Analyzing Carrier Escape Mechanisms in InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot p-i-n Junction Photovoltaic Cells Supporting Information Sample Growth GaAs solar cells incorporating InAs quantum dots were grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy (MOVPE) at NASA Glenn Research Center (GRC). The device consisted of a p-in design with a ~195 nm i-region, incorporating InGaP2 front and back surface fields. Specifics on device structure have been described in more detail elsewhere. 1 Ten repeat units of a periodic QD superlattice were grown centered in the i-region, buffered on both sides by intrinsic GaAs. The QD repeat unit consisted of: first intrinsic GaAs layer, followed by the InAs QDs grown by the Stranski-Krastanov method, an intrinsic GaAs capping layer, and finally a GaP strain compensation layer.2 QD diameters, heights, and densities were approximately 20nm, 2nm, and ~5x1010 cm-2, respectively, as measured from test structures grown with uncapped surface QDs and analyzed with atomic force microscopy, Cells were fabricated using standard photolithographic techniques, and a wet chemical mesa etch to isolate and define active areas of 1 cm2. Metallization was applied through a thermal evaporation and lift-off process, using Au/Ge/Ni/Au for n-type contacts, and Au/Zn/Au for p-type. Anti-reflective coatings were not used in this study; contact grid shadowing was approximately 4%. Experimental Diagram Figure S1. Diagram of the experimental setup for photocurrent measurements under sub-band gap illumination. Current-Voltage Measurements 2 Current (mAmp/cm ) 0.20 0.15 0.10 I-V scan, 350mW 1.17eV I-V scan, 350mW 1.17eV + 625mW 0.80eV Single-Shot, 350mW 1.17eV Single-Shot, 350mW 1.17eV + 625mW 0.80eV 0.05 0.00 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Volatge (V) Figure S2. I-V data under 70mW 1064nm illumination (red) and 350mW 1.17eV + 625mW 0.80eV illumination (black) taken as voltage scan or a single-shot reading at -1.0V, -0.5V, 0.0V, and 0.5V. Current–voltage (I–V) curves were measured using a Keithley 2400 source measure unit. The photocurrent was measured under 1.17 eV (or 0.80 eV) CW laser illumination with powers ranging from 5 mW to 1125 mW depending on the experiment. For illumination with 1.17 eV + 0.80 eV light, the 1.17 eV and 0.80 eV laser beam paths are aligned collinearly and focused on to the sample with an off-axis parabolic mirror. I-V curves were measured by scanning the voltage from -1.0 V to 1.0 V. Single-shot photocurrent measurements at a fixed voltage were taken using a mechanical shutter timed such that photocurrent measurements were made within a few milliseconds after the shutter opened to permit sample illumination. In all cases the measurement was taken first under 1.17 eV illumination then repeated with the addition of the 0.80 eV laser illumination. The CW 0.80 eV laser had insufficient energy to promote carriers from the valence band to the discrete states of the quantum dots. Consequently, 0.80 eV photons can only be absorbed through the promotion of carriers from the quantum dot or conduction band edge to states higher in the continuum conduction band. Effective mass approximation calculations suggest that the absorption coefficient for bound to continuum transitions in InAs/GaAs QDs falls off rapidly as the photon energy exceeds the value necessary to promote carriers to the GaAs band edge.3,4 Regardless of the absolute absorption coefficient for 0.80 eV photons, the number of incident photons and thus the number of promoted carriers is linear with the laser excitation power. We observe that single-shot photocurrent measurements at the respective applied voltages do not overlay with the photocurrent in the I-V scan at the respective voltage. For example, for 1.17 eV illumination under 0.0 V the single-shot photocurrent reading is 4.6 μAmp/cm2 less that the scanned photocurrent at the same voltage. This disagreement is amplified when additional intensity of the 0.80 eV laser is added. We also note that the disagreement between single-shot and I-V measurement increases as the voltage is scanned from -1.0 V to 1.0 V. We hypothesized that the disagreement arises from sample heating during the I-V scan. The voltage scan takes 20 seconds to scan from -1.0 V to 1.0 V, thus the sample has been illuminated for a longer length of time at 0.0 V than -1.0 V. We correlate the artificial increase in photocurrent with sample heating below. All measurements presented in the manuscript are obtained under single-shot excitation conditions where sample heating is not an issue. Sample Heating Experiments and Discussion As a means to attribute the artificial increase in photocurrent to localized sample heating from laser illumination, we take single-shot current readings as a function of illumination time (shown Figure S3). Sample illumination was with 350 mW/cm2 1.17 eV and 625 mW/cm2 0.80 eV light. For simplicity the experiment was done under short-circuit conditions only. The photocurrent increased significantly with illumination time from 0 to 30 seconds then slightly after that until leveling off. The total change in photocurrent was 33.5 μAmp/cm2. The inset will be discussed below. 0.230 0.0V 0.225 0.120 2 Current (mAmp/cm ) 0.220 0.215 Sample was heated for 60 seconds 2 Current (mAmp/cm ) 0.118 0.210 0.205 0.200 0.116 0.114 0.112 0 100 0.195 0 50 100 150 200 300 Time (seconds) 200 250 400 500 300 Time (seconds) Figure S3. Single-shot photocurrent readings at 0.0 V taken as a function of 350 mW/cm2 1.17 eV and 625 mW/cm2 0.80 eV illumination time. Inset, single-shot photocurrent readings taken as a function of time following sample illumination for 60 seconds. It is practical to assume that under high-intensity fluences and small illumination area that sample heating would impact the accuracy of the photocurrent measurement. We confirm our assumption by indirectly measuring a localized lattice temperature (T) as a function of subbandgap illumination time. We do this by measuring electroluminescence from the lowestenergy transition of GaAs and using the well-established Varshni equation, which correlates T with bandgap (BG) energy.5 Under 1.10 applied bias, strong electroluminescence from the GaAs band edge is observed (Figure S4a). We use the GaAs electroluminescence band to determine and then monitor the BG energy while the sample is being illuminated with sub-BG light. Wavelengths of 1.17 eV and 0.80 eV are not energetic enough by themselves to directly excite GaAs (only the embedded InAs quantum dots). Figure S4b-d shows electroluminescence measurements for several sub-BG illumination intensities. Electroluminescence spectra were taken using a Princeton Instruments liquid nitrogen cooled CCD coupled with a SpectraPro2750 spectrometer. Measurements were taken are a function of sub-BG 1.17 eV and 0.80 eV illumination time at three different intensities (Fig. S4b = 200 mW/cm2 1.17eV and 200 mW/cm2 0.80 eV; Fig. S4c = 400 mW/cm2 1.17eV and 400 mW/cm2 0.80 eV; Fig. S4d = 350 mW/cm2 1.17eV and 625 mW/cm2 0.80 eV). The CCD integration time was 0.20 seconds for all spectra. Electroluminescence spectra in the absence of any sub-BG illumination are shown in black for comparison. Measurements taken at time zero upon sub-BG illumination (navy line, Fig. S4b-d) show a negligible red-shift compared to the spectrum with no sub-band gap illumination. The BG of a semiconductor is known to shift to a lower-energy when the T of the lattice is increased. Thus the absence of a red-shift in the electroluminescence spectrum at time zero illumination indicates a negligible T change. For all sub-BG intensities a red-shift in the electroluminescence spectra was observed when the illumination time increased. The magnitude of the red-shift increased with increasing illumination intensity (1.2 to 2.1 nm red-shift). The red-shift saturates (discontinues red-shifting) between 16 and 24 seconds for all illumination intensities with the exception of the lowestenergy intensity (200 mW/cm2 1.17eV & 200 mW/cm2 0.80eV) which saturates between 24 and 32 seconds. We believe that the saturation in red-shift corresponds to the point when the lattice reaches thermal equilibrium under the illumination conditions. Under illumination intensities identical to photocurrent measurements taken as a function of illumination time (Fig. S3), the saturation time shown in Figure S4d is in good agreement with the ~30 second photocurrent saturation shown above. We correlate the magnitude of the electroluminescence red-shift with a change T using the Varshni Equation.5 The Varshni equation for T dependence of semiconductor BGs is πΌπ 2 πΈπ (π) = πΈπ − π+π½ (1) where Eg is the BG energy at a given T, Eo is the BG at room temperature, and α and β are fitting parameters characteristic of a given material.6 We calculate a 4.4°C, 7.3°C, and 7.7°C increase in the lattice T for illumination intensities used in figures b, c, and d, respectively. The T change increases with increasing illumination intensity. While the change in lattice T is not drastic, it does confirm that (1) the observed increase in photocurrent as a function of time, and (2) the inconsistency between I-V scanned photocurrent and single-shot photocurrent measurements is due to localized sample heating resulting from sub-BG illumination. Building on this conclusion we realize that sample heating could complicate our analysis of competing carrier escape pathways by potentially changing in the rate of thermal escape of carriers from the intermediates states. Thus, all photocurrent data presented in this manuscript are taken using single-shot measurements to avoid sample heating. The inset in Figure S3 displays the photocurrent recovery time following sample illuminations. This was done to ensure that an increase in T was not building with sequential single-shot measurements. The sample was illuminated with 350 mW/cm2 1.17 eV and 625 mW/cm2 0.80 eV light for 60 seconds, turned off, then at a given time another single-shot measurement was taken. This was repeated, for time intervals from 0 to 500 seconds. The photocurrent decreased dramatically from 0 to 50 seconds before leveling off at 0.228 mAmp/cm2 indicating that the photocurrent was fully recovered within 60 seconds. The singleshot measurements presented in this manuscript the sample was illuminated for ~1 millisecond, drastically different than the 60 second high-intensity illumination time presented in Figure S3 inset. However the recovery time data provides us an upper limit, such that single-shot illumination measurements taken 60 seconds apart are guaranteed to be each at thermal equilibrium irrespective of illumination intensity. Bias Mapping of Sample Electroluminescence 560.0 752.7 945.3 1138 1331 1523 1716 1909 2101 2294 2487 2679 2872 3065 3257 3450 850 Wavelength (nm) 875 900 925 950 975 1000 1025 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 (b) Normalized Intensity (a) 825 No Illum. 0 sec 2 sec 4 sec 8 sec 16 sec 24 sec 32 sec 45 sec 60 sec 1.0 PL Intensity V: -1.0V to +1.0V // exposure: 0.5s 0.8 0.6 2 0.4 The red-shift saturates at 24 seconds Red-Shift: ~ 1.2 nm Red-Shift after 2 seconds: ~0.2 nm 860 1.10 865 870 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 2 0.4 The red-shift saturates at 16 seconds Red-Shift: ~ 2.0 nm Red-Shift after 2 seconds: ~0.7 nm 870 885 No Illum. 0 sec 2 sec 4 sec 8 sec 16 sec 24 sec 32 sec 45 sec 60 sec (d) 2 0.4 The red-shift saturates at 16 seconds 865 880 ο¬1.17: 350mW/cm ; ο¬0.80: 625mW/cm 2 ο¬1.17: 400mW/cm ; ο¬0.80: 400mW/cm 860 1.0 Normalized Intensity Normalized Intensity No Illum. 0 sec 2 sec 4 sec 8 sec 16 sec 24 sec 32 sec 45 sec 60 sec (c) 2 875 Wavelength (nm) Applied Voltage (V) 1.0 2 ο¬1.17: 200mW/cm ; ο¬0.80: 200mW/cm Red-Shift: ~ 2.1 nm Red-Shift after 2 seconds: ~0.9 nm 875 Wavelength (nm) 880 885 860 865 870 875 880 885 Wavelength (nm) Figure S4. (a)Bias mapping of sample electroluminescence (0.85 V to 1.10 V; no sub-bandgap illumination). (b-d)Electroluminescence from the lowest-energy transition of GaAs measured as a function of sub-bandgap illumination time (+1.10 V applied bias, 0.20 second CCD integration time). Sub-bandgap illumination intensities were (b) 200 mW/cm2 1.17eV and 200 mW/cm2 0.80 eV, (c) 400 mW/cm2 1.17eV and 400 mW/cm2 0.80 eV, (d) 350 mW/cm2 1.17eV and 625 mW/cm2 0.80 eV. References 1 S.M. Hubbard, A. Podell, C. Mackos, S. Polly, C.G. Bailey, and D. V Forbes, Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 108, 256 (2013). 2 C.G. Bailey, S.M. Hubbard, D. V Forbes, and R.P. Raffaelle, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 203110 (2009). 3 B.H. Hong, S.I. Rybchenko, I.E. Itskevich, S.K. Haywood, C.H. Tan, P. Vines, and M. Hugues, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 033713 (2012). 4 D.P. Nguyen, N. Regnault, R. Ferreira, and G. Bastard, Phys. Rev. B 71, 245329 (2005). 5 Y.P. Varshni, Physica 34, 149 (1967). 6 M.B. Panish and H.C. Casey, J. Appl. Phys. 40, 163 (1969).