Adult Faith Formation Assumption Catholic Church Faith Formation Committee Minutes 21 July 2015 at 5:30 p.m. Attendees: Absent: Deacon Tom, Mary Claseman, Mary Ann Richards, Jane Herrmann Lisa Risvold, Tom Letsch, 1) Opening Prayer – Mary Claseman 2) Current Events/Topics: a) Bible Study Series (Jeff Cavins Bible Study): i) Second session will cover Chapters 9 -> 16 (1) Group reviewed/finalized flyer: Mary to send B.S. flyer to Cathy D. for RE insert (a) Official RE start date: Sept 16 (b) Joe C./Larry will speak at first RE session (c) Jane put together B.S. postcard and sent to Brenda for mailing (2) Offer 4 classes each week -> starting Sunday, Sept. 20: (a) Sunday @ 7:00 pm with Lisa leading class (b) Monday after mass with Kathy Wade leading class (c) Wednesday @ 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm with Tom L. & Mary Ann leading (d) Note: 8 books left for handing out to new members (e) Sessions will be held as follows (finish before Thanksgiving): Session Sunday Monday Wednesday 9 (1st) Sept. 20 Sept. 21 Sept. 23 10 (2nd - no RE) Sept. 27 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 11 (3rd) Oct. 4 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 12 (4th) Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Oct. 14 13 (5th) Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Oct. 21 Skip a week 14 (6th) Nov. 1 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 15 (7th) Nov. 8 Nov. 9 Nov. 11 16 (8th) Nov. 15 Nov. 16 Nov. 18 b) Discussed “Rediscover Catholicism Conversations” (old ‘Catholic Renewal’ Series: ) i) Use the book: each chapter as the starting point/theme for the week’s discussion. ii) Will offer ‘conversation’ session between Sunday masses (start @ 9:15 -> 10:00) iii) Jane/group to put together a bulletin announcement; review with Deacon Tom. iv) Start on Sunday, Sept. 13 with Mary leading; Tom L. to back-up Mary. (1) Meet: first 3 weeks of month; then break until 1st week of next month. c) Bishop Pates wants Parish to host “54 day Novena” (Aug 15 Feast Day -> Oct 7) i) Conduct two sessions per day: (1) Conduct one novena after morning mass (2) Conduct one novena in evening at 6:30 pm ii) Committee contacted KC/CWC/other church org. for evening leaders: Proposal: Monday/Tuesday: Pastoral Council/CHRP; Wednesday: people from parish/AFF; Thursday: KC; Friday: CWC (Jane contacted Cindy G.). Sat/Sun covered by Mass. 3) Open Discussion. a) Fund-raising event: Will need to raise money for B.S. -> Acts i. Date set: Jan 16/17, 2016. Theme: No Cook weekend ii. Mary contacted Brenda to reserve the gym - reserved b) Pope’s latest encyclical: Should AFF host an ‘event’ for parish members who wish to study it? i. Needs more discussion 4) Other Events/Topics to be Discussed at a later date: a) Acquire the Fire: should it be started up again? b) Should we invite Bishop Charron to do a ‘session’ for the parish at church? i) What would this group like the Bishop to talk about and who is focus group? c) Future purchase of J.C. Bible Study Sessions i) Should the next Bible Study be Acts? d) Session on Constitution of the Second Vatican Council document i) Keep on ‘radar’ for if/when (Fall 2015?) we offer another session e) ‘Widow/Widower (WOW) Group i) Keep on ‘radar’ from Nov 2013 agenda f) Social Justice Sessions i) Discussed during Oct 2013 meeting (see meeting minutes) for Fall 2014 event g) FFF/AFF joint meeting: i) April 2014 meeting: Decided to wait for FFF (Faith-Filled Fun) group to approach AFF. 5) Next scheduled meeting: Tuesday, 04 August 2015 at 5:30 pm - Mary to contact Brenda to reserve the Church Conference Room