Schulich School of Business York University Course Outline MSBA 6400 3.00 F: Multivariate Methods for Analytics Tuesdays, 11:30am-1:30pm S125 SSB Winter 2014 Instructor Murat Kristal S341 Seymour Schulich Building Tel: 416-2100 ext. 44593 Email: Office Hours: By appointment Administrative Support: Paula Gowdie Rose, S337N SSB, 416-736-5074 Course Description: This course provides a critical overview of the issues and methods involved in conducting empirical Operations Management (OM) research. This is a required course for doctoral students majoring Operations Management. Cross-listed to OMIS 7300 3.00 Course Overview This course covers fundamental issues in conducting empirical research in business administration (e.g., operations management, information systems, marketing, organizational behavior, corporate strategy). The course is organized according to the stages in the empirical research process focusing on research methodology. The course begins with an overview of multivariate methods. The course then considers merits of alternative research methods and designs, such as partialling and statistical control, nominal and ordinal independent variables, interaction effects and multi-group analyses, curvilinear and piecewise linear effects, discriminant and log-linear analysis, cluster analyses, multivariate regression and canonical correlation. The course than integrates measurement and model analysis through structural equations modeling. Course Requirements Students are required to fully participate at weekly class meetings. Each meeting will include discussion of specific readings and reporting of any assigned homework, including data analyses. At each class meeting, students should also turn in written answers to the assigned homework questions. Evaluation of Student Performance Marking in this course conforms to the MBA program's guidelines for grading of electives. That means that the class average must be less than or equal to A- . Individual assignments also tend to conform to this rule. Grades out of 100 can be translated approximately to a letter grade as follows: C- = 60-63, C= 64-66, C+= 6669, B- =70 -73, B= 74-76, B+= 77-79, A-=80-83, A= 84-86, A+ = 87-100. The course grading scheme for Master’s level courses at Schulich uses a 9-value gradepoint system. The possible course letter grades for a course (and the corresponding grade points awarded for each grade are: A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CF 9 grade points 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Students are reminded that they must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 4.2 to remain in good standing and continue in the program, and a minimum of 4.4 to qualify for their degree. Schulich grading guidelines mandate a section grade point average [‘GPA’] of between 4.7 and 6.1 for core courses and a section GPA of between 5.2 and 6.2 for electives. Your performance in the course will be evaluated on six (6) individual assignments, each weighted at 16.67% (100%). Assignments: Assignments are due at the beginning of each class. I will not accept any late assignments submitted later. These answers should be brief (usually 4-6 pages, single spaced) and to the point. When analyses are involved, written answers should include supporting results (e.g. excerpts from computer output, the computer code, brief summary tables). These written answers serve two purposes. First, this course emphasizes hands on application MSBA 6400 F, Winter 2014 Page 2 of various empirical tools and for learning purposes, there is no substitute for using these tools and summarizing the results in writing. Second, written answers to homework questions provide an important means of monitoring learning throughout the course. When these answers show that certain topics are not well understood, these topics will be reviewed in class. There will be three major parts to the assignments: Answers to the questions regarding the specific methodology covered that week in class. Analysis and reporting of the data. Evaluation of the application of that week’s method in articles published in scholarly journals. Readings, along with the assignments, will be posted on the CMD as the course progresses. Students may consult with each other regarding the concepts and principles underlying methods used. However, written answers should represent the work of each individual student. Also, as a general assignment for all class meetings, all students should bring one or more discussion questions based on the assigned readings and should be prepared to initiate a discussion of the questions (these questions need not to be included in the written answers to the assignments). These questions will be addressed as time permits. Written answers to homework assignments will constitute 100% of the final grade. For assignments that require data analyses, students must have access to statistical software. All the analyses should be conducted in SAS. I will not accept other statistical packages such as SPSS, or SYSTAT. I also require you to submit your code in the appendix of each assignment. Assigned Readings Required Reading Materials: Hair, J.F. Jr., Black, W.C., Babin, B.J., Anderson, R.E. 2009. Multivariate data analysis. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Pedhazur, E.J., & Schmelkin, L.P. 1991. Measurement, design, and analysis: An integrated approach. Hillside, NJ: Erlbaum. Raykov, T., & Marcoulides, G.A. 2008. An introduction to applied multivariate analysis. New York, NY: Routledge. Williams J.M. 1995. Style: Toward clarity and grace. Chicago. IL: University of Chicago Press. MSBA 6400 F, Winter 2014 Page 3 Pedhazur and Schmelkin (1991) will be the primary text for the course. The books by Hair et al. (2009) and Raykov and Marcoulides (2008) provide practical guidelines for multivariate analyses. Williams (1995) provide background that will be very useful for written assignments for this class and papers for other degree requirements and for publication. I also compiled a list of books that might be helpful for conducting analyses in SAS. Complementary Reading Materials: Hatcher, L. 1994. A step-by-step approach to using SAS for factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Cary: NC: SAS Publishing. Littell, R.C., Milliken, G.A., Stroup W.W., Wolfinger, R.D., & Schabenberger, O. 2006. SAS for mixed models. Cary: NC: SAS Institute. Spector, P.E. 2001. SAS programming for researchers and social scientists. Thousand Oaks. CA: Sage Publications. Stokes, M.E., Davis, C.S., & Koch, G.G. 2000. Categorical data analysis using the SAS system. Cary: NC: SAS Institute. Other reading materials will consist of chapters and journal articles, and copies of these materials will be e-mailed. After the course begins, I will also recommend that you purchase several of the monographs published by Sage (often referred as the “little green books”). Academic Honesty Academic honesty is fundamental to the integrity of university education and degree programs. The Schulich School will investigate and will act to enforce academic honesty policies where apparent violations occur. Students should familiarize themselves with York University’s policy on academic honesty. It is printed in full in your student handbook and can also be viewed on-line on the Schulich website, clicking through as indicated: Schulich website ‘Programs’ -> ‘Master’s Degree’ -> ‘MBA' -> ‘Academic Honesty’ While academic dishonesty can take many forms, there are several forms of which students should be highly aware because they are the ones that are most likely to occur in the context of a specific course. 1) Plagiarism. Plagiarism is the presentation of information, ideas, or analysis generated by other people as being your own. It includes direct quotations as well a substantive paraphrases where the course of MSBA 6400 F, Winter 2014 Page 4 that information or idea is not clearly identified to the reader. Students should be careful to present their written work in a way that makes it completely clear in each and every case where a quotation, a paraphrase, or an analysis is based on the work of other people. (This includes information from all sources, including websites.) 2) Cheating. Cheating is an attempt to gain an unfair advantage in an evaluation. Examples of such violations include (but are not limited to) consulting prohibited materials during an examination or copying from another student. 3) Failure to follow limitations on collaborative work with other students in preparing academic assignments. Each class differs in the mix of assignments and group-versus-individual preparation that is allowed. The instructor will make clear the extent of collaboration among students that is acceptable among students on various pieces of assigned work. Students should abide by those limitations and, if they are unsure about whether a certain level or form of collaboration would be acceptable, to clarify that question with the instructor in advance. 4) Aiding and abetting. A student is guilty of violating academic honesty expectations if he/she acts in a way that enables another student to engage in academic dishonesty. If a student knows (or should reasonably expect) that an action would enable another student to cheat or plagiarize, that student’s action constitutes an academic honesty violation. Illustrative examples include making your exam paper easily visible to others in the same exam or providing your own working or finished documents for an ‘individual assignment’ to another student (even if that other student said that he/she just wanted to ‘get an idea of how to approach the assignment’ or ‘to check whether they had done theirs correctly’). 5) Use of academic work in more than one course. Generally, academic work done for every course is ‘new’ work, done for that course only. If a student wishes to use some or all of the academic work done for an assigned task in one course in another course, the student must get explicit, prior permission from both instructors so that they agree that the scope and nature of the overlapping use of that work is such that it can fairly be counted toward both courses. Schedule of Topics and Readings The following list of lecture topics and readings indicate the material to be read, reviewed and/or prepared for the various class sessions. If any changes in this schedule MSBA 6400 F, Winter 2014 Page 5 become necessary, notifications will be posted in the course CMD, and where such changes need to be announced between class sessions, an email will be sent to students’ Lotus Notes email accounts, notifying them of the change. DATE SESSION TOPIC (S) January 7 1 Overview of Multivariate Methods Framework for classifying models (univariate vs. multivariate models, continuous vs. categorical variables) Preparing data for analysis January 14 2 Partialling and Statistical Control The meaning and uses of statistical control: simple, semipartial, and partial correlation Partitioning explained variance Suppressor variables January 21 3 Nominal and Ordinal Independent Variables Dummy coding Effect coding and contrast coding Cost of dichotomizing continuous variables January 28 4 Interaction Effects and Multi-Group Analyses Meaning of interaction Estimating interactions between various combinations of categorical and continuous variables Higher-order interactions; scaling issues February 4 5 Discriminant and Log-Linear Analysis February 11 6 Cluster Analysis Cluster analysis compared to other multivariate methods (e.g. principal components analysis, MANOVA, discriminant analysis) Grouping objects vs. variables Measures of similarity, hierarchical vs. non-hierarchical clustering methods February 18 7 NO CLASS – READING WEEK February 25 8 Mutlivariate Regression and Canonical Correlation Advantages of multivariate analysis over separate univariate analysis Canonical correlation as an extension of univariate regression, discriminant analysis, MANOVA, and principal components analysis Multivariate regression and multivariate hypothesis testing, set correlation MSBA 6400 F, Winter 2014 Problems of OLS regression with categorical dependent variables Discriminant analysis and its association with MANOVA and canonical correlation Estimation and interpretation of logistic regression equations Page 6 DATE SESSION TOPIC (S) March 4 9 Other Issues in Regression Analysis Generalized Linear Models, violations in assumptions of regression analysis March 11 10 Path Analysis Exogenous and endogenous variables; direct and indirect effects Spurious and unanalyzed associations Decomposition and reproduction of correlations Assessing model fit March 18 11 Exploratory Factor Analysis Principal components vs. common factor analysis Extracting and rotating factors Construction of factor scales and scores March 25 12 Confirmatory Factor Analysis Comparisons between exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis Model specification, identification, and estimation Assessment of model adequacy and fit April 1 13 Structural Equation Modeling Comparisons between path analysis and structural equation modeling Alternative methods for handling measurement error Specification and identification of structural equation models MSBA 6400 F, Winter 2014 Page 7