US History midterm review

US History
Mid-Term Exam Review 2013
(the length of the blank spaces does not correlate to the length of the proper word/number that should
be placed in it)
Fill in the blanks provided with the best possible answer. Refer to notes and text. This is focused on
chapter 11 & 12 in your class texts.
1. In terms of international trade and finance, the United States emerged from World War 1 as a
leading ________________ nation.
2. The Dawes plan was criticized in Europe because it helped ________________ repay reparations
from __________ ____________ _____________.
3. Between World War 1 and World War 2, most Americans believed that the United States should
follow a _________________ __________________ that emphasized principles of
______________ and _______________
4. After World War 1, the opposition of some members of Congress to the ___________ of
_____________ was based largely on the idea that the treaty would require the United States to
join the League of Nations and might result in a loss of United States sovereignty.
5. Public disregard for ______________ and for laws prohibiting gambling showed that attempts
to illustrate public morality may be meet with strong resistance.
6. Name reasons as to why the US entered World War 1 (consider other countries such as
Germany, France, and United Kingdom)
7. During the 1920’s the prevailing view of the government and its proper role in the Unites States
was to _______________ as little as possible.
8. Because of the following quote, United States decided to enter ___________ ______________
___________ in 1917.
9. In the 1920’s, the ___________ and ____________ case, the Red Scare, and the activities of the
Ku Klux Klan all represented threats to civil liberties.
10. The passage of the _____________ ____________ of 1935 and 1937 indicated that the United
States wanted to isolate itself from conflicts in Europe and Asia.
11. In 1920, when presidential candidate __________ _____________ called for “a _________ to
___________”, he was advocating the policy to reduce international involvement and have less
government regulation of businesses.
12. Some people have argued one of the causes of the __________ _____________ was that
Europeans could not buy goods from Americans because Europeans could not sell goods in the
American market. This could be the case due to Americas high protective __________.
13. The Republican presidents of the 1920s generally followed a foreign policy based on
14. The Red Scare and the decision of the Supreme Court in __________vs. ____________ yielded
the conclusion that civil rights are sometimes compromised by the public’s fear of radical
political groups.
15. Avoiding ______________ in foreign conflicts was an important goal of the United states foreign
policy in the 1920’s.
16. During World War 1 President Woodrow Wilson’s administration used the _______________
Act (1917) and the _______________ Act (1918) to silence critics of the war effort.
17. Pursuing _______________ as a means of avoiding involvement in a foreign war was the
emphasis of United States foreign policy
18. The ____________ ____________ of the 1930’s was primarily designed to avoid the kinds of
foreign policy decisions that led to the United States’ entry into World War 1.
19. America fell into ______________ because Europe reduced its purchases of American goods.
20. The _____________ _______________ of the 1920’s can best be described as a period of great
achievement by African American writers, artists, and performers
21. Because the United States wished to restrict the flow of immigrants it passed the
_____________ Acts of 1921 and 1924.
22. The large number of immigrants from southern and eastern ____________ contributed most to
the growth of nativist attitudes in the United States in the years immediately following the
World War 1.
23. In order to improve the relationships between United States and Latin America, President
Franklin D. Roosevelt’s created the _____________ ________________ policy.
24. The main factors of the major causes of the Red Scare and the Palmer Raids were the
______________ Revolution of 1917 in Russia and workers’ strikes in the United States.
25. W.E.B Du Bois believed that _____________ _______________ should attempt to gain equality
in the United States by demanding full and immediate participation in American Society.
26. The boom period in the 1920s was different than earlier boom periods because consumer goods
were central to the boom, as opposed to _______________ goods.
27. These two people philosophies differed as to the best way that African Americans could
effectively achieve equality: _________________ ________ ________________ and
________________ _______ ____________________
28. The War ___________ Board, the War ___________ Board, and the _______ Administration
were all created as part of the United States war effort for government to be more involved in
directing the economy,
29. A disillusionment with the results of World War 1 was a factor contributing to the policy of