IEP Audit Checklist: Special Education Compliance

IEP Audit Checklist
Meeting Date:
Meeting Type:
Case Manager:
Meeting notice
Two varied attempts
Provision of reports to parents in advance of meeting (Enclose Angela’s or Speech eval report with initial and reeval review meeting letters.)
Arrange for interpreter if needed
Provision of procedural safeguards (Enclose with annual review and MDR meeting letters.)
Parent notification/agreement for IEP changes made outside of meetings (amendment without a meeting)
Draft IEP must be completed and submitted for review no fewer than 10 school days prior to the meeting date. Email the
designated OEC Rep (see meeting schedule provided) when the draft is ready for review.
General Ed teacher
Special Ed teacher
Individual to interpret results (Angela for referral, eval/reeval plan, initial/reeval review meetings; Speech if applicable)
Speech if secondary/OT/PT/Nurse/Counselor/Vision/Hearing as applicable
Consent to invite outside agency/Invitation to outside agency if applicable
Behavior that impedes the child’s learning or that of others
Limited English Proficiency
Blind or visually impaired
Communication needs
Appropriate statement of academic, developmental, and functional strengths and needs
Appropriate statement of how the disability affects student progress in general curriculum(K-12) or age appropriate activities (Preschool)
Consideration of current data and information
Sufficient findings to formulate measurable annual goals
Meeting notice (transition checked/invitation to student)
Statement of postsecondary services and course of study
Measurable postsecondary goals (education/training, career employment, independent living when appropriate)
Age of Majority (if student turns 17 during effective dates of the IEP)
Can be measured as written (not too vague, not too many parts, etc. – Do goals meet the STRANGER TEST?)
Address needs identified in PLAAFP
Based on current data (not same as last year)
Adequately identify means and materials used for measurement
Can ascertain starting and/or ending points
Appropriate measurement devices
Designate appropriate time intervals for progress reporting (4.5 weeks)
Short term objectives given if student is participating in SC-Alt.
Appropriate identification of classroom accommodations (must be aligned with needs noted in Present Levels and testing accommodations)
Appropriate identification of classroom modifications (must be aligned with needs noted in Present Levels and testing modifications)
Identification, time, and frequency of special ed services
Identification, time, and frequency of related services
Identification, time, and frequency of supplementary aids/services
Participation in state- and district-wide testing (SC-Alt for NON-READERS only)
Identification of Instruction and Services
Nonparticipation designation
Removal justification
Testing modifications and accommodations (must correlate with given classroom accommodations that are routinely provided; oral only if student
cannot read text at any level of difficulty, not simply reading below grade level)
ESY addressed by team
ESY decision based on individual student considerations and on current information
Sufficient description of ESY program if applicable
& Mod
Assistive technology devices and services (to include calculator)
PWN – to replace meeting summary form – a draft should be prepared with sufficient description and details of the action(s), proposal/refusal,
information used, other options considered, other relevant factors, and appropriate outside assistance contact list.