
Anglo-Saxons Religious Beliefs
The evil spirits cannot get me for I have my Lucky Charms!!
Anglo Saxon
The Anglo Saxons
were very
superstitious people.
They believed in
lucky charms. They
thought these things
would protect them
from any evil or
illness. They also
believed in “magic”.
Not only did they
believe that the
charms could save
them, but they also
believed that rhymes
potions, stones, and
jewels could protect
them as well.
The Graves of the The Monk with a
new Religion
The Anglo-Saxon people either
buried or cremated a body. The
dead left the world with their
belongings in the same way they
were put to rest. When AngloSaxon men died their graves
usually with spears and knives.
Women were buried with tool
for sowing and weaving to
symbolize that the women made
cloth and clothing. Royal’s
graves were buried with things
such as treasures, and armor.
Bede The…Who?
Bede was a great historian. He
went to live with the monks
when he was only 7 years old.
The monastery were he lived
was located at Jarrow in
Northumbria. In this place he
grew up to become the great
historian he is now known as
and went on to write a book
called 'A History of the English
Church and People'.
At first Anglo-Saxons
prayed to the Norse
Gods. However the
Pop in597 AD
decided it was time
for the Anglo-Saxons
to convert to
Christianity. To
accomplish this he
sent a monk, named
Augustine to Kent to
convince the king to
become Christian.
Within the next 100
years many AngloSaxons began to
convert to
Christianity. Even
new churches and
monasteries were