Minutes - University of Washington Bothell

ASUWB Open Public Meeting
DATE: October 14th, 2014
TIME: 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
LOCATION: Rose Room, UW1-280
Call Meeting to Order – 8:00am
Meeting called to order at 8:04
A small round of introductions
JulieAnne Behar- Guests Speaker from WSA
Attendance/Roll Call – 8:04am
James Anderson
Brittany Monares
Brandon Johnson
Sara Grossie
David Edwards
Daniel Schmidt
Yara Khalaf
Naaz Sandhu
Alicia Lookabill
Yaman Harut
Justin Han
Vice President
Director of Student Advocacy
Director of Public Relations
Director of Business Operations
Director of Governmental Relations
Graduate Senator
Senior Senator
Senior Senator (absent)
Junior Senator
Junior Senator
Sophomore Senator
Sophomore Senator
First Year Senator
First Year Senator
Confirm Agenda – 8:05am
Daniel moves to approve agenda
Yaman seconds the motion
Motion Passes 7-0-0
Approval of September 23rd, 2014 and October 7th, 2014 Meeting Minutes 8:07
- Justin moves to approve 9.23.14
- Naaz seconds the motion
- Daniel makes a friendly amendment to approve the minutes with the reports
Justin accepts the friendly amendment
Naaz seconds
Motion passes 7-0-1
October 7th Minutes Approval
- Daniel moves to approve the minutes with reports included
- Justin seconds the motion
- Motion passes 7-0-1
Executive Board and Senate Reports – 8:13 am
James Anderson
Brittany Monares
Held 10 publically posted office hours
Met with Andrea for weekly check in
Met with HERO’s for the 3rd time to continue the discussions about the
implementation of a farmers market on campus.
Prepared agenda and talking points for the weekly ASUWB meeting
Facilitated the ASUWB Parking Forum for Wednesday, October 8th to
connect with students, staff, and administrators to provide impact
Met with Vice Chancellor Karaman after the forum to discuss solutions
to the parking issues on campus
Worked with Bellevue College SGA President to plan a meeting at
Bellevue College to evaluate their parking efforts
Met with the SFAC Committee
Met with Peggy Brown, Sam Al-Khoury and David Edwards to identify
spaces on campuses for students to use without a reservation
Sat in on the WSA conference Call on Saturday, October 11th in the
ASUWB Office and provided a report to Kelly Snyder thereafter
Participated in another meeting with the Vice Chancellor of IT Search
Assisted Director of Student Advocacy with ASUWB Lunch Tables
Attended the Board of Regents Meeting in Seattle and provided a
monthly report to the Board on the happenings of ASUWB
Vice President
Held 10 publically posted office hours in order to be available for
Reached out to students to inform them about the parking forum
Talked to individuals about the parking forum and have them sign our
Attended the first half of the parking forum and outreached to students
who have concerns regarding parking
Worked on and completed the ASUWB Parking Resolution
Finalized the ASUWB Student Assistant hiring process
Took part in a conference call with other campuses regarding ending
sexual assault/violence
Brandon Johnson
Sara Grossie
Director of Student Advocacy
Set up Lunch w/ ASUWB, informed students of the parking forum, and
gained feedback/comments on parking experiences
Created suggestion boxes (now known as Dawg Boxes)
Started the beginning phases of creating a marketing campaign to
compliment the Dawg Boxes
Held office hours
Attended committee meetings (club council)
Weekly (moved to every other week) advisor meeting
Director of Public Relations
Met with Armaan to go over how to take meeting minutes and post to
Made “thermometer” poster in hall to gain more FB likes
Put ASUWB team photos up in glass case
Met with Sam, Nik, and Marketing Assistants (Scott and Kira) regarding
fall elections timeline and marketing materials
Submitted Project Request for final ASUWB wordmark files
Revised Student of the Month Award form on Orgsync and made the
form active again
Updated ASUWB website with elections info
Updated Parking Google Doc w/recently received emails
Typed, posted on website and emailed to team 10.7.14 meeting minutes
Director of Business Operations
SAEF Application Communication
ASUWB SAF representative
Meeting with Kelly Snyder to work on ASUWB legislative Agenda
Manage Holly at the career fair
Student discount program
Assisted on WSA conference call
ASUWB budget work
Finalized student assistant hiring
Setup/ first session parking forum
On campus student space informational meeting
David Edwards
Began gathering information regarding the campus day of action and
UW Bothell’s (ASUWB’s) participation in the “It’s On Us” Campaign
Attended the first elections committee meeting as the ASUWB
Hung up new marketing materials for the open First Year and Graduate
Senator positions
Attended GSO meeting regarding the planning of a welcome event for
Director of Government Relations
Daniel Schmidt
Graduate Senator
Senior Senator
Yara Khalaf
Naaz Sandhu
Held Office Hour
Put Up fliers for the first year senator and graduate senator open
Senior Senator
Tabled at Involvement Fair
Held Office Hour On Wednesday
Compiled Action Plan for This Quarter
Advocated for Elections Committee and STF Committee Recruitment
Listened to student complaints and encouraged them to email ASUWB
and the Dean of STEM to help find solutions.
Did class raps for voter registration and Government Relations Position
Junior Senator
Tabled at the resource fair
Openly talked to students at the commons
Volunteered at Housing Move-In-Day
Attended Thursday's Diversiry Meeting
Held office hours on Wednesday
Junior Senator
Attended some of the parking open forum
Announced class rap
Held telephone interviews Friday 9-12
Sent availability to Rachel Rodney (RHA) for candidate interviews
Expressed interest in campus communication committee.
Alicia Lookabill
Yaman Harut
Justin Han
Sophomore Senator
Advertised the ASUWB Parking Panel
Attended the weekly Club Council meeting. Details are attached in my
Assisted Sara in creating the “thermometer” graphic outside the
ASUWB office
Assisted Brandon in setting up the Lunch with ASUWB table
Held my weekly office hour on Tuesday
Talked to incoming students in front of the office during their tours of
the campus about what we do as ASUWB
Continued answering questions about ASUWB, the Activities and
Recreation Center, and other topics pertinent to our jobs.
Sophomore Senator
Assisted with the later session of the ASUWB Open Parking Forum
Attended Diversity Council Meeting (Meeting notes within Committee
Market Meeting
Participated in ASUWB Lunch Tables
Held Office Hour
Spoke with various individuals’ part of Student Affairs groups,
regarding a Friends Giving Event (11/18th/2014) The Tuesday a week
prior to Thanksgiving itself. The purpose of this event would be to
provide educational knowledge in regards of safe holiday practice, while
help building a homely community, and honing in on the diversity of
our student population through some other cultural food food.
o Plans
 Work with HERO regarding safe practices for the
holidays (be it dietary, mental, or physical conditioning)
 Japanese Student Association, will be sharing cultural
food (Japadog)
 RHA will be hosting the event within Husky Village
Community Center, mayhaps with a backup location in
Northcreek Event Center
 ASUWB’s role in sponsorship of the event would be
through advertising marketing.
First Year Senator
First Year Senator
Committee Reports - 8:20am
Alumni Council
David Edwards
 No Report
Art Advisory Committee
Yara Khalaf
 No Report
David Edwards
 Working on creating hiring committee for the
Sustainability Coordinator position
David Edwards and Brittany Monares
 No Report
Chancellor's Cabinet
Club Council
Yaman Harut and Brandon Johnson
Commuter Task Force
Sara Grossie
 First meeting will be 10/24/14 at
Diversity Council
Downtown Bothell Action Committee
Elections Committee
Naaz Sandhu, Justin Han, Alicia
 First Diversity Council Meeting
o Sub-Committees were being created in
regards of how to best serve the student as
well as staff and faculty population.
o Redefining the meaning of a DC
“Sponsorship”, considering they do not have
a budget.
o Spoke with running a committee for staff and
faculty of color.
o Looking for an opportunity to cover grounds
in running a student diversity event, similar
to multi-cultural night.
Brittany Monares
 Held First meeting on 10/13/2014
 Began marketing of first year and graduate senator
 Application closes on 10/24
 Campaigning begins 10/27
 11/3 voting begins
 11/10 individuals begin holding office
General Faculty Organization
Brittany Monares
 Held during our ASUWB meeting,
will need to reach out to chair.
General Staff Organization
Brittany Monares
 Planning of a pancake breakfast
before Chancellor’s town hall
Graduate Advisory Committee
Graduate Student Council
Provost Advisory Committee
Vacant- Graduate Student Senator
Vacant- Graduate Student Senator
James Anderson, David Edwards, Yara Khalaf and Yaman
Residential Hall Association
The first PAC’s meeting will be held this Friday.
October 17th 2014. This meeting will also be
followed by another meeting with the three
presidents of each campus. A report will follow
Alicia Lookabill, Yaman Harut and Justin C. Han
Spoke with RHA, and JSA (Japanese Student
Association) in regards of hosting an event. (Justin)
Received email from Rachel regarding interviews
for RHA positions (may help conduct some
SAC Operations/Finance Committee
James Anderson
 Report will come after this committee meets
 First meeting is in 2 weeks from today (10.13.14)
James Anderson
 Working on name change, finalizing SAF/STF
requests for the coming year, looking at job descp.
for building manager, and overall budget for the
coming year. we’ll also be looking at the marketing
for the building too.
 Looking at projection numbers for the year, furniture
budgets, timeline of events, and the final formation
of sub committee’s
 There is also discussion of creating an Alumni Wall
to honor past students of the University and College
SAF Committee
David Edwards
 First meeting was held last Friday
 Hunter Grayson was voted in as the 2014-2015 SAF
 Introductory Presentations were given
 Next meeting will be this Friday
 Training Binders were distributed for new members
Student Conduct Code Committee
Brittany Monares and Naaz Sandhu
 Conduct meeting in Seattle was cancelled until
Student Technology Fee
Daniel Schmidt and Yara Khalaf
 No Report
Alicia Lookabill and David Edwards
 Emergency Preparedness Manager Search
Committee meeting Friday 9-12:15: Telephone
Interviews for 4 candidates out of 10
 Next 2 interviews shall be Thursday 1-3 (depending
on availability of candidates; Cham will confirm)
Emergency Preparedness Committee
Technology Advisory Committee
Daniel Schmidt
Talked with Joe Shelley about the committee and
emailed him to see when the first meeting is
Justin Han
 Emailed Joe Shelley and spoke with him in regards
for the first meeting, and was told he shall email the
committee a survey in terms of the best possible
 Joe expressed interest in perhaps allowing the
candidates in the committee.
Washington Students Association
Naaz Sandhu and James Anderson
Roll Call, Introductions, Welcome (15 minutes)
III. Approval of Agenda (2 minutes)
IV. Approval of Previous Board Meeting’s Minutes (2 minutes)
a. BoD Meeting of September 13, 2014 at the University of
Washington, Seattle
V. Officer Reports (18 minutes)
-President Mumtaz
-VP of Legislative Affairs VanderMeulen
-VP of Finance Burke
-VP of Communication Jaquith
-VP of Outreach Hoang
-VP of Federal Affairs Spinney
VI. Staff Reports (6 minutes)
-Executive Director Havens
-Organizing Director Behar
VII. Presentations (30 minutes total)
1. Student Trustee/Regent Empowerment (15 minutes)
By: WWU Student Trustee Carly Roberts
2. Community Stakeholder Outreach (15 minutes)
By: ASUW’s President Christina Xiao and Office of
Governmental Relations Austin Wright-Pettibone
VIII. Discussion Items
1. College Affordability (30 minutes)
By: WSA Executive Director Garrett Havens
2. WSA Budget (30 minutes)
By: WSA VP of Finance Morgan Burke
3. WSA Strategic Plan (20 minutes)
By: WSA President Mumtaz
4. Legislative Agenda (20 minutes)
By: WSA VP of Legislative Affairs VanderMeulen
IX. Action Items
1. Letter to Governor Inslee (5 minutes)
By: VP of Legislative Affairs VanderMeulen
VP of Legislative Affairs
Had dinner with Sen. Mark Schoesler (R-9, Ritzville) and
discussed wide variety of higher education issues, including
tuition, WSA, and the impact of I-1351 on the state budget.
Completed letter to Gov. Inslee expressing solidarity with CoP
and displeasure with the Governor and his office over proposed
15% cuts.
Met with Rep. Ross Hunter (D-48, Medina) and discussed variety
of higher education issues.
Spoke with various campus representatives about student
whistleblower protection regulations on campuses.
VP of Finance
Created a draft form the budget proposal.
Finished the budget tracker equations.
Finished the budget summary equations.
Still reformatting the Budget Breakdown information.
VP of Communications
- Worked on updating the media list.
- Prepared for vote press release.
- Edited and sent out September meeting minutes.
Social Media
- Discussed different social media campaign ideas with
- Participated in executive board retreat.
VP of Outreach
I have been working on outreach and voter registration at
Bellevue College and UW-Seattle. I work along with JulieAnne
on leading a few of the vote date conference call check-in. I
mainly been serving as point of resource to any concerns of vote
work. I am also still working on writing a one-pager and power
point on how to build a WSA chapter on Campus.
VP of Federal Affairs
Check-Ins with WSA Staff
Met with WSUV Director of Legislative Affairs
Check-In with USSA Staff
o Federal Legislation
o Ending Sexual Violence Campaign
Federal Legislation Research
Other State-level legislation
o California
Communicating with representatives from other SSA’s
Created Federal Legislative Update
Campus Garden Committee
Sara Grossie
 First meeting will be 10/24/14 at
Board of Regents
James Anderson
Topics of Discussion:
1. Approval of MS of EE Degree for UW Bothell
 This will be a fee based program
2. Research Presentations by Students- showed the
importance of undergraduate research at the UW
3. Student Housing Program
 Regents moved to approve new housing
development on the north side of the Seattle Campus
4. Capital Plan for UW
 Goal is to prioritize funding for all UW systems and
 Talk of planning for more parking at UW. Right
now this is in the stage of being a part of internal
discussions at UW Bothell.
 Capital Projects Office (CPO) also presented on the
housing plan for Phase 4 of North Campus Housing
City of Bothell Meetings
David Edwards
 No Report
SAEF Committee
David Edwards, Daniel Schmidt and
Brandon Johnson
 No Report
James Anderson
 James will now be meeting monthly with CSG
President to discuss the work being done on each
James Anderson
 There is follow up being done now on the reasons
behind the implementation of the MS of EE degree
being fee based. This will be followed up on a future
Husky Huddle Committee
Sara Grossie and Brandon Johnson
 No Report
Student of the Month Committee
Sara Grossie,Daniel Schmidt and
Brandon Johnson
 Revised and made Orgsync form public
 Will publicize starting today via Facebook, fliers,
Wed. Update
Faculty/Staff Awards Committee
Alicia Lookabill and Sara Grossie
 No Report
Food Truck Focus Group
Brandon Johnson, Justin C. Han, two
other at large students
 No Report
James Anderson and Brittany Monares
 No Report
Old Business 8:38am
Approval of 2014-2015 ASUWB Elections Committee Members (ACTION ITEM)
- Rhylie Frye
- Megan Sampang
- Annie Lin
- Lamiya Kazi
- Jun Chen
- Mark Orines
- Emily Hutchins
- Dhwani Vekaria
- Brittany Monares
These are the members that will be serving the ASUWB Elections Committee.
Justin moves to approve the committee
Yaman seconds the motion
Daniel made a friendly amendment to include the names in the motion.
Justin and Yaman accept
Motion approved 7-0-1
VIII. New Business 8:41am
ASUWB 2014-2015 Parking Resolution (ACTION ITEM, Brittany Monares)
- Brittany moves to table the parking resolution
- Daniel seconds
- Motion passes 8-0-0
Student at Large Committee Appointment (ACTION ITEM, James Anderson)
- Committee interest form on orgsync.com
- Brandon Washington interested in serving the committee.
- James will follow up on his current standing.
- David moves to approve Brandon Washington to serve as member in the
- Brittany seconds
- Motion passes 8-0-0
WSA Presentation (Information Only, JulieAnne Behar)
- Goal –overview of WSA, what they do, and how to get involved
- WSA- is a leader in pursing affordable, accessible and quality higher education
for students in WA
- Student bodies come together once in month to discuss about campus issues
- WSA is student run and lead organization
- 11 schools involved- over 150,000 students.
- Student lobbyist team- advocate about legislative issues on campus.
- Two forms of work by WSA
1) Campus Organizing
- Voter registration and GOTV
- Issue awareness via club and class raps
- Statewide days of action
- Email/call in to legislators
2) Legislative Advocacy
- Student lobbyist
- Statewide lobby day
 The whole organization strives to make campus experience better
 JulieAnne went over some of the achievements
- Work on undocumented students
- WA tuition has not increased from a time period
 WSA Agenda for the year
- College affordability and defining minimum standard
- Voter access
- Graduate and professional students issues
- Ending sexual violence taskforce
- Funds and tuition for students especially graduate student
- To fund TA and RA position as these positions are helpful to students.
- The organization as a whole wants to make education accessible and affordable.
- November 13th a state wide day on sexual violence awareness.
- Want to work on the idea of veteran friendly campus? What means? Is our
campus veteran friendly?
- David: is the agenda/priority fixed/ voted on, can we add anything else?
- Additional issues are also being worked on by the organization- though the
above actions are priority
- The updated legislative agenda will be send by Julie to everyone
- Since David had the agenda open he read a summary of the agenda for the
issues being worked on by WSA.
- WSA is no longer a member of US Student Association
- They also offer many trainings
1) Lobbying tactics
2) campaign planning
3) Decision making
4) Leadership development
1) November 8- General assembly at Central WA
2) Dec 13-WSA Board of Directors Meeting at Western WA University
James and Sara gave feedback on their experience on attending the prior WSA
Board meeting
James: went to one of the board meeting earlier and gave feedback about the
meeting being really helpful.
Sara: good to have voice, get to know about the campus updates and a great
opportunity to get involved.
JulieAnne Behar
Organizing Director
Review of SAEF Applications (ACTION ITEM, David Edwards)
- David: Waiting for emails from students who are interested; thus nothing as of
Caucus Time 9:10
Need a hiring committee for the Director of Government Relations
- The committee will make recommendations and ASUWB will vote
- Yaman: interested if given a fixed schedule.
- David: suggest to have more than 3 people
- An advisor will be joining (Kelly/Andrea)
- Alicia, Yaman, Daniel, Brandon, Sara- volunteer to be in the hiring committee
- James: We need someone to take the lead on Food Truck tabling tomorrow
10/14/14 from 11-3:30
- Naaz: has office hours so she will cover the tabling- 12:30-1:30
- Brittany will table from 1-3
- Justin will also contribute and table from 12-12:30
- Daniel will also table tomorrow from 11 to 12
- Sara: flyers to hand out about the Director of Government Relations position
The team wants to work on updating the committee list in order to make it more
David Edwards volunteered to take up that task.
James: suggested to do it as a group
Sara: suggested to do it on the google doc.
The organization will be done on the google doc.
Brittany: needs help with sexual assault and parking resolution
Caucus- 9:27am
 Sara is going to be printing flyers for Director of Government Relations
 Yaman will help finalize the flyer
 Daniel will put them up but needs help in that if anyone can join!
 STF committee still being processed- Daniel
 Hiring Committee for Director of Government Relations
 Set up a meeting time
 Sara is taking the lead on the hiring committee.
 Parking Resolution is still in the process and will be presented to the group next
James: November 11 is a Tuesday and it’s a holiday, so he was asking when we want
to shift that week’s meeting?
As suggested by Sara, James will send an email later this week with a Doodle to pick
a time for that week’s meeting
Adjournment – 10:00am
Daniel moves to adjourn
David seconds
Motion passes 8-0-0