STM Ministries - St. Thomas More Catholic Parish

STM Ministries
 Adult Faith Formation
The Adult Faith Formation ministry plans events to enable adults to strengthen their faith and deepen their
relationship with Jesus. Past events include small group bible studies, guest speakers, book clubs and special prayer
events. Volunteers help with hospitality, publicity and event planning.
 Altar Servers
The alter server is the oldest and most time honored of the lay ministries. Boys and girls in the 4 th grade or above are
invited to join. Formal practice sessions are held in the church to introduce the new altar server to the order of mass.
 Baptism
This ministry provides information and instruction for parents who are presenting their children for infant Baptism,
up to age 7.
 Bereavement
This ministry helps families plan liturgies for funerals. They offer guidance and support during the funeral planning
 Building Committee
 Chinese Community
Our mission is to evangelize Catholic Faith among Chinese people. We celebrate Mass in Chinese at St. Thomas
More every first and fourth Sunday. This group meets at St. Thomas More on the 1st and 4th Sunday of the month at
1:30 pm for the Mass in the Chinese language.
 Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)
Spend an incredible weekend with members of your faith community to deepen your faith, and more fully realize the
power of Christ in your life. It is an experience that you will never forget and will want to repeat every day of your
life. Men’s and Women’s retreats are done on consecutive weekends at a local hotel.
 Christian Outreach
This group supports Father Janze in reaching parishioners in need. This group originally was formed and funded
from the Italian Catholic Federation.
 Corazon
This non-profit organization started over 30 years ago to help the poor in Mexico help themselves. This group serves
the poorest of Mexico by building houses and support buildings in the Tijuana area. They conduct one-day home
builds for selected needy families.
 Cursillo
Cursillo is a movement of the Catholic Church which makes it possible for people to live what is fundamental for
being a Christian. It helps people discover and fulfill their personal vocations. It promotes the creation of core
groups of Christians who leaven their environments with the Gospel.
 Deacon
Permanent deacons are ordained for service to the Bishop and assigned to work in a specific parish. Permanent
deacons may baptize, proclaim the Gospel, preach, assist the celebrant during Mass, witness marriages, and preside
at various liturgical functions (prayer services, vigils, gravesides services etc.) outside of Mass.
 Eucharist to the Homebound
Taking communion to our homebound parishioners on a weekly basis to those who cannot attend mass.
 Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are appointed by the pastor and authorized by the bishop to assist at
Mass with the distribution of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ.
 Events Coordination Committee
 Faces of Faith
This welcoming group conducts a first line of contact with new and existing parishioners. They present monthly,
quarterly, as needed, new parishioners meetings to our newly registered parishioners. To serve on this ministry, you
should be willing to meet and greet new parishioners before and after masses.
 Filipino Community
The Filipino Community promotes camaraderie and friendship at the St. Thomas More Church Community by being
actively involved in various fund raising activities for the benefit of the St. Thomas More Building Fund.
 Finance Council
 Hispanic Community
A group of Hispanic and Spanish-speaking parishioners, who have fun, get together and lead many fundraising
activities for the parish. Spanish language Mass is scheduled for the 3rd Sunday of the Month at 2:00 pm.
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STM Ministries
 Italian Catholic Federation
A family oriented organization dedicated in supporting the needs of the Parish and the less fortunate in the
community. ICF welcomes Catholics of all ages and nationalities, keeps alive respect for its members’ heritage,
cares for the community by supporting local charities, and is known for its camaraderie, friendship and fun.
 Junior Legion of Mary
Lay apostolic organization at the service of the church, for children ages 12-18. Its purpose is the spiritual
development of members. Activities include making rosaries, serving at Mass, sending out spiritual cards and
assisting with the Pilgrim Virgin visitations.
 Knights of Columbus
A 120 year old fraternal organization that serves the parish and the priests to promote Catholic family life. They
conduct many fundraising events to raise money for the less fortunate and the handicapped.
 Lectors
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass. Lectors are given a scripture workbook with all the readings for the
year. In addition, periodic training sessions are given.
 Legion of Mary
The Legion of Mary is an organization of active and devout Catholics united under Mary to say “yes” to Jesus Christ
and to forward the apostolic work of the Church. It is involved in evangelization and education about Catholicism
and invested in a love for Our Blessed Mother. They meet weekly.
 Library
The library is a resource for all STM parishioners. The collection is available to aid individuals as they broaden
their knowledge and understanding of their Catholic faith and deepen their spiritual life.
 Marriage Case Support
Provide resources to assist those whose marriage 1) is in serious trouble (recommended counselors & weekend
couple retreats); 2) has resulted in separation or divorce (pertinent seminars, recommended personal counselors,
assistance with the Church process that enables marriage in the Church after such an event)
 Marriage Encounter
Marriage Encounter creates the environment for you to revisit your marriage commitment, and provides the
opportunity for private growth by encouraging a couple to look deeply into their relationship with one another and
with God. Marriage Encounter is for any couple who wants to enhance their marriage.
 Marriage Preparation Classes (MITL)
The Marriage in the Lord (Marriage Preparation) Program is a diocese program for engaged couples who are
preparing for a Christian, sacramental marriage. To serve on this ministry, couples must be current STM
parishioners married at least 2 years. STM provides these sessions for engaged couples 2 times each year.
 Meditation
 More Moms
 Music Director
This Ministry of Song helps to lead the parish family to praise God not only by word but by music. There are many
different types of musical groups at St. Thomas More, and all offer something for the great diversity in our parish.
 Music - Hispanic Mass
 Music - Mass Saturday 5:30pm & Tridentine Mass
 Music - Mass Sunday 8:00am
 Music - Mass Sunday 9:30am
 Music - Mass Sunday 11: 15am
 Music - Mass Sunday 5:00pm
 Music - Young Adults
 Parish Office Manager
 Pastoral Care Ministry—Meals
 Pastoral Council
The primary task of the Pastoral council is pastoral planning. The planning process involves, identifies and
prioritizing the ways in which the parish is being called to live out our mission.
 Pilgrim Virgin
The Pilgrim Virgin statue travels from home to home each week. Our hope is that your family will pray the rosary
together daily, strengthening the spiritual life of your family faith community, and bring peace and blessings to your
home. “Welcomes” and “farewells” of the statue are normally on Sundays.
 Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Provides to adults the knowledge appropriate for supporting a decision to join the Roman Catholic Church and
building one’s relationship with God within it. It is appropriate for either adults that have not been baptized, been
baptized but not confirmed, or who have been baptized in another Christian denomination.
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STM Ministries
 Religious Education
The Religious Education Program at St. Thomas More offers formal classes for young people from Kindergarten
through High School Confirmation. We endeavor to work in cooperation with our families and our parish
community as partners in the spiritual growth of our youth.
 Respect Life
This ministry organizes events to support various pro-life ministries within the diocese through both financial
(Pennies from Heaven) and prayer support (monthly Rosary for Life). We also represent the parish on the diocesan
pro-life committee. Serving on this ministry is open to everyone.
 St. Thomas More Men
These men meet on the first Saturday of each month after the 8:00 am mass in the St. Nicholas room. Various
members present a spiritual topic for discussion. The goals are fellowship and spiritual growth.
 St. Thomas More Veterans
Our mission is to honor the deceased veterans of the parish. We do this by providing a flag line at funerals, honoring
them with a picture on the STM website, and holding a Memorial Day ceremony. We also attend a monthly
communion service and raise funds for church charities.
 St. Thomas More Women
This group of women meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month to share ideas, plan and implement various
charitable programs for our parish and community. It is a wonderful way to meet new people, enrich your spiritual
life and feel a sense of accomplishment by performing good deeds while having fun.
 St. Vincent de Paul Society
Members are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to individuals in
need. We are young and old, wealthy and financially poor; but all are blessed with awareness that our blessings
(time, talent or treasure) are to be shared with our brothers and sisters in need.
 Small Groups
Coordinates small groups that discuss the church’s doctrine, bible studies, and Catholic discipleship.
 Spanish Bible Study
This ministry has a morning Bible Study that meets every Monday and an evening study that meets 2-3 times per
month. Both are conducted in Spanish. Anyone who speaks fluent Spanish and wants to learn the Bible are welcome
to join. The Spanish bible is used.
 Taize Prayer
Taize (tay zay) prayer is a reflective prayer experience offered during Lent.
 Ushers
This group assists the congregation at Mass by greeting people, helping people find a place to sit, passing the
collection baskets, selecting of bearers to present the Gifts to the priest at Mass, direction of the congregation during
Holy Communion, and handing out the bulletins after Mass.
 Wedding Coordinator
 Wedding Music
 Young Adults
A ministry for young adults (18-30 yrs.) focused on maintaining and deepening our connection with Christ and the
Sacramental life of Church in the midst of an ever-changing time of life milestones and transitions.
 Young Ladies Institute (YLI)
These women participate in charitable, spiritual, and cultural activities. Their purpose is to help others in our
organization, church, and community. Activities include aiding seminarians, Right to Life baby showers for unwed
mothers, blessed candles, lunches for the homeless and aid to YLI members.
 Youth Ministry/Life Teen
A Eucharist-based ministry that seeks to lead high school teens closer to Christ, and transform the culture that we
live in. Among many events, we consistently seek to engage teens at our Sunday 5pm Youth Mass followed by our
weekly Life Night gatherings. We cover everything from fun & games, to small group discussions, to Adoration &
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