Ohio State Student Associate Offer Letter

College of Engineering
Department/Center/Institute/Program Line One
123 Building
1234 Street Name
City, OH 12345-6789
614-xxx-xxxx Phone
614-xxx-xxxx Fax
Dear {name}:
I am pleased to offer you the appointment of Student Associate, position # {#########} with the {department}
within the College of Engineering at The Ohio State University. The offered position is part-time for up to {#}
hours per week and temporary beginning on {date} and ending on {date}. This appointment is paid monthly on
the last business day of the month at a rate of {$$} per month and is contingent upon satisfactory performance
and funding availability. {Your May and August paychecks will be prorated based on the number of days worked
during those months}. You will work under the supervision of {supervisor}. {Option to include description of
Please note the Student Associate position does not include the payment of tuition and fees or the student health
insurance premium benefit. There is not an enrollment requirement to hold a Student Associate position.
Once you are an active employee in the Human Resources Information System, you will be able to set up your
direct deposit and W-4 tax data in Employee Self Service at eprofile.osu.edu. Please note international student
hires must complete tax information online in Glacier. Information regarding Glacier is available online at
http://controller.osu.edu/pay/pay-nonres.shtm. Tax related questions should be directed to the Tax Office at
Please review the Monthly Pay Period Schedule at http://www.controller.osu.edu/pay/pay-calendars.shtm to
review the pay period schedule and corresponding pay dates.
You may indicate acceptance of this position by signing below and returning a signed copy of this letter to me at
the above address. I would appreciate receiving a response to this offer by {date}.
We are delighted to have you join our department. Please feel free to call {supervisor/admin contact name and
phone number} if you have any questions about the department, the university, or the terms of this offer.
Department HR Professional
COE, iss. 07/2015
I acknowledge receipt of this letter, and I accept the position offered.