Lesson Plan for Year 7 Star Student Workshop

Lesson Plan for Year 7
Aim of Lesson:
Star Student Game
Curriculum links: PSHEE (1.1. b, 2.1.c , 2.2.a, 2.4.d – see below)
50-60 minutes (dependent on length of lesson)
To introduce Year 7 students to Higher Education through participating in a fun and interactive game
Learning Objectives: a) To understand about different aspects of university life including education, finance and social life
b) To describe who goes to university and recognise potential stereotypes and misrepresentations
c) To summarise the main progression options in FE, HE and work-based learning
The game consists of a 10 x 10 mat and a large dice. Requires the use of a large space e.g. sports hall or classroom where furniture can
be moved to the side of the room
Learning outcomes
Introduction and
 Widening Participation Co-ordinator and Student Ambassadors
 Students will interact with Student Ambassadors and
outline of Star
introduction (Backgrounds into HE, student finance, student
learn about their experiences of Higher Education
Student game
services, student union etc.)
 Students will listen to the rules of the game so that they
 Student Ambassadors outline the purpose of the game and the
can participate in the activity
rules for play
Play game
 Student Ambassadors/ WP Co-ordinator will run the game.
 Students will work with peers to participate in the
activity and will develop an understanding of effective
 Pupils will work in teams to win Star Student tokens by
team work
answering questions on Higher Education (Social life, Finance,
Education and Pot luck).
De-brief of game
 The Student Ambassadors will finish by discussing with the
 Student Ambassadors will re-cap on what has been learnt
pupils about what they have learnt with an opportunity for
 Students will have the opportunity to ask questions and
students to ask questions.
contribute to a discussion about Higher Education and
options after school
 Students will complete an evaluation sheet to assess if the
workshop has met the learning objectives
PSHEE (Economic wellbeing and financial capacity)
1.1 Career (b) Developing a sense of personal identity for career progression
2.1 Self Development (c) assess their needs, interests, values, skills, abilities and attitudes in relation to options in learning, work and enterprise
2.2 Exploration (a) use a variety of information sources to explore options and choices in career and financial contexts
2.4 Financial capacity (d) identify how finance will play an important part in their lives and in achieving their aspirations.
Curriculum opportunities:
(d) explore options and progression routes in learning
(e) have contact with information, advice and guidance specialists