Year 5 Anglo-Saxons Homework Grid - St Thomas CE Primary



Language and


Problem Solving,

Reasoning and


Knowledge and

Understanding of the World

Write a description of the climate on the French Alps.



St Thomas CE Primary School – Year 5 Summer Term 1 and 2 Homework Grid (Topic: Anglo-Saxons)

1 point 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points 6 points

Write 5 facts about the


Write an acrostic poem about your favourite animal.

Imagine you are a child during the Anglo-Saxon times. Write a diary explaining your day to day life.

Write an explanation text about animals that hibernate.

Write a discussion text about why wearing a school uniform is a good/bad thing.

Write a fictional story using ideas from our Anglo-

Saxon topic. E.g. a story about their journey to

Britain or their battle with the Romans.

You will earn 1 point every time you bring in your maths homework. You will earn 1 point every time you either achieve full marks in the weekly maths test or improve on your previous week’s result.

Draw/paint your own Henri

Matisse style portrait of a member of your family.

Write a list of activities that you can do on the

French Alps.

Design a poster for reception children, informing them how to eat healthily.

Research the altitude of the mountains in the

French Alps. How does this affect our bodies?

Design an adventure map for an Anglo-Saxon journey to Britain,

What are glaciers?

Research this and how they are created. What is their effect on the environment?

Make a moving model of an animal of your choice.

Find out what plants live on mountains. What are the differences between vegetation at the top and bottom of a mountain?

Write a song about the properties and changes of materials.

Write a diary, pretending you are an explorer climbing

Mont Blanc.

Listen to Beethoven’s ‘Fifth

Symphony’. Write about how it makes you feel when you are listening to it.

Personal, Social and Emotional



Write a list of all the things you do in a day to ensure you stay healthy.

Write a set of instructions for yourself to stay calm when you’re feeling angry or upset.

Design a new book cover for the book you are reading.

Write a blurb in your own words for the book you are reading.

Think about all the nice things you have done for people during your week.

How does that make you/other people feel?

Learn a poem about music of by heart. Recite it to me.

You notice your friend eats chocolate and sweets every day for their lunch, they also told you they don’t always brush their teeth. \write a letter explain how they can improve their lifestyle and why.

Write a character description of the main character in the book you are reading.

Meditate for half an hour after school. Does it improve your mind-set?


Design a ‘How to Stay Safe

Online’ poster for the class.

Think about cyber bullying and keeping information safe.

Write an alternative ending to the book that you are reading.

Draw 5 thought bubbles and write what the main character might be thinking in different stages of the story.

Point Target – at least ________ points. (You must complete at least 2 activities from each row).
