not be provided in conjunction with the
general education summer school. ESY may be needed for a student with a disability even
though summer school is not offered for general education children. In fact, for certain children,
services over winter or spring breaks may be needed. The reason for these services is to ensure
the provision of a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and to provide the student with an
opportunity to make progress toward the goals specified on the student’s IEP and to prevent
regression, which would impede such progress.
Here are instructions for properly completing the ESY section of the IEP:
ESY Considerations
Is a significant regression anticipated if ESY services are not provided?
If the answer to this question is No, continue to the next question.
If the answer to this question is Yes, a memo box will appear where the IEP team should enter a
description of the nature of the regression.
Does the nature and severity of the student’s disability impact the maintenance of attained
If the answer to this question is No, continue to the next question.
If the answer to this question is Yes, a memo box will appear where the IEP team should enter a
description of how the student’s disability impacts the maintenance of attained skills.
SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY
Is the student at a critical point in instruction (e.g., emerging skill, transition point, etc.)
such that continued specialized instruction and related services, without a break, is crucial
to the student’s educational program?
If the answer to this question is No, continue to the next question.
If the answer to this question is Yes, a memo box will appear where the IEP team should enter a
description of the critical point of instruction.
Are there any special circumstances, such as large number of absences during the school
year that are relevant to consideration of ESY?
If the answer to this question is No, continue to the next question.
If the answer to this question is Yes, a memo box will appear where the IEP team should enter a
description of the special circumstances.
SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY
The IEP team should identify the information and data used in determining the need for ESY
services. A list of items is included in the ESY section. The IEP team should check all that
apply. If additional sources have been used in determining ESY, that information can be
identified by selecting add new option and typing in name of the source(s).
ESY Determination
There are three possible choices for ESY eligibility: No, Yes, and TBD (To Be Determined).
Instructions for each option are included in the following sections.
SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY
ESY Determination: No
For reporting purposes, both the ESY decision question and the IEP determination question must
be answered. The answer to both questions should be the same.
If the answer is No, proceed to the PWN section of the IEP.
SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY
ESY Determination: YES
For reporting purposes, the ESY decision question and the IEP determination question must be
answered. The answers should be the same.
A brief description of the ESY services necessary in order to receive FAPE should be entered in
the memo box (a more detailed description will be entered subsequently). This text box can also
be used to describe any supplementary services or aides that will be provided during ESY.
ESY Program
If the IEP team will be developing a goal(s) specifically for ESY, the goal(s) should be entered in
the goal memo box. If ESY will be addressing the annual goal(s) from the IEP being developed,
this text box may be left blank.
SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY
Annual Goals
Once it has been determined that a student is eligible for ESY, the team must consider whether or
not annual goals from the IEP being developed will be addressed during ESY. Go back to the
Goals section and for each annual goal, select Yes or No for ESY.
(This Yes or No option appears in the Goal Section of the IEP after it has been determined that
the student is eligible for ESY and must be addressed before the IEP can be finalized.)
SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY
Description of ESY Services
If ESY services will be provided, you will need to make a selection from the drop down box:
Special Education or Related Service.
Frequency/Amount, Location, Start Date, and End Date should be entered for each service.
To include additional special education and/or related services, select +ADD, and repeat the
To delete service(s), use the
in the upper right hand corner of the ESY services section. At
least one service must be described.
Once it has been determined that a student is eligible for ESY, a Yes or No option will appear for
ESY for each service in the Services Section (where normal school year services are described).
Go back to the Services Section, and select No for ESY for each service. You should select No
because a description of ESY services will already be included in the ESY Services Section of
the IEP and on the ESY program print document.
SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY
This is a component of the Enrich product that could not be removed in the SC configuration.
Selecting No for ESY for each normal school year service is required to finalize the IEP.
ESY Services should be provided within the time frame of the current IEP. LEAs who
typically use the first day of the school year as the start date for annual review IEPs should
adjust the start date of IEPs for students receiving ESY Services in the summer to reflect
the start date of the ESY Services. In other words, the IEP for the upcoming school year
will start when summer ESY services begin and the ESY program will be described in the
IEP for the upcoming school year.
ESY Program will appear in the Navigation Pane under the Documents section. A copy of
the ESY Program should be printed and given to the parent along with a copy of the IEP.
This document, which is printed separately from the IEP, should also be provided to ESY
staff that will provide services to the student.
ESY Determination: TBD
If the need for ESY is going to be determined at a later date, choose TBD from the Decision
drop down box. The date to be determined by should be entered in the calendar/date box, and
the additional information needed to make the ESY eligibility determination should be entered in
the memo box.
Prior to the “to be determined by date,” the additional information needed should be collected
and the IEP amendment process should be used to complete a special review.
SC Enrich IEP Quick Reference Guide for ESY
After the special review IEP meeting is held, if the determination is No, select No for the ESY
decision and the ESY determination question. Then, complete a PWN for the special review IEP
If the determination is Yes, select Yes for the ESY Decision and ESY determination question,
complete the ESY Program Section, and complete a PWN for the special review IEP meeting.
(Instructions for the ESY Program are located in the ESY Determination: Yes section of this