Minutes from 10/2512 - Stamford High School

School Governance Council
October 25, 2012
In attendance: David Blank, Matt Moynihan, Andrew George, Jean Isler, Paul Cusano, Sue
Rigano, Daria Van Nostrand, Carlos Fallaque, Evelyn Simpson, Mel Vavrinec, Ambrish Mathur,
Donna Valentine
**This meeting took place at Stamford High in the Media Center.
David called the meeting to order at 6:37pm
David made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting, seconded by Mel.
Minutes were accepted unanimously.
David mentioned the agenda and reviewed our norms:
1. Respect each other
2. Limit the time we speak, WAIT, “Why and I talking”
David recommended instituting a third norm, a timer. 5 minute limit with a timer
Tonight we will try and then see how it goes.
Core Values: Jean Isler presented an overview
This is required for accreditation
Involves NEASC and 21st century skills
7 Standards: Core values: built by teachers at SHS
Curriculum, instruction, assessment, culture, leadership and community
This is the promise or contract to the students, what or how teachers propose to educate our
What we are working toward, learning expectations, what students should accomplish after 4
years at SHS.
Document will be presented to FOSH on Nov 5th for feedback (Common Core Values) Document
to be finalized by Nov 7th
Future Goal: celebrate academics
Subject open for discussion by David
David: How do we measure success
Jean: rubrics were designed for each assessment
Common core standards have rubrics
Emphasis on student group work and collaboration
Andrew: does the district review and comment
Jean: No the individual school creates
Future data to be analyzed. SHS will be able to look at students over time instead of comparing
different students
Donna: Teacher Training: PD has been provided as we become more heterogeneously grouped
teachers must differentiate instruction.
Future goal: Student mentors or advisory
Carlos: Teachers are using tech more now than ever as evident at the open house discussions.
Mel: Math and Science teachers have been trained on Promethean boards and they are being
Donna: District is looking at a new system for publishing information for parents, students and
teachers, should be available by Fall 2013
Donna: tech is our future; we must keep up with the children
Visits are offered for teachers and administrators to see younger children and their
interaction with technology, ex: Ms. Nordin visit Kindergarten class, tech was everywhere.
Mel: Engrade-may not be secure, future will bring a better system
Paul: PD SHS graduates are teaching the teachers, ex Ap for phone: viewing art, phone will give
details on art.
David: Next Issue: Common Core
Matt: 2014 new assessments will be mandatory, detracking
GE funding will help, as middle and elementary are already aligned
Idea being: This is how we used to teach, this is how we will teach in the future
Sue: Common core = different philosophy
Deep into subject to build a future
Test books- pull out aligned chapters or material and teach in depth
Teach reading in all classes
Mel: 70% non-fiction 30% fiction
Donna: Math common core: 12-15 strands in the future vs. 20-30 in the past
Colleges have input as to the important strands
Matt: skill bases, review strands and incorporate in class, curriculum is being rewritten
Will be a few years to implement all
Donna: No new textbooks for a while
Excellent website for info, use tech not text
Focus walks: Donna: 7-10 minutes non-evaluative, witness students in action
Sue: attended meeting at gov’t ctr how are SGC’s working or not
Discussed: bylaws, term limits, what is or is not working
Matt: also attended outcome: continue to have district SGS meetings
Each council should: revisit and reflect on norms, goals vision and strategies to move forward
David: Mike Meyers stated Stamford will continue to have SGC meetings we are ahead of the
curve and intend to stay there.
David: Revisit survey by SGC We would like to let parents know we exist.
Matt: Future have a point person for missions and defined expectations and a due date
Donna: Survey is about timing and atmosphere-open house not the best
David: will form a subcommittee to add Matt’s suggestions to bylaws
Donna: teachers signed up for 5 meetings per year, can volunteer for more, but can not require
Sue, Matt and David: Volunteered to be on a sub committee to review the SHS survey already
completed by teachers, parents and students.
Carlos: budget, can governance look at
Donna: yes, but will not be ready for a while Suggestion: stay focused have a task, look at SIP
and the above mentioned survey, be able to show this is what we found this is what we cannot
find this is what we want to know more about, get results
David, Lynn, Matt and Donna to meet, define tasks needed to be completed and ask for
volunteers for sub committees by 2nd week in Nov so they can present at the next meeting.
Next meeting dates:
Jan 10
March 14
May 2
All to be in the Media center from 6:30-8 pm