Research Infrastructure Fund 13-14

Research Infrastructure Fund – 2013/14
1. Background
The fund was first established in 2010/11 as the Large Research Equipment
(Replacement) Fund with an allocation of M£1 and a further K£500 for session
2011/12. Both rounds had a minimum bid level of K£200, and were for the purposes of
replacing existing equipment. In December 2012 UEB approved funding of K£500 for a
further round of the fund for 2012/13. It was also agreed that the fund be widened to
include support for the physical and virtual research infrastructure in all academic
disciplines, that the minimum bid level be reduced to K£50 and that it also be used for
new as well as replacement equipment. Consequently the fund was re-named as the
Research Infrastructure fund to reflect this change. Successful bids funded under each
round of the scheme are listed in Appendix A.
The University Executive Board has now committed an indicative total of M£2 for
session 2013/14, using the same criteria as published for the 2012/13 round. It was
agreed that should the fund be oversubscribed the Board would consider whether to
extend the value of the fund and so ambitious bids for large equipment are particularly
encouraged where it can be demonstrated that such investment will leverage the
greatest advantage.
It has been a particular requirement that the fund should not be perceived as an
alternative to bidding for funding from other appropriate external sources. Wherever
possible, bids must continue to be made for new equipment to the Research Councils
and other major funding bodies, such as the European Commission, Government
Departments and Charitable bodies.
The fund has had the specific objective of extending the University’s research capacity
and infrastructure, thus enabling schools to leverage additional funding from the main
research funding bodies. Accordingly, research equipment purchased through the fund
should only be diverted to non-academic purposes, such as providing routine services
to external organisations, as long as this does not compromise the capacity available
for academic research purposes.
2. Operation of the fund
The Research Infrastructure Fund will adopt the following criteria:
Applications should be requested for equipment to support the physical and virtual
research infrastructure costing a minimum of K£50 (inclusive of any taxes, import
duties etc.), noting however that ambitious bids for large equipment are particularly
encouraged where it can be demonstrated that such investment will leverage the
greatest advantage.
The equipment must be capable of being capitalised in the University’s financial
Applications can be made for the purchase of equipment which is entirely new to
the University or to update/replace obsolete equipment.
Applications should demonstrate how the equipment will meet a strategic need for
the participating School/College (and the University), such as enhancing the
research environment and facilities.
Applications should be clear on how the facilities will benefit future research
activities and outputs, such as how it will enhance the School’s capacity to secure
external research funds or enable particularly important investigation/research to
take place.
The fund must not be used to acquire facilities that are accessible elsewhere in the
University, locally or through the GW4 group.
Applications should state why other funding routes, including applications for
external funding or direct funding by the Schools themselves, are not possible or
Where needed, applications will also be judged on their resource plan and access
Additional criteria include:
Confirmation that the resources necessary to install, house, operate and maintain
any equipment will be made available on an ongoing basis within the applicant’s
School. These resources should include any necessary refurbishment or building
work, energy and other utility costs, service and maintenance requirements and any
technical or other staffing required for effective and sustainable operation.
 Where a proposal is collaborative, indication of what access arrangements and
responsibilities have been agreed between participating Schools/Colleges. The
possibility of additional access by other Schools should be given.
Evidence that any purchase of equipment contributes to a sustainable research
3. Application process
Applications should be submitted to using the pro forma
attached at Appendix A(i) and the Excel spreadsheet attached at Appendix (ii) by
midday on Monday 3rd February 2014.
Applications should be considered and ranked by College Boards prior to
Applications will be considered by a small panel, chaired by one of the Research
Deans, deputising for the Pro Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation and Enterprise.
4. Review of expenditure and implementation from previous funding rounds
Alongside consideration of new proposals, the panel will also review the
effectiveness of the use of funds allocated under earlier rounds of the Scheme.
Schools identified on the list attached at Appendix B are requested to submit a
report using the pro-forma attached at Appendix C.
Please describe the extent to which the purchase and installation of this equipment
has met a strategic need for the participating Schools/Colleges, and in particular:
a) how it has enabled research that would not otherwise have been
undertaken; and
b) whether the investment has led to an increase in the number and value of
external research awards that would not otherwise have been achieved;
c) the extent to which outputs produced from research conducted using this
equipment were returned to REF 2014.
The reviews should be endorsed by the College Board prior to submission.
The review pro-forma should be submitted to, by midday
on Monday 3rd February.