This presentation will be due on _________Each student will be

This presentation will be due on _________Each student will be assigned a topic. Begin
researching your topic in class today. Your presentation must be no more than two minutes and
should address the following questions:
*How does your topic directly or indirectly connect to the Roaring 20s?
*What could be the possible long term outcomes of your topic?
Requirements and Grading: You will not be able to use the computer during presentation.
Therefore, you must have all visual aids present when you begin.
25 points______Question 1 addressed
25 points______Question 2 addressed
25 points______Provides accurate historic information about the topic
25 points______Prepared (Does not use note cards, does not hesitate or uses umms). At the
end of your presentation I should be able to gauge if you prepared for your presentation.
1. Bourgeoisie and Proletariat
2. 1920 inventions for the home
3. Harlem Renaissance and Marcus Garvey
4. Scientific management (Frederick Taylor)
5. Flappers and Speakeasies
6. Wagner act
7. Unions Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor and the I.W.W
8. Women and the 19th Amendment (Alice Paul) and the Harlem Renaissance
9. Magnus Hirschfeld and Nazi Germany
10. 1924 and 1928 Presidential Elections
11. Credit during the 1920s
12. Palace of Consumption and department stores of the 20s
13. Consumerism and consumerism in Dawn of the Dead
14. Model T Ford
15. 1920 Teenager
16. Urban and Rural populations of the 1920s (the rise of city life)
17. Scopes Trial and changing American values
18. Levittown
19. W.E.B. Dubois
20. 1920s movies
21. The introduction of sound in 1920 movies (Charlie Chaplin sings gibberish in Modern Times)
22. Popularity of the radio as a contributor to changing American values
23. 1920 advertisements
24. Charles Lindberg and Amelia Earhart
25. Buying on the Margin
26. Changing roles of women
27. African American lynching statistics
28. Red Scare during the 1920s
29. 1920 immigration statistics and nativism
30. Eugenics
Internet Search
1. Conduct an search for the book “Counter Cultures” by Susan Porter Benson.
What is the book about according to the reviews?
2. Locate the link Why were department stores
important during the 20s?
3. Locate the link to the history behind the store sears. The link is How did Sears change throughout the
various decades? Stop at 1940s.
4. Conduct a Google search for 1920 inventions.
5. Compare buying goods during the 1920’s to the 1980’s and present day below.
6. Look up consumerism and the movie Dawn of the Dead