Fall Semester Knowsys Word Lists 1

Group 1- bad
(-)atrocity- noun
an act of great cruelty and wickedness
(-)dire- adjective
(1)having terrible consequences (2) urgent or desperate
(-)flagrant- adjective
deliberately offensive and shocking
(-)inclement- adjective
stormy, harsh or unmerciful
annoying and tedious
producing harm or evil
uncertain or unsafe
retaliation or revenge for an injury
bordering on being indecent or improper
inappropriate or improper
deserving contempt or scorn
not bringing about the desired result
Group 2 (Characteristic)
(+/-) avid-
(+/-) azure-
(+/-) clad-
(+/-) combustible- adjective
forbearance- noun
(+) resilientillness
eager or greedy
the blue color of a cloudless sky
clothed or covered
capable of catching fire of burning
elaborately or excessively decorated
able to recover quickly from misfortune or
tremulous- adjective
(+/-) indulgent- adjective
trembling or quaking
(1) inclined to give in easily (2) lenient
(+/-) intricate-
(+/-) overt-
not hidden
Group 3 (language)
verb to decode or to solve
(+/-)depict- verb
to describe or a give a picture of
(+/-)dialect-noun a particular form of a language spoken in a certain region
to give a title, nickname, or description
insincere or superficial
(+/-)memoir-noun an account based on the author’s personal experiences
to take back a statement or to confess being wrong
a reply to what has been said
quiet and reserved
(+/-)rhetoric-noun (1)the art of using language skillfully (2)insincere language
(+/-)vignette-noun a short sketch that provides a clear picture
Group 4 (movement)
(+/-)dismantle- verb
able to move or think quickly and easily
to take apart
(+/-)dispel- verb
to clear away, remove, or scatter
(+/-)execute- verb
1) to perform, )2 to create, or 3)to put to death as a legal
to untangle or free
irregular or unsteady
(+/-)impel- verb
1)to drive or propel 2)to force
the hinge on which something turns (can be a
prevent free movement
a ring or band put around the arm or leg to
(+/-)culminate- verb
to reach or bring to the highest point
Group 5 (occur)
(+/-)feasible- adjective
possible or likely
(+/-)arbitrary- adjective
determined by chance or win
(+/-)imminent- adjective about to happen
continual or without interruption
(+/-)phenomenon- noun 1)anything that can be observed or described,
2)something unusual
to happen again or 2)to come to mind again
(+/-)spontaneous- adjective
1)unplanned, or 2)produced without human labor
(+/-)sporadic- adjective
happening occasionally
(+/-)wreak- verb
to bring about or inflict
Group 6 (overtake)
to introduce gradually in order to establish securely
to enclose, encircle, or include
(+/-)pervade-verb to spread throughout
to absorb a part into a whole
(-)encroach-verb to infringe or advance beyond the proper limits
1)to swallow up by covering completely, or 2)to
(+/-)immerse-verb 1)to cover with liquid, or 2)to completely engage the attention
a flowing or pouring in
(+/-)surpass-verb to exceed or go beyond
Group 7(senses)
(+/-)ogle- verb
to stare at, often in a flirty and bold manner
presentation or a subject
1)a complete view of an area, or 2)a thorough
(+)picturesque-adjective 1)like a picture, or 2)pleasing or charming to observe
close observation of a person or area
capable of being heard
to soften or tone down the sound of
to echo, reflect, or resound
harsh or loud
1)having a sharp taste or smell, or 2)sharply
Group 8- THOUGHT
1. Commemorate (V)- 1) to serve as a memorial to or 2) to remember in
2. Conjecture (V)- to form an unsupported opinion
3. Contemplate (V)- 1) to consider carefully or 2) to intend
4. Derive (V)- 1) to take or receive from a source or 2) to obtain through
5. Enigma (N)- something puzzling or mysterious
6. Evoke (V)- 1) to bring to mind or 2)to produce
7. (-) Inane (A)- empty, shallow, or silly
8. Inkling (N)- a vague idea or a slight suspicion
9. (-) Irrational (A)- lacking sound judgment or reason
10.Memento (N)- a souvenir
11.(+)Sublime (A)- great, noble, or splendid
Group 9- TIME
1. Indelible (A)- permanent
2. Brevity (N)- shortness in time or words
3. Cursory (A)- done in a hurry with little attention to detail
4. Elapse (V)- to pass or slip by (used with time)
5. Epoch (N)- an extended period of time marked by a series of related events
6. Interminable (A)- having or seeming to have no end
7. Millennium (N)- a period of one thousand years
8. Perpetuate (V)- to cause to continue indefinitely
9. Protracted (A)- drawn out or lengthened
10.Simultaneous (A)- happening or existing at the same time
Group 10- EMOTION
1. (-) Abject (A)- totally miserable
2. (+) Ardent (A)- intensely eager or passionate
3. (-) Despondent (A)- discouraged or depressed from loss of hope or
4. Disposition (N)- 1) a person’s usual mood or 2) a regular tendency or
5. Electrify (V)- 1) to thrill or shock or 2)to equip with electricity
6. (-) Grimace (V)- to make a face expressing feelings of pain, disgust, or
7. (-) Irascible (A)- quick-tempered and irritable
8. (-) Rue (V)- to feel regret or sorrow over
9. (-) Vehement (A)- expressing strong feeling
Group 11- EXCESS
1. (+) Copious (A)- abundant or plentiful
2. (-) Deluge (N)- a flood
3. Fanfare (N)- 1) a sounding of trumpets or other brass instruments or 2) any
showy display
4. (-) Glut (N)- a much larger supply than is needed
5. (-) Ostentatious (A)- showy
6. Profusion (N)- a plentiful supply.
7. (-) Swelter (V)- to suffer from or to be overcome by great heat
8. (-) Guile (N)- deceitful cunning
9. (-) Pseudonym (N)- a fictitious name
10.(+) Embellish (V)- to beautify or enhance
Group 12- HORROR
(-) Claustrophobia (N)- an abnormal fear of narrow, enclosed spaces
(-) Foreboding (N)- a strong feeling something bad is about to happen
(-) Grotesque (A)- so distorted or strange as to appear bizarre or comical
(-) Gruesome (A)- causing shock or horror
(-) Haunt (V)- 1) to stay in one’s mind continually, 2) to visit frequently, or 3)
to appear in the form of a ghost
6. (-) Lurid (A)- causing horror or revulsion
7. (-) Abhor (V)- to hate
8. (-) Alienate (V)- to create unfriendly feeling or to make someone feel
9. (-) Inflammatory (A)- causing anger or disorder
10.(-)Rankle (V)- to cause continuing anger or irritation
11.(-) Tirade (N)- a long, angry speech