12 (v) Rodent Eradication Project

Board Meeting: March 2014
Agenda Number: 12(v)
File Ref: AN0004
Business Paper
Open Session
Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication Project update.
In July 2012 the NSW and Australian Governments announced a joint funding arrangement for
the Lord Howe Island Rodent Eradication Program (LHIREP), through the NSW Environmental
Trust and the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country program.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee, which consists of representatives of the funding agencies, the LHIB
CEO and a Board Representative (Mr. Barney Nichols), along with an international rodent
eradication expert met with The Board Chair on 3 February to discuss the way forward. There
was agreement that greater community engagement was required.
Toxin tolerance
The possible impact of the toxin tolerance in the mice and ways to mitigate it were discussed
with the New Zealand Department of Conservation’s Island Eradication Advisory Group. Options
proposed include an additional bait drop, more potent bait, and using two types of toxin which
will require revisiting the projects operational plan.
Community Consultation
It is believed that the changes required to overcome the toxin tolerance are significant enough
that the project needs to be taken back to the community for their input. It is proposed that the
project be divided into two stages. Stage one being revisiting community consultation, alongside
developing a new biosecurity system which is important for the ongoing economic and
ecological health of the island regardless of the rodent eradication, and continuing with the
baseline monitoring programme. A suitably experienced contractor would be employed to
develop a community engagement strategy to show the best way to get the correct information
to the community so that they can give informed feedback on the project and make an informed
decision on the project. This will include information on the possible/ likely impacts of not
undertaking the eradication.
Stage two, operational implementation, would only commence if there was sufficient community
support for the project following the consultation process.
The revised project plan will alter the project timeline significantly i.e. if the decision whether or
not to go ahead with the project is made in 2015 then the operational component will start at
that point and the bait drop will take place in winter 2017 assuming funding is available at that
Project Management
The appointment of the Assistant Project Managers have been put on hold pending the revised
community consultation.
A budget for Stage One, community engagement would be submitted to the funders for
consideration pending Board approval.
As part of the Community Engagement Strategy it is proposed to have an independent visitor
survey undertaken in conjunction with the Tourism Association in order to quantify the likely
impact on the islands tourism industry.
That the Board approves the reengagement of community consultation for the eradication
project conditional on the funder’s agreement.
Prepared Peter McClelland
Project Manager Rodent Eradication
Endorsed Penny Holloway
Chief Executive Officer