Charms Office

Charms Office
 Go to
 Hover over “Enter/Login” at the top, right of the page, then click
 In the “Parent/Student/Member” field, type in the school code: CrownoverMSBand
(no spaces)
 Your password is your student ID number
First Charms assignment – due Friday, August 28, 2015
 Click on the blue “Update Info” icon near bottom of the screen
 Enter/update/check all listed information for yourself and the adult(s) that you live
with. All info should be current – check and verify with your parents! E-mail
addresses are really important – we communicate via e-mail a LOT.
 The information on the first page is for STUDENT information (e-mail address, cell
number, etc.)
 Use the “Add new adult” if necessary for all parent/guardian information. Parent email addresses and correct phone numbers are extremely important.
 Click UPDATE before leaving this screen.
 Return to the home Charms screen (circular house button in the upper left corner of
the screen)
 Click “e-mail directors”. Send your director an e-mail with “charms” as the subject
line. The content of the e-mail should say “Charms assignment completed”, verifying
that you have updated your personal info. Please include the student’s name in
the e-mail.