俄羅斯技術發展基金 Russian Foundation for Technological Development (RFTD) 駐俄羅斯科技組編著 中華民國 103 年 1 月 30 日 目次 歷史背景....................................................................................................................................................... 1 組織架構....................................................................................................................................................... 2 TP1 未來醫學 (Medicine of the Future) .................................................................................................. 4 TP2 生物產業與生物資源- 生物技術 2030 (Bioindustry and bioresources- BIOTECH2030) ............ 4 TP3 生質能源 (Bioenergy)......................................................................................................................... 4 TP4 國家軟體平台 (National software platform) ...................................................................................... 5 TP5 國家超級電腦技術平台 (National supercomputer technology platform) ......................................... 5 TP6 創新雷射、光學及光電技術 .............................................................................................................. 7 (Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies- Photonics) ....................................................... 7 TP7 俄羅斯 LED 技術發展 (Russian LED technologies development) ................................................... 8 TP8 空中機動與航空科技 (Air mobility and aviation technologies) ....................................................... 8 TP9 國家太空科技平台 (National Space technology platform) ............................................................... 9 TP10 國家衛星資訊系統 (National information satellite system) ............................................................ 9 TP11 快速中子反應器封閉式之核燃料循環(Closed nuclear fuel cycle on fast neutron reactors) .......... 9 TP12 可控式核熱融合(Controlled thermonuclear fusion) ....................................................................... 10 TP13 放射技術(Radiation technologies) .................................................................................................. 10 TP14 俄羅斯智能系統 (Intellectual energy system of Russia) ............................................................... 11 TP15 高效率的生態安全熱能(Ecologically safe thermal energetics of high efficiency) ........................ 11 TP16 再生能源的前瞻性技術 (Prospective technologies of renewable energy sources) ....................... 12 TP17 小規模分散式能源 (Small-scale distributed energy)..................................................................... 12 TP18 創新應用技術-提昇公路和鐵路的建設、維護及安全效率 ...................................................... 13 (Application of innovative technologies to improve the efficiency of construction, maintenance and safety of highways and railways) ................................................................................................................ 13 TP19 高速智能鐵路運輸 (High-speed intellectual railway transport) .................................................... 13 II TP20 先進聚合物和複合材料技術 .......................................................................................................... 14 (Advanced polymeric and composite materials and technologies)............................................................. 14 TP21 材料和冶金技術 (Materials and technologies of metallurgy) ....................................................... 14 TP22 固態礦產 (Solid minerals) ............................................................................................................ 14 TP23 碳氫化合物生產及使用技術 (Hydrocarbon production and use technologies) ......................... 15 TP24 碳氫化合物資源的深度轉化 (Deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources)............................... 15 TP25 機電一體化技術,嵌入式控制系統,無線電頻率識別 (RFID)和機器人建築技術(Technologies of mechatronics, embedded control systems, radio-frequency identification and robot-building) ......... 16 TP26 UHF 技術 (UHF technologies) ..................................................................................................... 16 TP27 海洋開發 (Ocean development) ................................................................................................. 17 TP28 生態永續發展技術 (Technologies for sustainable ecological development) .............................. 17 TP29 未來高科技工業之系統模擬與實作 ............................................................................................ 18 (Simulation and operation practice of high-tech systems Industry of The Future) .................................... 18 TP30 紡織與消費性產品工業 (Textile and consumer goods industry) ................................................ 18 TP31 綠能汽車 (Environmentally friendly vehicle «Green Car»)......................................................... 19 TP32 複合式(農/工)健康食品加工技術 ................................................................................................ 19 (Technologies of food and processing industry of agro-industrial complex-healthy food)........................ 19 TP33 可靠與輕量化結構(Light and reliable structures) ........................................................................ 20 TP34 工業與能源之整合性安全(Complex security of industry and power engineering) ..................... 20 III 俄羅斯技術發展基金(Russian Foundation for Technological Development, RFTD) 俄羅斯技術發展基金(RFTD)是俄羅斯政府為促進高科技產業發展所資助的技術研發基金 歷史背景 1991 年 12 月 24 日俄羅斯聯邦政府科技部根據高等教育與技術政策,成立俄羅斯技術發展基金 (RFTD,1991.12.24 № 60)。 1995 年 12 月 20 日俄羅斯聯邦政府科技部為了表示對科技發展相關組織的支持,成立國家「技術 發展中心」(1995.12.20 № 142)。 2000 年 11 月 20 日國家「技術發展中心」更名為國家「俄羅斯技術發展基金會」 (2000.11.20 № 101)。 2003 年 8 月 18 日成為俄羅斯聯邦政府機構「俄羅斯技術發展基金會」 (2003.08.18 № 198)。 2010 年 4 月 13 日,俄羅斯政府頒布法令,將現有聯邦國家機構類型更改為自治機構。因此俄羅斯 聯邦政府機構「俄羅斯技術發展基金會」更改為聯邦政府自治機構「俄羅斯技術發展基金會」 (2010.04.13 № 544-р)。 基金會的宗旨是促進國家科學、科技與創新領域的發展,針對在地企業在科學研究與科技發展, 包括在國際間科學與技術合作上,提供資金與諮詢協助。基金會主要服務中、大型民營企業、專 業研發團隊及技術平台上小型創新企業,提供關鍵項目與整合計畫執行協助。 基金的評估項目,建立在科學、技術、法律、金融、經濟等面向,評估企業技術發展與長期的研 發方向,並與教育機構合作,協助企業參與科技計畫,並鼓勵教育機構改善科技課程,促進企業 積極參與。 目前 RFTD 基金約有 68 億盧布,與 600 個以上組織合作研發。基金會具有獨特俄羅斯的創新研發 技術與人員,無論是技術、設備及管理能力層面,皆為公信力高的基金會。 1 組織架構 TP1 未來醫學 (Medicine of the Future) TP2 生物產業與生物資源-生物技術 2030 (Bioindustry and bioresources- BIOTECH2030) TP3 生質能源 (Bioenergy) TP4 國家軟體平台 (National software platform) TP5 國家超級電腦技術平台 (National supercomputer technology platform) TP6 創新雷射、光學及光電技術 (Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies- Photonics) TP7 俄羅斯 LED 技術發展 (Russian LED technologies development) TP8 空中機動與航空科技 (Air mobility and aviation technologies) TP9 國家太空科技平台 (National Space technology platform) TP10 國家衛星資訊系統 (National information satellite system) TP11 快速中子反應器封閉式之核燃料循環(Closed nuclear fuel cycle on fast neutron reactors) TP12 可控式核熱融合 (Controlled thermonuclear fusion) TP13 放射技術 (Radiation technologies) TP14 俄羅斯智能系統 (Intellectual energy system of Russia) TP15 高效率的生態安全熱能(Ecologically safe thermal energetics of high efficiency) TP16 再生能源的前瞻性技術 (Prospective technologies of renewable energy sources) TP17 小規模分散式能源 (Small-scale distributed energy) TP18 創新應用技術-提昇公路和鐵路的建設、維護及安全效率 (Application of innovative technologies to improve the efficiency of construction, maintenance and safety of highways and railways) 2 TP19 高速智能鐵路運輸 (High-speed intellectual railway transport) TP20 先進聚合物和複合材料技術 (Advanced polymeric and composite materials and technologies) TP21 材料和冶金技術 (Materials and technologies of metallurgy) TP22 固態礦產 (Technology platform of solid minerals) TP23 碳氫化合物生產及使用技術 (Hydrocarbon production and use technologies) TP24 碳氫化合物資源的深度轉化 (Deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources) TP25 機電一體化技術,嵌入式控制系統,無線電頻率識別 (RFID)和機器人建築技術 (Technologies of mechatronics, embedded control systems, radio-frequency identification and robot-building) TP26 UHF 技術 (UHF technologies) TP27 海洋開發 (Ocean development) TP28 生態永續發展技術 (Technologies for sustainable ecological development) TP29 未來高科技工業之系統模擬與實作 (Simulation and operation practice of high-tech systems Industry of The Future) TP30 紡織與消費性產品工業(Textile and consumer goods industry) TP31 綠能汽車( Environmentally friendly vehicles <Green car>) TP32 複合式(農/工)健康食品加工技術 (Technologies of food and processing industry of agro-industrial complex- healthy food) TP33 可靠與輕量化結構(Light and reliable structures) TP34 工業與能源之整合性安全(Integrated security of industry and energy) 3 TP1 未來醫學 (Medicine of the Future) 負責人 Lyudmila OGORODOVA ( Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Corresponding member of RAMS, M.D., Professor) The technology of biologically inert synthetic absorbable monofilament surgical suture material from polymers of glycolic and lactic acids Genetic Analyzer 聯絡資訊 <地址> Office 112, No.1 Novo-Sobornaya Sq., Tomsk, 634050, Russia <聯絡人> Zhanna Spitsko (Deputy Director of non- commercial partnership “ Technology platform Medicine of the future”) <電話> +7-382-252-70-91 <電子信箱> tp-medfuture@mail.ru <網站> www.tp-medfuture.ru TP2 生物產業與生物資源- 生物技術 2030 (Bioindustry and bioresources- BIOTECH2030) 負責人 Vladimir Popov ( Director, RAS Bakh Biochemical Institute, corresponding member of RAS) Key Areas of activity (Technological areas): agrarian sector, food sector, industrial chemistry sector, forestry sector, aquaculture sector, waste processing sector Key Areas of activity (Organizational areas): popularization of biotechnology topics at highest levels, state structure- completion of BIO 2020, professional expertise, international activities 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.4, 2nd Donskoy Proyezd, bldg.1, Moscow,119071, Russia <聯絡人> Alina Osmakova ( Executive Director, NCST BioTech2030) <電話> +7-495-660-34-30 ext.195 <傳真> +7-495-660-86-10 <電子信箱> a.osmakova@bioech2030.ru <網站> www.biotech2030.ru TP3 生質能源 (Bioenergy) Key areas of activity: <Generation of heat and electricity from biomass> < Production of biofuel and its components> <Energetic utilization of agricultural, residential and forest waste to produce energy and fuel> < Production of biomass as bioenergy raw material> < Bioenergy mechanical engineering> < Bioremediation of soil, subsurface water> 4 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.1, Akademika Kurchatova, Moscow, 123182, Russia <聯絡人> Tatyana Gayeva <電話> +7-499-196-74-60 ext.3265 <傳真> +7-499-196-77-23 <電子信箱> info@tp-bioenergy.ru <網站> www.tp-bioenergy.ru TP4 國家軟體平台 (National software platform) 負責人 Leonid Ukhlinov (Director of ANP <National Software Platform>, general director of Sirius concern OJSC) Key areas of activity: <Operating systems> <Application software for general use> <Database management systems(DBMS)> <Software tools and programming systems (languages)> <Information security and data protection systems> <Clouds, distributed and high-end technologies and virtualization methods> <VoIP based Communications services (videoconferencing systems, programmed ATS, message exchanging systems, call analysis and design centres, etc.) and group operation resources ( portals, social networks, etc.)> <Intelligent design technologies and storage of unstructured information> <Management, monitoring, analysis and event correlation systems> <Intefration software> <Information and analysis (BI) systems and knowledge management software> <Corporate information systems> <Sector-specific information and automation systems (education, medicine, telecommunications, etc.)> < Technological software> <Geoinformation systems and navigation services> 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.2/1, bldg. 2, Bolshoy Tryokhsvyatitelsky Pereulok, Moscow, 109028, Russia <聯絡人> Leonid Ukhlinov (Director, ANO for collaboration in the development of the software industry <National Software Platform>) <電話> +7-495-255-05-35 <傳真> +7-495-777-6766 <電子信箱> info@tp-npp.ru <網站> www.tp-npp.ru TP5 國家超級電腦技術平台 (National supercomputer technology platform) 負責人 Evgeniy Velikhov (Supervisory Board Chairman, RAS Academician) Key areas of activity (Targeted areas): 1. 2. Astrophysics and cosmology Atomic energy and atomic security 5 3. Geophysics 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Earth sciences Climatolog High energy physics and quantum field theory Quantum physics Security issues in space Condensed matter physics Material sciences Nonlinear tomography issues Molecular modeling Mineral mining and exploitation 14. Projective and predictive modeling of transport systems and complex engineering structures and systems 15. Alternative energy 16. Biotechnology and medicine 17. Macroeconomics, social trends and public safety Key areas of activity (Creation of supercomputers and their access networks): 1. 2. 3. Faclities System software System engineering Means of access Key areas of activity (Basic and contiguous fields): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fundamental research Future technologies for computer design Future data storage design technologies Future information transfer technologies Structural and infrastructural technologies 聯絡資訊 <地址>Aylamazyan Institute of Programming Systems, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslav oblast., 152020, Russia <聯絡人> Vladimir Voevodin (Corr. Member RAS, Deputy Director SRCC MSU) <電話> +7-960-530-22-56 <電子信箱> voevodin@parallel.ru <網站> www.hpc-platform.ru 6 TP6 創新雷射、光學及光電技術 (Innovative laser, optical and optoelectronic technologies- Photonics) 負責人 Ivan Kovsh (President of Laser Association PhD, Professor) Key areas of activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Element Base of Photonics (base organization- Vavilov State Optical Institute, Saint Petersburg) Education and Advancement of Photonics and Its Application (base organization- National Research University for Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Saint Petersburg) Laser Technologies and Methods Used in Industry (base organization- Ship Building and Ship Repair Centre JSC, Saint Petersburg) Photonics in Medicine and Life Sciences (base organization- A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow) Photonics in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (base organization- Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of fruit plants, michurinsk) Laser Information and communication Technologies (base organization- M.F. Stelmakh Research Institute Polus, Moscow) Optoelectronic Systems and their Applications (base organization- Rostelecom JSC Moscow) Optoelectronic Systems and their Applications (base organization- Moscow State University of Geodesy and cartography) Photonics in Geodesy and Navigation (base organization- OJSC Research and Production Corporation-Systems for Precise Instrument Making- Roscosmos, Moscow) 10. Photonic Nanotechnology, Laser Diodes and LEDs (base organization- A.F. loffe Technical Physics Institute RAS, Saint Petersburg) 聯絡資訊 <地址> Secretariat of Photonics Platform, LAS office, No.1, Vvedensky street, Moscow, 117342, Russia <聯絡人> Ivan Kovsh (Chairman of Secretariat) <電話> +7-495-333-00-22 <傳真> +7-495-334-47-80 <電子信箱> tp@cislaser.com <網站> www.photonica.cislaser.com 7 TP7 俄羅斯 LED 技術發展 (Russian LED technologies development) 負責人 Andrey Gorkov (Chairman of Platform Secretariat, Managing Director for investment activity JSC Rusnano) Key areas of activity: 1. Private/public sector partnership program for financing of scientific research for industry 2. Standardization and legal/ regulatory structure for sector 3. Establishment of customs regime 4. Advocacy in the preparation and expansion of training for scientific and engineering personnel 5. Development of sector and intersector communications in technical and innovation areas 6. Cooperation under the customs union 聯絡資訊 <地址>NCP of Manufacturers of LEDs and LED Based Systems, No.27, Engels Pereulok, Saint Petersburg, 194156, Russia <聯絡人>Evgeny Dolin ( Deputy Platform Chairman) <電話> +7-926-530-20-25 <電子信箱> dolin@nprpss.ru <網站> nprpss.ru/tp-svetodiody/o-platforme.html TP8 空中機動與航空科技 (Air mobility and aviation technologies) 負責人 Boris Alyoshin (Chairman of Supervisory Board, General Director of N.E. Zhukovsky Central Aerodynamic Institute) Key areas of activity: 1. Promotion of the development of communications and cooperation between market participants: conducting designated events, lectures, discussions, operation proposals and recommendations 2. Technical activities: review of proposals for directed operations and results of work performed jointly with federal executive agencies and private investors, including the completion of the corresponding programmes and projects 聯絡資訊 <聯絡人> Aleksey Kim (Chairman of the Executive Board) <電話> +7-495-956-05-05; +7-495-556-39-49 <電子信箱> office@kutrl.ru <網站> www.aviatp.ru 8 TP9 國家太空科技平台 (National Space technology platform) 負責人 Gennadiy Raykunov (Chairman of the Board of Non-commercial Partnership) Key areas of activity: technologies of the results use of space activities in various sectors of the economy and the security sector 聯絡資訊 <地址> No.4 Volokolamskoye shosse, Moscow, 125310 Russia <聯絡人>Sergey Abdykerov (Platform Coordinator) <電話> +7-499-158-40-55 <電子信箱> spacetp@mail.ru <網站> www.spacetp.ru TP10 國家衛星資訊系統 (National information satellite system) 負責人 Nikolay Testoyedov (Platform Chairman, general designer and general director ISS JSC, corresponding member of RAS) Key areas of activity: Automated space vehicles, new materials and technologies for space wquipment, nano- and microelectronics, construction of devices for space equipment 聯絡資訊 <地址> No.52, Lenina Street, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, 662972, Russia <聯絡人> Vladimir Khalimanovich (Platform Coordinator) <電話> +7-391-976-47-55; +7-391-974-41-10 <傳真> +7-391-974-61-10 <電子信箱> usmanov@iss-reshetnev.ru <網站> www.tp.iss-reshetnev.ru TP11 快速中子反應器封閉式之核燃料循環(Closed nuclear fuel cycle on fast neutron reactors) 負責人 Vyacheslav Pershukov ( Head of the Platform, Deputy General Director of SC ROSATOM) Priority project <Breakthrough>, aimed at the creation of scientific and technological base of a large-scale nuclear power of natural safety and providing for the establishment of pilot demonstration unit complex consisting of a fast neutron reactor and station unit to reprocess spent nuclear fuel fabrication and re-fabrication of dense fuel 聯絡資訊 <地址> No.74, Bolshaya Ordynka Str., Moscow, 119017, Russia <聯絡人> Natalia Ilyina (Platform Coordinator, Deputy Director of Unit for Innovation Management of ROSATOM) 9 <電話> +7-499-949-48-67 <電子信箱> NAllyina@rosatom.ru TP12 可控式核熱融合(Controlled thermonuclear fusion) 負責人 Evgeny Velikhov (Platform Chairman, academician of RAS) Key areas of activity: 1. Development and upgrading of the experimental and test bed base for tokamats 2. Development and testing of new plasma diagnostic systems 3. Development of theory of fusion facility processes 聯絡資訊 <地址>State Corporation for Atomic Energy Rosatom, No.24, Bolshaya Ordynka str., Moscow, 119017, Russia <聯絡人>Vladimir Cherkovets ( Director, SRC RF TRINITI, Dr. of Physics and Mathematics, Professor) <電話> +7-495-841-53-09 <傳真> +7-495-841-57-76 <電子信箱> liner@triniti.ru TP13 放射技術(Radiation technologies) 負責人 Aleksandr Molin ( Chairman of the Council of the Society of Professionals in Radiation Technologies NP) Key areas of activity: 1. Promotion of projects that reflect the technological priorities of Platform activities in microelectronics, medicine, polymer processing, etc. 2. Support for the creation and launching of technological startup activities 3. Designing infrastructures for cooperation with global technology companies 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.32, bldg. 1, Bolshaya Yakimanka Str., Moscow, 119049, Russia <聯絡人>Irina Mikheyeva ( Director, Society of Professionals in Radiation Technologies NP) <電話> +7-906-033-96-76 <電子信箱> prort2012@gmail.com <網站> www.radtechnology.ru 10 TP14 俄羅斯智能系統 (Intellectual energy system of Russia) 負責人 Aleksey Konev (Platform Coordinator) Strategic goals: 1. Ensuring innovative development and modernization of the Russian energy system based on intelligent technologies 2. Integration of small and renewable energy sources into the UES of Russia 3. Implementation of intelligent calculation and management of consumer demand 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.4, Slavyanskaya pl., bldg..2, Moscow, 109074, Russia <聯絡人>Aleksey Konev (Platform Coordinator) <電話> +7-495-789-92-92 <電子信箱> konev@rosenergo.gov.ru <網站> innovation.gov.ru/node/3458 TP15 高效率的生態安全熱能(Ecologically safe thermal energetics of high efficiency) 負責人 Anatoly Tumanovsky (Science Manager JSC VTI, First Deputy General Director) Key areas of activity: 1. Gas turbine (GTU) and steam generation (SGU) units up to 1000 MW and an energy coefficient of up to 60% and advanced technology using fuel elements to increase the energy coefficient to up to 70% 2. Solid fuel gasification combined-cycle plants with a unit capacity of 200-400 MW having an efficiency coefficient of up to 50% and advanced technologies involving fuel elements, which provide an efficiency coefficient of up to 60% 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.14, Avtosavodskaya st., Moscow, 115280, Russia <聯絡人>Natalya Arzhinovskaya ( Head manager, Platform Management) <電話> +7-499-682-93-11 <電子信箱> tp@vti.ru <網站> www.vti.ru 11 TP16 再生能源的前瞻性技術 (Prospective technologies of renewable energy sources) 負責人 Oleg Kalinko (Member of Management Committee, Platform Coordinator) Major projects within the framework of the federal target program <Research and Development> 1. Development of large scale, comprehensive modular solutions for autonomous energy provision to separate operations based on improved energy technology and management systems for the storage and use of energy 2. Development of a modular solar and hydro-cogeneration system with metallohybrid energy accumulation 3. Improvement in the operation efficiency of autonomous wind power stations based on management of their operation system, ensuring maximum use of wind power 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.51, Architect Vlasov St., Moscow, 117393, Russia <聯絡人>Oleg Kalinko (Platform Coordinator) <電話> +7-495-225-32-32 ext. 1412 <電子信箱> KalinkoOA@gidroogk.ru <網站> www.rushydro.ru/activity/emerging_technologies <Facebook> www.facebook.com/PTofRES TP17 小規模分散式能源 (Small-scale distributed energy) 負責人 Igor Kozhukhovskiy ( Platform Co-Chairman, CEO of CJSC EFA) Key areas of activity: 1. Development of the legislative framework and terminology for the development of small and distributed energy 2. Development and implementation of the Platform Strategic Research Program 3. Collaboration with universities on Training professionals in the field of SDE 4. Organization of international cooperation with key organizations, foreign technology platforms and technological clusters of distributed generation 聯絡資訊 <地址>CJSC EFA, No.22, Andropova Avenue, Moscow, 115533, Russia <聯絡人>Olga Novosyelova (Platform Coordinator) <電話> +7-495-710-59-06 <傳真> +7-495-710-47-33 <電子信箱> caa@e-apbe.ru <網站> www.e-apbe.ru/distributed_energy 12 TP18 創新應用技術-提昇公路和鐵路的建設、維護及安全效率 (Application of innovative technologies to improve the efficiency of construction, maintenance and safety of highways and railways) 負責人 Aleksandr Morozov ( Platform Coordinator) Key areas of activity: 1. Construction and maintenance of highways and railways 2. Technologies for road safety 3. Technologies for production of road-building materials with improved properties 4. Intelligent Transport Systems 5. Infrastructure of high-speed running 6. Intermodal transport infrastructure 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.10A 60-letiya Oktyabrya Av., Moscow, 117036, Russia <聯絡人>Aleksander Morozov (Platform Coordinator) <電話> +7-495-988-53-88 <電子信箱> Alexander.Morozov@rusnano.com <網站> www.rusnano.com/infrastructure/technology-platform TP19 高速智能鐵路運輸 (High-speed intellectual railway transport) 負責人 Valentin Gapanovich( Platform coordinator, Senior Vice President of Russian Railways JSC) Key areas of activity: 1. Creation of magnetic systems and materials for use in a magnetic levitation and line driver system utilizing new materials, including high-temperature superconductors 2. Creation of high speed loading container systems based on magnetic levitation 3. Design of intelligent safety and management systems for high speed transportation under various conditions of disturbance 4. Creation of intelligent railway station complexes 聯絡資訊 <地址> No.2/1, bldg.1, Office 825, Kalanchevskaya Str., Moscow, 107174, Russia <聯絡人> Aleksandr Korchagin ( Head of the Innovative Development Center- Russian Railways JSC branch) <電話> +7-499-262-57-42 <電子信箱>innovcentre.rzd@mail.ru <網站> rzd.ru/static/ public/rzd?STRUCTURE_ID=5116 13 TP20 先進聚合物和複合材料技術 (Advanced polymeric and composite materials and technologies) Key areas of activity: 1. PAN precursors and CFM of a wide variety and assortment of textiles 2. Monomers, oligomers, elastomers and a new generation of highly-non-rigid binders with high physical and mechanical characteristics 3. Precision calibrated prepregs, preforms and other semi-finished polymer products 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.17, Radio Str., Moscow, 105005, Russia <聯絡人>Evgeny Kablov ( Co-chairman of the Platform Expert Council) <電話> +7-499-263-85-77 <傳真> +7-499-267-86-09 <電子信箱> admin@viam.ru <網站> www.tppkm.viam.ru TP21 材料和冶金技術 (Materials and technologies of metallurgy) 負責人 Evgeny Kablov ( Co-chairman of the platform, Doctor of Engineering, Academician of RAS) Key areas of activity: 1. Theoretical bases and methodologies for the development of materials and technologies for their production and processing 2. New generations of materials with improved levels of performance characteristics 3. Resource-saving, energy efficient metallurgical technologies 4. Production technologies for modern equipment 5. Composites with metallic and inter-metallic matrices 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.17, Radio Str., Moscow, 105005, Russia <聯絡人>Evgeny Kablov ( Co-chairman of the Platform Expert Council) <電話> +7-499-263-85-77 <傳真> +7-499-267-86-09 <電子信箱> admin@viam.ru <網站> www.tppkm.viam.ru TP22 固態礦產 (Solid minerals) 負責人 Valeriy Zakharov (Platform President-Coordinator) Key areas of activity: 14 1. Development strategy of mineral resources sector of Russia: energy performance and providing the cost-effective use of resources, industrial and environmental safety in the mining industry 2. Technologies for the effective use of the mineral resources potential of natural and man-made deposits of placer and weathering crust 3. Technologies for the integrated development of solid commercial minerals 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.4, Kriukovskiy tupik, Moscow, 111020, Russia <聯絡人>Valeriy Zakharov ( president Coordinator of the Platform) <電話> +7-495-360-89-60 (Reception office) <電子信箱> vnzakharov@gmail.com <網站> www.tptpi.ru TP23 碳氫化合物生產及使用技術 (Hydrocarbon production and use technologies) 負責人 Sergey Kudryashov (President of Supervisory Board of NP NIOG) Key areas of activity: 1. Creation of the communication platform for communication of science, business and government 2. Working groups with or under the supervision of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on the most important areas of oil and gas industry 聯絡資訊 <地址> No.63/2, Leninskiy Av., Moscow, 119991, Russia <聯絡人>Andrey Belykh (Deputy Director of NP NIOG) <電話> +7-926-629-52-26 <電子信箱> belykh_andrey@mail.ru <網站> www.tp-ning.ru TP24 碳氫化合物資源的深度轉化 (Deep conversion of hydrocarbon resources) 負責人 Sergey Alidoshin (President of Supervisory Board of the Platform, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences) Key areas of activity: 1. Processes and catalysts of processing of heavy oils and residual materials 2. Production of clean fuels, oils and additives 3. Processes and catalysts for the production of monomers, intermediates and raw materials for the petrochemical industry 4. Processes and catalysts for the manufacture of composite materials 15 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.32/1, F. Engels Str., Moscow, 105005, Russia <聯絡人>Elena Chernysheva ( Director of Innovative Research Sector of JSC <VNIPlneft>) <電話> +7-495-795-31-30 <傳真> +7-495-795-31-31 <電子信箱> vnipineft@vnipineft.ru <網站> www.techplatforma.ru TP25 機電一體化技術,嵌入式控制系統,無線電頻率識別 (RFID)和機器人建築技術 (Technologies of mechatronics, embedded control and robot-building) systems, radio-frequency identification 負責人 Nikolay Kudryavtsev ( President of the Board of Directors of the Platform) Key areas of activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. Navigation, Telematics and Motion Control Robotics, mechatronics and actuators Radio Frequency Identification Technologies (RFID) Microprocessor-based electronics and <on-chip systems> 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.9, Institutskiy pereulok, Dolgoprudniy, Moscow region, 141700, Russia <聯絡人>Vladimir Kamenev (Secretary of the Platform) <電話> +7-495-408-44-77 <電子信箱> tp@mipt.ru <網站> www.tp25.ru TP26 UHF 技術 (UHF technologies) 負責人 Alexander Kochenev(Chairman of the Board of the Platform) Key areas of activity: 1. 2. 3. Research and development in the field of electronic material science Research and development in the field of electronic UHFcomponents Research and development in the field of UHF wireless instrument making 16 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.12, Cosmonaut Volkov Str., Moscow, 127299, Russia <聯絡人>Alexander Kochnev ( Chairman of the Board of the Platform) <電話> +7-495-777-42-82 <電子信箱> amkochnev@ruselectronics.ru <網站> www.ruselectronics.ru TP27 海洋開發 (Ocean development) 負責人 Valery Kobylyansky (Platform Coordinator from JSC Concern Morinformsystem-Agat) Key areas of activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. Technologies of marine robotic systems Technologies for developing natural resources of the world’s oceans Information technologies and systems for developing world’s oceans Technologies for invention of new marine equipment (planned shipbuilding) 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.29, Shosse Entuziastov, Moscow, 105275, Russia <聯絡人>Valery Kobylyansky <電話> +7-495-673-74-29 <電子信箱> secretary@ocean-platform.ru <網站> ocean-platform.ru TP28 生態永續發展技術 (Technologies for sustainable ecological development) 負責人 Nikolay Kasimov (President of Management Committee of the Platform); Sergey Shoygu (President of Supervisory Board of the Platform) Key areas of activity: 1. Ecologically-friendly production technologies 2. Technologies of ecologically safe waste handling, including cumulative ecological damage 3. Development of the market of ecological services 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.10 bldg.2 Novaya Sq. (Russian Geographic Society), Moscow, 109012 Russia <聯絡人>Evgeniy Godnya ( Coordinator of Project Work) <電話> +7-800-700-18-45 <電子信箱> mail@tp-eco.ru <網站> www.tp-eco.ru 17 TP29 未來高科技工業之系統模擬與實作 (Simulation and operation practice of high-tech systems Industry of The Future) 負責人 Elena Buylova (Chairman, Platform Management, General Director, JSC RPK) Key areas of activity: 1. Development of public/private partnership programmes for realization of Platform participant projects 2. Creation of conditions for the appearance of high-tech companies in the marketplace and participation in their establishment 3. Organizational and technical assistance in operations for the creation and implementation of modernization technologies and use of high-tech systems in all stages of the production life cycle 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.26, bldg.11, Varshavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 117105, Russia <聯絡人>Ilya Klyuev ( Director, Implementation of Platform Projects) <電話> +7-495-234-36-81 <電子信箱> info@rosprom.ru <網站> www.mtevs.ru TP30 紡織與消費性產品工業 (Textile and consumer goods industry) 負責人 German Dyakonov (President of the Platform Directorate Coordinator of the Platform) Key areas of activity: 1. Development and creation of innovative territorial clusters 2. Scientific and technological forecasting for textile and light industry through the analysis of development of perspective markets, innovative products and service, as well as identification of centres of excellence across subject areas 3. Intensification of work in the area of inter-industrial cooperation with Russian technology platforms, in accordance with the tasks specified in the Platform 聯絡資訊 <地址>No.68 Karl Marx St., Kazan, 420015 Russia <聯絡人>Venera Khammatova ( Chairholder, Doctor of Engineering, Kazan National Research Technological University) <電話> +7-917-273-44-10 <電子信箱> venerabb@mail.ru <網站> www.knitu.ru 18 TP31 綠能汽車 (Environmentally friendly vehicle «Green Car») 負責人 Maksim Nagaytsev (Platform Chairman, General Director, FSUE NAMI); Anatoliy Eydinov (Platform Executive Director) Key areas of activity: 1. Mathematical modeling and simulation. Information and computer technologies. Automation and Robotics. Smart Grid 2. Development of high-efficiency energy sources and storages: solar and accumulator batteries; supercondensers and fuel and semi-fuel cells 3. Development of vehicle element base, efficient production technologies for vehicle parts of plastics, carbon plastic and other advanced materials 聯絡資訊 <地址> 2 Avtomotornaya Str., Moscow, 125438 Russia <聯絡人>Dmitriy Pronin ( Head of the Platform Coordination Department) <電話> +7-499-456-30-61 <電子信箱> greencar@nami.ru <網站> www.nami.ru TP32 複合式(農/工)健康食品加工技術 (Technologies of food and processing industry of agro-industrial complex-healthy food) 負責人 Aleksey Gordeyev(Chairman of the Platform Non-commercial Partnership Coordinating Council); Oleg Betin (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Platform Non-commercial Partnership) Key areas of activity: 1. Agricultural products 2. Food production 3. Aquaculture 4. Food engineering 5. Chemical production 6. Industry-specific education 聯絡資訊 <地址> Office 409, No.19 Revolutsiya Avenue, Voronezh, 394036 Russia <聯絡人>Aleksey Zhuravlyov (Platform Non-commercial Partnership Executive Director, PhD) <電話> +7-473-255-55-57 <電子信箱> platform-apk@mail.ru <網站> платформа-апк.рф 19 TP33 可靠與輕量化結構(Light and reliable structures) 負責人 Aleksandr Chernyavsky(Platform Chairman); Vitaliy Lopota (Platform Supervisory Council Chairman) Key areas of activity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Aerospace and aviation industry Shipbuilding Nuclear and power engineering Heavy and transport engineering Industrial construction 6. Tool engineering 7. Engineering education 聯絡資訊 <地址> No.4A Lenin Street, Korolyov, Moscow Region, 141070 Russia <聯絡人>Aleksandr Chernyavsky (Platform Chairman) <電話> +7-495-513-75-13 <電子信箱> Irina.Vorobey1@rsce.ru <網站>www.energia.ru TP34 工業與能源之整合性安全(Complex security of industry and power engineering) 負責人 Nikolay Alyoshin(President of Expert Board of the Platform); Vladimir Ponomaryev (President of Directorate of the Platform) Key areas of activity: 1. Development of the plan on participation of the Public Corporations with state participation, State-owned Company, Federal State Unitary Enterprise which carry out IDP 2. Promotion of development of innovation technological bases 3. Creation of innovation system of training and retraining of the specialist 聯絡資訊 <地址> No.52 Bolshaya Tulskaya Street, Moscow, 115191 Russia <聯絡人>Vladimir Ponomaryev (Chairman of Platform Board) <電話> +7-495-955-22-04 <電子信箱> svs@ibrae.as.ru 20