NATIONAL SYSTEMS UPDATE PROGRAMME NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 Date 2/10/2014 Owner Tracy Worsley Status Final 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 1 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 Table of Contents 1. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 3 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2. Business Context ........................................................................................................... 4 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 3. Exclusions ............................................................................................................... 4 Business Rules ....................................................................................................... 4 Relevant Facts ........................................................................................................ 4 Business Scope....................................................................................................... 5 Multiple Collections ........................................................................................................ 6 3.1. 4. Purpose ................................................................................................................... 3 Background ............................................................................................................. 3 Project goals and objectives .................................................................................... 4 Update Domicile codes following the 2013 Census ................................................. 6 National Minimum Data Set (NMDS) ............................................................................ 11 4.1. 2015/16 WIESNZ and Cost Weight Changes ........................................................ 11 4.2. Update Legal Status code and description ............................................................ 13 4.3. Update of Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) list, 2013, v1.2 ............................................................................................... 14 5. National Non-Admitted Patient Collection (NNPAC) ..................................................... 16 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 6. Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) ................................. 22 6.1. 6.2. 7. Addition of an ‘Alcohol involved’ field ..................................................................... 16 Addition of ‘Mode of Delivery’ field, reinstatement of ‘Location code’ ..................... 18 Reinstatement of Health Speciality Code .............................................................. 21 Update Legal Status code and description ............................................................ 22 Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) Collection ...................................... 23 Miscellaneous Requirements ....................................................................................... 24 7.1. 7.2. Update of ANZSCO codes – Ministry Common Code tables ................................. 24 Update of Legal Status codes – Ministry Common Code tables ............................ 24 Appendix A Definitions....................................................................................................... 25 Appendix B Document Control........................................................................................... 27 B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 Document Details .................................................................................................. 27 Version Control ..................................................................................................... 27 Related Documents ............................................................................................... 28 Document Contributors.......................................................................................... 28 Appendix C Document Sign-off .......................................................................................... 29 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 2 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose This document provides a vehicle for the discussion of the requests for changes to the National Collections and documents the requirements that are within the final scope of the 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project (NCAMP). 1.2. Background NCAMP is run annually as a work programme under the National Systems Upgrade Programme (NSUP). NSUP The NSUP will maintain oversight of NCAMP, along with those projects that initiate changes to the District Health Boards (DHB) Patient Administration Systems (PAS) and any other patient, financial or warehouse systems. NSUP will be responsible for the Ministry’s “Maintenance and enhancement release process for core health systems”. The NSUP Programme Board, which will include the Chairs of the other Project Boards, will co-ordinate all the activity, review and balance workload and priorities from both a Ministry and DHB perspective. NSUP may give direction to the NCAMP Project Executive as to the desired/permitted level of change that the project may deliver. Sector notifications will be provided in September 2014 which will give nine months notification of change instead of the six months required under the Operational Policy Framework (OPF). NCAMP NCAMP’s aim is to implement the notified changes to the Ministry’s National Collections and to ensure they meet their on-going statutory obligations. The NCAMP 2015 project will deliver changes to the following National Collections/Systems: National Bookings Reporting System (NBRS) National Non-admitted Patient Collection (NNPAC) National Minimum Data Set (NMDS) Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) New Zealand Cancer Registry Mortality. At times, other systems not listed above may also be included as part of NCAMP. Some NCAMP changes require District Health Boards (DHBs), Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and those private hospitals reporting directly to the NMDS and PRIMHD to implement changes to their Patient Administration Systems (PAS) sometimes also referred to as Patient Management Systems (PMS). The annual process for making 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 3 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 these changes is outlined in the Operational Policy Framework (OPF) and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the District Health Boards. 1.3. Project goals and objectives The goal of this work is to: improve data quality to enable DHBs to accurately report on the provision and funding of services or treatment, particularly in relation to inter-district flows ensure data quality and integrity is maintained to avoid substantial rework by both the Ministry and DHBs improve DHB’s ability to provide timely, accurate and comparative information. This will assist them to complete functions and meet objectives set out in the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000 enable the Ministry to meet its obligations of providing high quality data to the DHBs and other providers, particularly in relation to data processing and reporting, manual data entry, and application of data collection business rules initiation of upgrades to stated Collections to meet Ministerial standards. 2. Business Context 2.1. Exclusions BA1. BA2. BA3. The updating of Domicile codes within the National Health Index (NHI) systems is outside the scope of NCAMP 2015. The Health Identity Project (HIP) development is outside the scope of the NCAMP 2015 project. The National Patient Flow (NPF) project is outside the scope of the NCAMP 2015 project. 2.2. Business Rules Where relevant the business rules will be listed individually with each request. 2.3. Relevant Facts The cut-off date for requests for NCAMP 2015 was 01 June 2014. The final scope for NCAMP 2015 is 31 August 2014. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 4 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 2.4. Business Scope The following items have been reviewed, prioritised and will be included in the scope for NCAMP 2015. Of these changes, some are Sector facing and some are Ministry-only changes. Due to possible complexity with the Ministry-only changes it has been decided to split the Business requirements for NCAMP 2015. The Sector/Ministry Requirements will be distributed to both Sector and Ministry groups; whereas the Ministry only Requirements will not be distributed to the Sector as there is no impact to the Sector in making these changes. NCAMP Ref # Collection(s)/ System(s) Impacted Description Sector and/or Ministry 113 NNPAC Addition of ‘Alcohol Involved’ field (Restricted use to piloted sites) Sector Ministry 119 Multiple Update Domicile codes from the 2013 Census Sector/ Ministry 123 NMDS Mortality Common code table Update occupation codes using the latest Australia New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) list, v1.2 issued in 2013 Sector/ Ministry 125 Multiple Repointing of Collections to the NHI Patient Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) database (MoH change only) Ministry only 126 NMDS 2015/16 WIES NZ and Cost Weight changes Sector / Ministry 128 NMDS PRIMHD Add Legal Status code ‘TZ’, Act year description amended for ‘YD’ Sector / Ministry 129 PRIMHD DB2 upgrade for PRIMHD database (MoH change only) Ministry only 131 NNPAC Introduce new ‘Mode of Delivery’ field which include Telehealth values, restore ‘Activity Setting’ to ‘Location code’ and reinstate previous values (pre-NCAMP 2014) Sector / Ministry 135 PRIMHD Make ADOM values for the Outcome Tool type and Outcome Item codes mandatory Sector / Ministry 136 NNPAC Reinstate Health Specialty Code ‘M87” Sector / Ministry 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 5 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 3. Multiple Collections 3.1. Update Domicile codes following the 2013 Census 3.1.1. Problem Statement The problem of New and amended Domicile information created as part of New Zealand’s 2013 Census of Population and Dwellings held on 05 March 2013 is not available for demographic analysis in National Collections. Affects Reporting and data analysis carried out by the Ministry of Health and the wider Health Sector. The Impact(s) of which are Out of date mapping and reporting on the Domicile codes linked in the National Collections. A successful solution would Have all Domicile information captured as part of the 2013 Census included in all relevant tables and available for reporting and data analysis. 3.1.2. Business Requirements – Overarching for affected Collections – Update Domicile codes The following requirements under affected Collections – Domicile codes updates are a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated, and apply to all affected Collections. Background information: The Domicile codes currently being used in the National Collections are from the 2006 Census. Populations may have increased and/or moved considerably in the past seven years, so it is important to get an updated view of the population and its distribution over New Zealand to enable better planning The Health Domicile code, representing a person’s usual residential address, is also used for facility addresses. ‘Usual residential address’ is defined by Statistics NZ as ‘the address of the dwelling where a person considers themselves to usually reside, except in some specific cases listed in the guidelines’. (ref NZ Statistics definition of usual residence). The file that contains the Domicile codes (new, amended and retired) produced by the 2013 Census is created by the Ministry of Health and will be provided to the Sector. The format of the 2013 Census Domicile codes is unchanged from previous years, ie 4 characters. The new Domicile codes will be available from 01 July 2015. Please see each individual Collection (below) for details of how this date is to be applied 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 6 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector ID Requirement BR ALL-DOM-1 The Domicile code must be a valid code. Version 1.2 All webpages and documentation for all affected Collections, including: BR ALL-DOM-2 Data Dictionaries File Specifications. Need to be reviewed and updated with 2013 Census information. BR ALL-DOM-3 Ensure the Business Objects universes include the new Domicile codes. BR ALL-DOM-4 Update the Data warehouses with new Domicile codes, including the 2013 Geographical Information Systems (GIS). 3.1.3. Business Requirements – Collection specific – Update Domicile codes Some Collections have requirements that are specific to that particular system. Where this is the case they have been listed below, by Collection. Each requirement listed below, for each Collection, is a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated. National Minimum Data Set (NMDS) ID Requirement The NMDS Domicile Code table must be updated with any new, amended and retired 2013 Census Domicile codes. BR NMDS-DOM-1 Current Domicile codes will be indicated with a ‘C’. Retired Domicile codes will be indicated with an ‘R’. BR NMDS-DOM-2 NMDS-DOM-2 Rationale The backwards mapping table of Domicile codes must be updated as follows (the ‘Domicile Conversion’ table). For event end dates: Before 01 July 1998, the 1991 codes apply From 01 July 1998 to 30 June 2003, the 1996 codes apply From 01 July 2003 to 30 June 2008, the 2001 codes apply From 01 July 2008 to 30 June 2015, the 2006 codes apply From 01 July 2015 onwards the 2013 codes apply. Where no event end date exists (eg for IM events), then: i) Check that the status of the Domicile code is current ii) If the code is current, use the event start date iii) If the code is not current, generate an error. Event end dates around June/July approximately two years after a Census are on the cusp between two Censuses’. Using the above logic the correct Census date, and therefore the correct Domicile code, can be assigned to Health event records. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 7 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 ID Requirement BR NMDS-DOM-3 The year Retired field in the Domicile table must be updated to indicate the Domicile codes that were retired during the analysis of the 2013 Census data. NMDS-DOM-3 Rationale Domicile codes can be retired if they are no longer required. The Retired year table needs to display the Census year that the code was retired in. BR NMDS-DOM-4 The year field in the Domicile table must be updated to indicate the Domicile codes that were introduced during the analysis of the 2013 Census data. NMDS-DOM-4 Rationale New Domicile codes can be introduced as required, the Year of Census field needs to display the Census year that the code was introduced in. BR NMDS-DOM-5 The Facility table must be reviewed and updated with new, amended and retired Domicile codes. NMDS-DOM-5 Rationale A Domicile code is derived from the address of the facility and is stored on the Facility table. In order to add a Facility, the Facility’s Domicile Code must be determined. BR NMDS-DOM-6 The TLA of Domicile needs to be reviewed and updated as required. BR NMDS-DOM-7 The Area Unit code needs to be reviewed and updated as required. BR NMDS-DOM-8 The DHB Area unit needs to be reviewed and updated as required. NMDS-DOM-6, -7 and -8 Rationale The TLA of Domicile and Area Unit codes are provided to the Ministry of Health from Statistics New Zealand. The Ministry of Health then derives the Domicile code and DHB Area unit. National Non-Admitted Patient Collection (NNPAC) Background information: NNPAC stores the submitted Domicile codes and the NHI Domicile code at the Date of Service. NNPAC Domicile codes must be in four character format. For Domicile codes that are less than four characters (eg Warkworth = ‘81’) the Domicile codes must contain leading zeroes (eg making the Domicile code for Warkworth = ‘0081’). The addition of leading zeroes to create the four character Domicile code is needed to derive the patients DHB and as a data quality test to compare with the NHI domicile code. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 8 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 ID Requirement BR NNPAC-DOM-1 Where the Datetime of Service is on or after 01 July 2015, the 2013 Census Domicile codes must apply. The Domicile code must be current for the Datetime of Service. BR NNPAC-DOM-2 A Domicile code entered for an Overseas Resident must show a warning. NNPAC-DOM-2 Rationale If a Domicile code is entered for an Overseas Resident, a warning (caution) message is displayed, as Domicile codes generated from 2013 Census are New Zealand specific (existing business rule). BR NNPAC-DOM-3 The Domicile code entered for a Patient should be valid for the DHB. NNPAC-DOM-3 Rationale If a Domicile code is entered does not correspond to a valid DHB, a warning (caution) message is displayed (existing business rule). BR NNPAC-DOM-4 The Facility table must be reviewed and updated with new, amended and retired Domicile codes. National Booking Reporting System (NBRS) Background information: NBRS Domicile codes must be in four character format. For Domicile codes that are less than four characters (eg Warkworth = ‘81’) the Domicile codes must contain leading zeroes (eg making the Domicile code for Warkworth = ‘0081’). ID Requirement The 2013 Census Domicile code must exist in the Domicile table and be valid at the time of Booking Event Type where: BR NBRS-DOM-1 BR NBRS-DOM-2 Booking Status = ‘01’, ‘02’, ‘04’, ‘5” or ‘06’ CPAC Assessment Date (Booking Status = ‘07’) or Exit Category Assigned Date (Booking Status = ‘20’). These are existing business rules, restated here for completeness. All Domicile codes submitted will be validated. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 9 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector ID Version 1.2 Requirement Validation will be: NBRS-DOM-2 Rationale That the Domicile code exists That the booking status date is on or after the domicile codes start date and on or before the domicile codes end date The CPAC assessment date is on or after the domicile codes start date and on or before the domicile codes end date That the exit category assigned date is on or after the domicile codes start date and on or before the domicile codes end date. The event record will be accepted if it complies with the above validation process, otherwise it will be returned with an error. BR NBRS-DOM-3 The 2013 Census Domicile code is mandatory for all booking events where a Booking Status Date, CPAC Assessment Date or Exit Category Assigned Date is on or after 01 July 2015. Common Code tables ID Requirement BR CC-DOM-1 Update the Common code tables to reflect the 2013 Census codes. CC-DOM-1 Rationale The common code tables are accessed by some National Collections and are available to the general public on the Ministry of Health website. The tables are found here: Domicile common code table. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 10 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 4. National Minimum Data Set (NMDS) 4.1. 2015/16 WIESNZ and Cost Weight Changes 4.1.1. Problem Statement The problem that Using 2014/15 WIESNZ would not reflect current costs and changes in hospital activity. Affects Reporting and data analysis carried out by the Ministry of Health and the wider Health Sector. The Impact(s) of which are on the A successful solution would 4.1.2. casemix purchasing by DHBs. calculation of case weighted discharge values. identification of casemix purchased Purchase Units. case complexity (for future costing work). cost weight version used. Be the usage of the 2015/16 Casemix Framework Document (WIESNZ15). Business Requirements – 2015/16 WIESNZ and Cost Weight changes The following requirements under NMDS – Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separation (WIES) and Cost Weight changes are sourced from the Cost Weights Working Group, and are a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated. Background information: WIESNZ is the methodology used to calculate the Cost Weight value based on the assigned Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (AR-DRGs) and New Zealand costs. Revisions of WIESNZ are performed annually as part of NCAMP. The 2015/16 New Zealand Casemix Framework for Publicly Funded Hospitals document (WIESNZ15) (Final tbc) is available on the NCAMP website here (tba). This is a placeholder for the implementation of annual WIESNZ changes until the Casemix Framework Document is completed around the end of October 2014. ID Requirement 1_december_2014.docx BR NMDS-WIES-1 1_december_2014_tracked_changes.docx Refer to the WEISNZ15 documents located at the above site. This year was a full review year in which a new set of weights were 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 11 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 developed together with some new structural elements. This version includes the following changes from the previous year: New facility added to the casemix eligible facilities list. The facility is: Mater Misericordiae Health Services, Brisbane (9136), see Error! Reference source not found. BR NMDS-WIES-2 Primary maternity – tables for initial filters, flags, RVUs and the flow diagram have all been revised, see Error! Reference source not found., Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found. Same day blood transfusion – PU allocation rule revised, see Error! Reference source not found. Deleted wording in section Designated Hospital for Casemix Revenue, see Error! Reference source not found. A new DRG mapping so that pelvic exenteration surgery event records group to NZ DRG N01Z Pelvic Evisceration and Radical Vulvectomy, see Error! Reference source not found. A new co-payment for treatment of cerebral aneurysms (CA) via endovascular repair, see Error! Reference source not found. Extending the scoliosis eligibility rule to cover the DHB funding agency rather than the facility, see Error! Reference source not found. 77 new SD or OD designations were introduced to better direct revenue to admitted patient events rather than ED or similar short stay events, see Error! Reference source not found. Reviewed existing co-payment values. Co-payment values have been adjusted for AAA, ASD and scoliosis. No adjustments were made to the EPS co-payment as further analysis was deemed necessary. LDN and MV were not reviewed New purchase unit code created for Metabolic Services M24001 Metabolic services – inpatient services (DRGs), see Error! Reference source not found. Revision of the payment for tonsils and adenoid (T&A) procedures with a sleep apnoea diagnosis to be funded at a similar level to T&A cases without a sleep apnoea diagnosis. This was achieved by giving the DRG E02C Other Respiratory System OR Procedures W/O CC a SD designation Ophthalmology injections and excision skin lesion cost weights revised, see Error! Reference source not found. and Error! Reference source not found. A new section listing all NZ DRGs and DRG mappings has been added to the end of this document, see Error! Reference source not found.. Business Objects must be able to report on WEISNZ15 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 12 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 4.2. Update Legal Status code and description 4.2.1. Business Requirements - NMDS The following requirements under NMDS Legal Status are sourced from the Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO) Group (which consists of representatives of Provider Arm DHBs, NGOs and the Ministry of Health), and are a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated. Background information: NMDS and PRIMHD Legal Status tables are required to be the same, as patients can be reported to both collections. There is to be one new Legal Status code added to the NMDS. Please note that HISO documentation has already been updated for the Legal Status code ‘TZ’ (June 2014). ID Requirement BR NMDS-LS-1 Add the following Legal Status code to NMDS, to be available from event records with an event end date on or after 01 July 2015: TZ “Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992”, valid from 01-01-1900, used for ‘Use to distinguish between end dates where the intention was to discharge from formal status or transfer to another DHB still under formal status’. Withdrawn All webpages and documentation including: BR NMDS-LS-2 Data Dictionary File Specification. Need to be reviewed and updated with this new Legal Status code, where applicable. Amend the description for Legal Status code YD as follows: BR NMDS-LS-3 NMDS-LS-3 Rationale Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (CYPF) Act 1989, Section 181. A typo when entering this description into NMDS has the year for the Act as ‘1898’. The year should be ‘1989’. All other documentation has the year correctly recorded. MoH change only. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 13 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 4.3. Update of Australia and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) list, 2013, v1.2 4.3.1. Problem Statement The problem that Existing Occupation codes in NMDS are from a New Zealand list from 1996. New, amended and retired Australian and New Zealand Standard Classifications for Occupations (ANZSCO) list released in July 2013 are not available in NMDS. Existing Occupation codes in NMDS are level 4 (four digits) when both Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) and Massey University (the Centre for Public Health Research) require an update to codes at level 5 (six digits). Affects Reporting and data analysis carried out by the Ministry of Health and the wider Health Sector. The Impact(s) of which are Occupation codes are being used that are 17 years old and are not reflective of occupations of the current New Zealand population. A successful solution would Be to allow the level 5 ANZSCO codes to be submitted for reporting and analysis in NMDS. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 14 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector 4.3.2. Version 1.2 Business Requirements – Update of ANZSCO codes - NMDS The following requirements under NMDS – ANZSCO code updates are a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated. Background information: The file that contains all of the ANZSCO codes (new, amended and retired) was produced by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in conjunction with Statistics New Zealand is available on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website: Latest ANZSCO list v1.2. NMDS currently holds four digit Occupation codes from a 1996 list supplied by Statistics NZ. The ANZSCO codes will replace the existing NMDS codes. Events on or before 30 June 2015 will not be updated with the new codes. When updating the Occupation codes to the ANZSCO codes, where the code contains a dash (‘-‘) the dash will be removed. Codes that contain a dash are technically not part of the actual code set, however have been included in the code set for completeness. Examples are: 0999-10 Student 0999-20 Child/baby 0999-30 Invalid pensioner Please note that currently the reporting of the Occupation code in NMDS is Optional. ID Requirement BR NMDS-OCC-1 The Occupation field must be able to contain codes of 6 digits (level 5 codes). BR NMDS-OCC-2 The Occupation codes must be from the latest ANZSCO release, v1.2 only. BR NMDS-OCC-3 The new Occupation codes (when used) must be from events with an end date on or after 01 July 2015. BR NMDS-OCC-4 The Data warehouse must be able to report on Occupation codes at level 5. BR NMDS-OCC-5 Business Objects must be able to report on Occupation codes at level 5. All webpages and documentation including: BR NMDS-OCC-6 Data Dictionary File Specification. Need to be reviewed and updated with the new ANZSCO 2013 v1.2 list. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 15 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 5. National Non-Admitted Patient Collection (NNPAC) 5.1. Addition of an ‘Alcohol involved’ field 5.1.1. Problem Statement The problem of The inability to record alcohol involvement in relation to patient presentation in New Zealand hospitals. The inability to submit events involving alcohol to the national collections. Affects The Impact(s) of which are the ability to monitor trends in the presentation to Emergency Departments (EDs) of patients where alcohol was associated. A successful solution would Limiting the ability to have a strategic and coordinated approach to alcohol research on the role of alcohol in injuries and violence. Limiting the ability to plan effectively. Limiting the ability to evaluate the effectiveness of policies and interventions. The inability to meet the needs of affected communities and individuals. record the ‘alcohol involvement’ in all emergency departments presentations and submit this to the national collections. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 16 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector 5.1.2. Version 1.2 Business Requirements – Addition of Alcohol Involved field - NNPAC The following requirements under NNPAC – Alcohol Involved field, were sourced from the Emergency Department IT (EDIT) Group (a subset of the Emergency Department Advisory Group (ED AG)) and are a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated. Background information: The addition of this field will be piloted with five/six ED AG suggested DHB’s (exact DHBs to be determined/advised). A separate guidelines document around the use of this field will be distributed to the pilot DHBs. ID Requirement BR NNPAC-ALC-1 Collect the new Alcohol Involved field on all ED attendances where the event type = ‘ED’ (Emergency Department) for the pilot DHBS only. Add a new field ‘Alcohol Involved’ to the NNPAC Input load file. Valid values: BR NNPAC-ALC-2 Y = Yes (agreement with the Alcohol Involved question) N = No (disagreement with the Alcohol Involved question) U = Not known S = Secondary (presentation is as a consequence of others’ alcohol consumption). Only one value will be able to be submitted per event record. BR NNPAC-ALC-3 Submission of Alcohol Involved data will be mandatory for the pilot DHBs only. BR NNPAC-ALC-4 The Alcohol Involved field will be populated and reported to NNPAC in load file version 6.0 by the pilot DHBs only. Non pilot sites to implement Alcohol Involved field but with zero reporting Amend the file load protocol to add this Alcohol Involved field. BR NNPAC-ALC-5 The new field will be positioned at the end of the load file after the ‘Mode of Delivery’ field. BR NNPAC-ALC-6 Alcohol Involved field must be added to the Data Warehouse and Business Objects Universes. BR NNPAC-ALC-7 The Data Warehouse will populate the field for non-pilot DHBs with a ‘null’ value. Rationale for NNPAC-ALC-7 Data Warehouse to include values provided by the pilot DHBs only. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 17 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 ID Requirement BR NNPAC-ALC-8 All web pages and documentation including: Data Dictionary File Specification. Need to be reviewed and updated with Alcohol Involved information. 5.2. Addition of ‘Mode of Delivery’ field, reinstatement of ‘Location code’ 5.2.1. Problem Statement The problem of The ‘Activity Setting’ field currently being used for two separate purposes in NNPAC: Affects The Impact(s) of which are The recording of Location, and Mode of Delivery information. A successful solution would The actual location of the service/activity The method of delivering the service/activity The inability of Health workers to record both the Location of an appointment and the Mode of Delivery between the Health worker and the patient on any one event. The inability to track how services are delivered with a view to monitoring change over time. Have the Location and Mode of Delivery information contained in separate fields on the event record. Both fields will be included in reporting solutions. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 18 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector 5.2.2. Version 1.2 Business Requirements – Addition of ‘Mode of Delivery’ field - NNPAC The following requirements under NNPAC – Mode of Delivery field are sourced from Common Counting Technical Advisory Group (CCTAG) and are a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated. Background information: Telehealth will be further addressed in the National Patient Flow project/system. The CCTAG will issue a separate guidelines document around the use of this field. ID Requirement BR NNPAC-MOD-1 Rename the ‘Activity Setting’ field to ‘Location Code’. BR NNPAC-MOD-2 Add a new field called ‘Mode of Delivery’ to the event record. BR NNPAC-MOD-3 New Mode of Delivery field must be populated for event records with a datetime of service on or after 01 July 2015. New code values for ‘Mode of Delivery’ field are to be: BR NNPAC-MOD-4 1 Face to Face (1 patient to 1 clinician) 2 Face to Face (1 patient to many clinician) 3 Face to Face (1 clinician to many patients) 4 Remote patient monitoring 5 Telephone 6 Videoconference 7 Non-contact (virutal) This list of values were discussed and recommended by a subgroup of CCTAG. BR NNPAC-MOD-5 New field required on the load file and the procedure table of the transactional database. BR NNPAC-MOD-6 The Mode of Delivery field will be submitted to NNPAC in load file version 6.0. BR NNPAC-MOD-7 Amend the load protocol to add this Mode of Delivery field information. The new field will be positioned at the end of the record after the ‘Funding Agency Code’ field. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 19 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector ID Version 1.2 Requirement All webpages and documentation including: BR NNPAC-MOD-8 Data Dictionary File Specification. Need to be reviewed and updated from the amended Activity Setting field name and values, to the new Mode of Delivery field name and values. BR NNPAC-MOD-9 Update the Business Objects universe with the new and amended fields and their values. BR NNPAC-MOD-10 Update the Data Warehouse to dimensionalise the new ‘Mode of Delivery’ data identifiers. Update the Data Warehouse to add validations for version 5 files in the event start dates prior to 01 July 2015, to remap existing identifiers 20-25 (inclusive) to the new ‘Mode of Delivery’ identifiers. BR NNPAC-MOD-11 BR NNPAC-MOD-12 BR NNPAC-MOD-13 Old Identifier New Identifier Description (unchanged) 20 6 Video Conference 21 5 Telephone 22 7 Written correspondence, email or letter 23 7 SMS Messaging (text message) 24 4 Remote Patient Monitoring 25 1 Face to face Update the Data Warehouse to accept, validate and process file version 06.0 files. Remove NNPAC file version 04.0 from processing support after 01 July 2015. File versions 05.0 and 06.0 will be the only supported versions after 01 July 2015. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 20 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 5.3. Reinstatement of Health Speciality Code 5.3.1. Business Requirements – Reinstatement of Health Specialty Code NNPAC The following requirements under NNPAC – Reinstatement of Health Specialty Code are sourced from the Principal Advisor, Electives and National Services,DHB Performance and are a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated. Background information: Health Speciality Code ‘M87’ was retired in June 2005. There has been a request by the DHB Performance team to reinstate this code as part of NCAMP. ID Requirement BR NNPAC-HSC-1 Health Specialty Code M87 must be a valid option for event records with an event start date on or after 01 July 2015. M87 Specialist Medical Genetics BR NNPAC-HSC-2 Update the Common code tables to reflect the reinstated Health Speciality Code. NNPAC-HSC-2 Rationale The common code tables are accessed by some National Collections and are available to the general public on the Ministry of Health website. The tables are found here: Health Specialty Code common code table. All webpages and documentation: BR NNPAC-HSC-3 Data Dictionary File Specification. Need to be reviewed and updated with this reinstated Health Speciality code, where applicable. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 21 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 6. Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data (PRIMHD) 6.1. Update Legal Status code and description 6.1.1. Business Requirements – PRIMHD The following requirements under PRIMHD – Legal Status codes are sourced from the Health Information Standards Organisation (HISO) Group (which consists of representatives of Provider Arm DHBs, NGOs and the Ministry of Health), and are a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated. Background information: NMDS and PRIMHD Legal Status tables are required to be the same, as patients can be reported to both collections. There is to be one new Legal Status code added to PRIMHD. Please note that HISO documentation has already been updated for the Legal Status code ‘TZ’ (June 2014). ID Requirement BR PRIMHD-LS-1 Add the following Legal Status code to PRIMHD, to be available from 01 July 2015: TZ “Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992”, valid from 01-01-1900, used for ‘Use to distinguish between end dates where the intention was to discharge from formal status or transfer to another DHB still under formal status’. Withdrawn All webpages and documentation: BR PRIMHD-LS-2 Data Dictionary File Specification. Need to be reviewed and updated with this new Legal Status code, where applicable. Amend the description for Legal Status code YD as follows: BR PRIMHD-LS-3 PRIMHD-LS-3 Rationale Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (CYPF) Act 1989, Section 181. A typo when entering this description into PRIMHD has the year for the Act as ‘1898’. The year should be ‘1989’. All other documentation has the year correctly recorded. MoH change only. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 22 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 6.2. Alcohol and Drug Outcome Measure (ADOM) Collection 6.2.1. Business Requirements – PRIMHD The following requirements under PRIMHD – ADOM Collection are a Mandatory priority, unless otherwise stated. Background information: The collection of ADOM information in PRIMHD was introduced as part of NCAMP 2014. For the first year of use (July 2014 to June 2015) the reporting of Outcome Item codes relating to ADOM (under the Outcome Tool type ‘M1’) will remain optional. From NCAMP 2015 (valid from 01 July 2015) the ADOM Outcome Item codes (under the Outcome tool type ‘M1’) will become mandatory. ID Requirement ADOM Outcome Item Codes must become mandatory for Collection Occasions with a start date on or after 01 July 2015. Relates to: BR PRIMHD-ADOM-1 Collection Occasions where the Outcome Tool type = M1 (ADOM) Outcome Item codes 01 to 20 inclusive, including subsets of the groups (eg 07a, 07b etc). 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 23 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 7. Miscellaneous Requirements 7.1. Update of ANZSCO codes – Ministry Common Code tables ID Requirement BR CC-OCC-1 Update the Common code tables to reflect the latest ANZSCO Occupation codes, 2013, v1.2. CC-OCC-1 Rationale The common code tables are accessed by some National Collections and are available to the general public. The tables are found here: Occupation common code table. 7.2. Update of Legal Status codes – Ministry Common Code tables ID Requirement Update the Common code tables to add the following Legal Status, to be available from 01 July 2015: BR CC-LS-1 CC-LS-1 Rationale TZ Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992, valid from 01-01-1900, used for ‘Use to distinguish between end dates where the intention was to discharge from formal status or transfer to another DHB still under formal status’. The common code tables are accessed by some National Collections and are available to the general public. The tables are found here: Legal Status common code table. Amend the description for Legal Status code YD as follows: BR CC-LS-2 CC-LS-2 Rationale Children, Young Persons, and Their Families (CYPF) Act 1989, Section 181. A typo when entering this description has the year for the Act as ‘1898’. The year should be ‘1989’. All other documentation has the year correctly recorded. MoH change only. 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 24 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 Appendix A Definitions Term or Abbreviation Definition ACC Accident Compensation Corporation ANZSCO Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations AR-DRG BDM Australian Refined Diagnosis-Related Group Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry A function contained within the Department of Internal Affairs. CCTAG Common Counting Technical Advisory Group DHB District Health Board CPAC Clinical Priority Assessment Criteria A tool that uses pre-determined assessment criteria to allocate a priority score for the healthcare user. This priority score determines the access to treatment for the healthcare user. CYPF Children, Young Persons, and their Families DOM Domicile code Domicile Code Statistics NZ Health Domicile code representing a person’s usual residential address. Also used for facility addresses. DRG Diagnosis Related Group ED Emergency Department ED AG Emergency Department Advisory Group EDIT Emergency Department IT Group e-SAM New address validation web services, named ‘Health-e-Address’ or eSAM have been developed through the Health Identity Programme. ESAM uses data from NZ Post, Land Information NZ, Statistics NZ, and the Ministry of Health to provide accurate and standardised address and geospatial data HIP Health Identity Project HISO Health Information Standards Organisation IM Psychiatric Inpatient Event Meshblock The meshblock is the smallest geographic unit for which statistical data is collected and processed by Statistics New Zealand. A meshblock is a defined geographic area, varying in size from part of a city block to large areas of rural land. MOH Ministry of Health MoU Memorandum of Understanding 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 25 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 Term or Abbreviation Definition NBRS National Booking Reporting System NCAMP National Collections Annual Maintenance Project NCR National Collections and Reporting NGOs Non-Governmental Organisations NHB National Health Board NHI National Health Index NMDS National Minimum Data Set NNPAC National Non-Admitted Patient Collection NZ New Zealand NZCR New Zealand Cancer Registry NZDRG New Zealand Diagnosis Related Group OLAP Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) performs multidimensional analysis of business data and provides the capability for complex calculations, trend analysis and sophisticated data modelling OPF Operational Policy Framework PAS Patient Administration System PHOs Primary Health Organisations PMS Patient Management System PRIMHD Programme for the Integration of Mental Health Data PU Purchase Unit SE Java Standard Edition For general-purpose use on desktop PCs, servers and similar devices Sybase Sybase is an enterprise software and services company offering software to manage, analyze, and mobilize information, using relational databases, analytics and data warehousing solutions and mobile-application development platforms. Sybase is a standalone subsidiary of SAP TLA WIES Territorial Local Authority An authority that performs local government services for a geographical area, roughly equates to local council boundaries. Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separation WIESNZ Weighted Inlier Equivalent Separation New Zealand 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 26 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 Appendix B Document Control B.1 Document Details Project NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 Team Business Analysis, Solutions Delivery Group Document Title National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Path/Filename NCR 3850 NCAMP 2015\Product File\Analysis and Design\Business Requirements\02.Detailed Level Business Requirements Author(s) Tracy Worsley Version 1.2 Status Final B.2 Version Control Date Version Description of Changes Author(s) 18/12/14 1.2 Clarification of NNPAC “Alcohol Involved “ requirement Ron Wood Addition of WIESNZ 15 changes 02/10/14 1.1 Final version including incorporation of feedback from internal Ministry and peer review, Sector consultation Tracy Worsley 26/08/2014 1.0 Final draft version Tracy Worsley 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 27 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector B.3 Version 1.2 Related Documents Title Version Location WIESNZ15 Final Version tba To be added when available for 2015 round (Oct/Nov 2014) B.4 Document Contributors Name Position Action Barry Welsh Principal Advisor, Mental Health Service Improvement Reviewer Angela Pidd Team Leader, National Collections & Reporting Reviewer Hilary Sharp / Urwashi Singh Senior Data Quality Analysts, National Collections & Reporting Contributors and reviewers Christine Fowler Manager, Classification and Terminology, National Collections & Reporting Contributor & Reviewer Tracy Thompson Senior Analyst, Classification and Terminology, National Collections & Reporting Reviewer Steve Sambrook Business Intelligence Data Warehouse Team Leader Reviewer Shirley Miles Team Leader, NZ Cancer Registry Contributor & Reviewer Lynette Drew Senior Advisor – ED and Acute Demand, Sector Capability and Implementation Contributor Ron Wood NCAMP 2015 Project Manager Project Manager Lee Gibson Systems Analyst, Systems Analysis Reviewer Anne Goodwin (or TBA) Business Analyst, Information Group BA Peer Reviewer Tracy Worsley Business Analyst, Information Group Author 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 28 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version NCR3850 – NCAMP 2015 National Collections Annual Maintenance Project Business Requirements - Sector Version 1.2 Appendix C Document Sign-off This signature indicates that the NCAMP Project Manager agrees with the content of this document, insofar as it applies to his/her areas of management responsibility and in terms of its completeness and deliverable scope. Name: Ron Wood Signature: Date: Project Manager, National Collections and Reporting This signature indicates that the National Collections Team Leader agrees with the content of this document, insofar as it applies to his/her area of management responsibility and in terms of its quality. Name: Angela Pidd Signature: Date: Team Leader , National Collections and Reporting This signature indicates that the Solutions Delivery Group Team Leader agrees with the content of this document, insofar as it applies to his/her area of management responsibility and in terms of its quality. Name: Mathew Tavendale Signature: Date: Team Leader , Business Analysis, Solutions Delivery Group This signature indicates that the Business Analyst is satisfied with the quality of this document in terms of its completeness and accuracy. Name: Tracy Worsley Signature: Date: Business Analyst, Business Analysis, Solutions Delivery Group 2/10/2014 In Confidence Page 29 of 29 Printed copy is not guaranteed to be current. Refer to the electronic source for the latest version