Target Year Group: 12

Please familiarise
yourself with this
session plan before
delivering the session.
Extend Project
Qualification- The project
Session Plan
Target Year Group: 12
Aims: To understand the relevance of the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ)
Formulate or develop ideas for realistic project titles
Consider the originality of the project title
Resources needed:
Flip chart paper
Flip chart pens (different colours)
Whiteboard/Flip Chart & suitable pens
Sample projects
List of project ideas
Evaluation 1-5 (or full questionnaire if being delivered as a complete session)
Presentation: EPQ Session 1
Room to be set up in small group clusters (ideally max.4 to a table)
5 mins
Introduce yourself and the session title
Ask any student ambassadors to introduce
themselves including their name, year, subject and
and interesting fact that they have from their time at
university (e.g. and I am part of the Hide and Seek
society or an interesting thing I have learnt is that
Magpies don’t like shiny objects as everyone thinks
Explain relevance of qualification and how it will
help students develop their independent research
skills that they will need at university. Also, the fact
that qualification carries a maximum of 70 UCAS
points for A* and can therefore significantly help
with their application. In some instances, universities
will classify it as an AS equivalent.
Slide 1
“Extend Project
Qualification- The
2-3 minutes
15 mins
10 mins
This session will focus on formulating and
developing project ideas. There will be lots of hands
on activities to help students develop their own
project ideas.
Activity 1 Mind mapping topic ideas
Activity 1a:
15 minutes: Using flip chart paper and coloured
board marker, mind map ideas for a project title.
This is an opportunity for students to explore their
own topics/ideas. There is no wrong or right answer
at this stage- just ideas!
Ambassadors to circulate and help students with
their ideas. Example project titles can be shown at
this point to generate ideas and give students an
idea of previous titles.
Activity 1b:
10 minutes: Ask students to swap their paper/ideas
with someone on their table and ask them to write
on their suggestions and ideas in a different
coloured pen. These should be extensions of original
ideas or new ideas.
Ambassadors to circulate and help students with
their ideas.
Activity 1c:
10 minutes: One person (at least, but could be more
depending on time) from each group to feedback
their project ideas to the rest of the whole group.
Students and ambassadors can comment/make
further suggestions.
Any questions before we move onto the second part
of the session?
You may have a title for your project but a title does
not a project make. It’s worth asking yourself the
following questions relating to your planned project.
The first one is arguably the most important. A title
is a good starting point but you need to ensure that
the associated data collection etc can be completed
within the allotted time.
Ensure that you can easily find out information
about all aspects of your project. No good
attempting to assess the severity of midge bites over
the last 100 years only to find that no data exists
before 1978.
Slide 2
“Aims and objectives”
Slide 3
“Activity- Mind
ESAs to hand
out paper, pens
and example
EPQ titles.
ESAs to
circulate and
talk to students
as they do this
Slide 4
“The Project”
2 mins
2 mins
The project cannot simply be descriptive, you have
to be able to evaluate it in some way.
So hopefully you now understand the benefit of
doing the EPQ and have started to come up with
some original ideas which you might want to
develop further into your own project.
Ask if any students have any questions or thoughts.
If about
Slide 5
“Conclusions “
Slide 6
“Join the
You’ll need to collect
feedback about this
activity from the group
so make sure it is
included on the
evaluation form’s list of
activities or you use the
presentation postcards
to collect data when
delivering off campus.