Protection for Children in Conflict Zones

Lauren Bullock
Hour 4
Protection for Children in Conflict Zones
In the world we live in violence and conflict are unfortunately nothing new.
Far too often the people that are most drastically affected are the young civilian
onlookers, children. Children that are up against these areas of violent conflict are
usually exposed to dangers and horrors no child should ever endure. Some of these
horrors include killing, maiming, rape, military recruitment, and other types of
inappropriate exploitation. Argentina holds firm on its stance that no child should
ever face such circumstances and protection for children in these conflict zones is
absolutely necessary.
Most commonly the UN has been working for the protection of children in
serveral specific countries and areas that are home to conflict and violence. Those
places being much of Africa, Haiti, India, Pakistan, and many other middle eastern
nations. The UN also works with non-government organizaitons like the Red Cross
which provides medical care, rehabilitation, educational services, and efforts to
reunite children with their families. Other ways UN peacekeeping is trying to
protect children and stop such atrocities is through the help of peace keeping
military, Judical Affairs Officers, and Child Protection Advisors. Peacekeeping
military signal violations against children to protection staff as well as working to
identify and release children from armed groups. Judicial Affairs Officers make sure
that all of the child’s rights are secured in national legislation. Finally, the Child
Protection Advisors ensure that child protection is done properly and then they
work on the monitoring and reporting of the most serious violations against
children. By recording such violations a plan of action on how to intelligently and in
an organized manner end the violations within that group is drawn up. If these
violations are not recorded and fixed the amount of children being harmed will
continue to grow. Children growing up in this type of violent environment being to
think that these crimes are acceptable. By taking these steps the UN hopes to be able
to make large strides on the road to peace.
Though there are no UN peacekeeping groups stationed specifically in
Argentina, the country still is working to fix and take action to protect children in
conflict zones. In 2005 Argentina passed a law concerning the rights of children,
which was called Plan Familia. Plan Familia makes sure that all children even those
in poor and rural areas have access to education as well as providing protection
against exploitation, and ensuring that they are able to receive primary health care.
Having this law is a reminder just how precious the life of a child is and that like
everyone else they too are important. As a country it is Argentina’s job to stand up
and protect these children who are unable to stand up for themselves. The Security
Council passed a law to protect children in conflict zones from recruitment, killing,
sexual abuse, and denial of aid. This is a law Argentina is committed to enforcing
and will be submitting annual reports on the children involved and the case at hand.
They will also allow inspections by the Security Council. Argentina hopes that by
Lauren Bullock
Hour 4
implementing these new processes and that by raising awareness they can work
towards a better, safer Argentina for all of its people.
Living in a perfect world free of conflict and violence may not be realistic, but
Argentian is firm in their actions to try and better the world by improving the lives
of children in conflict zones. With the continuation of the help from non-profit
organizations like Red Cross and UNICEF for aid and protection as well as the UN
and their efforts for peacekeeping. Argentina will give support to the actions taking
place and continue local efforts in their own country so that no child ever faces the
horrors of rape, recruitment, killing or exploitation. Rather, they are able to live the
childhood they desire and can grow up to be productive Argentinian citizens.
Lauren Bullock
Hour 4
Works Cited
"Impact of Armed Conflict on Children." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 20 Feb.
2014. <>.
N.p., n.d. Web.
"Peacekeeping Issues. Children in Conflict." UN News Center. UN, n.d. Web. 19 Feb.
"Wisconsin High School Model United Nations (WHSMUN)." CIE. N.p., n.d. Web. 20
Feb. 2014. <>.