01 October 2015 - LSA Technology and Performing Arts College


Lytham St. Annes Technology

and Performing Arts College

Parents, Teachers and Friends Association

Meeting, 01.10.15



Members Present

Rose Mullaney, Joanne Pendry, Andrew Moxham, Alison Murphy,Chris Challenger, Fiona Ohara,

Jonathan Markham, Joel Hay, Philip Wood, Julia Hannaford, Zoe Kells, Sarah Owen, Robert Owen,

Liz Nunez, Penny Mallinson, Carol Horridge, Donna Mason, Lisa Rogan, Sajeela Jamil, Mandy

Worthington, Christine Rouse, Joanne Millar, Corinne Mason, Lesley Dobson, David Thorley,

Deborah Blore, Karen Shepherd, Sandra Madden, Dianne Hammond, Amanda Wiseman, Debbie

Fox, Anne Marie Gee.


Julie Thornton, Ali Dunn, Sali Windsor, Sarah Davies, Claire Sutcliffe, Adele Tate


Chairs Welcome and Introductions

Robert welcomed everyone to the PTFA and introduced the executive committee, secretary and deputy secretary, treasurer and additional key members such as Sally Windsor who runs refreshments, Sandra Madden who runs the 300 club and Lesley Dobson who is responsible for

Tweeting and social media.

Robert also briefly outlined the aims and objectives of the PTFA and what usually happens at a meeting. Robert explained that our main fund raising project at the moment is the library refurbishment, which is ongoing and will be for some time.

3.300 Club

The winners for the draw were made and announced and are as follows:

September – Jenny Hartley, Julie Thornton and Dawn Carter

October – Joanne Cain, Sarah Johnson, Brenda Gallagher

Andy reported that he and Sandra had been recalculating the 300 club prize fund to better reflect the current numbers held and to give a more appropriate prize amount. It was suggested and agreed by the group that there will now be 2 £25 monthly draws instead of the 3 £22 currently drawn and that the £50 bonus will be drawn twice yearly (Christmas and Easter) as opposed to the current 3 times a year. It was also suggested sometime ago that the club should be rebranded to more accurately reflect what the nature of it is, something along the lines of Lotto or 50/50 club. Sandra, who helps out with Trinity Hospice, volunteered to speak to them to see how they brand their lottery and see if she could get some ideas from them. Ideas and opinions were canvassed from the group.

ACTION : Sandra to speak to Trinity

ACTION : group to consider new names and come to next meeting with ideas.

4. Fundraising

Family Fun Night – Alison reported that everything was going well for the planned event and with contributions from this evening and previous contributions there should be sufficient prizes for the raffle. The event has been well organised and advertised, it should hopefully be a good evening and all that is required is for people to come along.

Stringers shopping night – Michelle and Debbie recapped on the evening and explained that we need to sell 250 tickets to ensure that all 3 floors are opened. Michelle asked that all members present take some tickets away from the meeting and sell as many as possible before the next meeting. Any unsold tickets should be returned to Michelle or Debbie.

ACTION – Members to sell as many tickets as possible.

Fun Run – Robert explained that this was a new event and that he had already spoken previously to

Miss Gore from the PE department and we were looking to organise this event for some time in

Spring. Robert asked for a sub-committee to be formed to organise this. Thanks to the following people who volunteered:

Corinne, Karen, Deborah, Joanne and Dianne.

ACTION – Robert to co-ordinate and arrange sub-committee

Summer Ball – Robert explained to the group about the success of the previous few years and asked the group would they consider another ball for next year. The group felt this was a good idea and volunteers stepped forward to form a sub-committee. Robert and Debbie thanked them for their kind offers and explained that they would assist and hand over from previous years balls. The subcommittee volunteers are:

Mandy, Julia, Annemarie and Zoe.

ACTION – Ball committee to organise handover

Christmas Markets – After last year's successful trip Debbie offered to run another coach trip. Most people seemed to agree that this would be a popular trip again. Although it does not yield a huge amount of money it is quite easy to organise and a popular event.

ACTION: Debbie to check coach prices and dates and let the group know.

Mother’s Day Shopping evening – Lesley Dobson and Alison Dunn usually organise this event and centre it around Mother's Day. Lesley kindly agreed to run this event again and a date of 25th

February was agreed. A suggestion was made by Christine that a similar event was held at

Christmas. Lesley explained that although this was feasible, she already runs a similar event at

Christmas for Trinity Hospice, also that we have 2 other Christmas events and perhaps a third would prove too much to organise in the time and to ask people to attend.

ACTION Debbie to book room and Lesley to crack on!!

Rag Bag – Debbie reported that we had received a further 2 cheques from the scheme for £24 and

£36. Unfortunately, some of the items that could be brought to the bin had changed and therefore, possibly this would impact on how quickly the bin will fill from now on. Although it was generally felt that this was still worth continuing with.

Fundraising Schemes ongoing –

Library refurb – Robert explained that this is an ongoing project that we are currently fundraising for and at the moment there was nothing to report, however, there were meetings scheduled and

Robert will ensure there is something to report back on at the next meeting in terms of target setting etc. Whilst the Library refurbishment is going to cost considerably more than the PTFA is able to raise in any one year, it would be useful to have a goal in mind and to set some targets. To this end

Robert will try to ascertain some specific goals we can aim towards.

ACTION – Robert to feedback to group

Lighting project – Sarah reported that there was no progress to report on this currently. Sarah will speak to Peter Webster about getting this pushed along and arranging for the lighting company to come in and do an inventory and suggestions of equipment for purchase.

ACTION – Sarah to feedback to group

5. Headmasters Forum

Mr Wood explained to the group that there are currently lots of changes going on in Education in terms of the new GCSE syllabus for Maths and English and the new way that these subjects will be assessed and graded. Also a new system has been set up for target setting. Each subject for each year has specified these targets, and put these on the school website. Mr Wood felt that it was important that this was explained to parents as well as children and to this end details have been placed on the school website which seek to explain the new system and assessments etc. Mr Wood asked that parents present take the time to try to find this on the website and read it in order to feedback to him at the next meeting. He would be interested to know whether firstly parents are able to locate this information with ease and secondly, in doing so, how easily digestible the information is. Mr Wood is keen for any feedback on the accessibility of this information at the next monthly meeting.

ACTION (Homework!!) : All parents to try and find the above information on the website and feedback at the next meeting. Also Mr Wood would appreciate feedback on the new targets which will be on the interim reports to be issued shortly.

6. Refreshments

Sally was absent from the meeting, however, Lesley kindly took names of volunteers for the forthcoming Open evening and Meet the form Teacher. Thanks to all those who volunteered.

7.Any Other Business

Newsletter – Debbie reported that the first issue of the newsletter had finally been sent out and that it looked rather good!! The next one would be at some point into the next half term. Christine mentioned about the charity shopping link and its availability not being obvious on the website, it was suggested that this should be brought to parents attention again via the next edition of the


ACTION: Debbie to enquire as the details of this link and arrange for this to be advertised.

Presentation Cheque – Debbie reported that David, Local List, had kindly agreed to source a large rewritable cheque for presentations. This has been drawn up with the PTFA logo and is ready to print. Debbie thanked David for his time and generosity. The cheque would be ready next week.

Sarah mentioned that the Music department had still not received their money from the Summer

Tombola, Debbie suggested that we do this once the cheque is received and get a photo taken for the website.


– Debbie to liaise with David and Sarah re a time for Presentation.

8. Date of next meeting

The next meeting had been arranged for 5 November, however, this is of course Bonfire Night which may mean fewer members would be in attendance and as this will be the last

Meeting before the Stringers shopping night it was considered to reschedule this. The 4th

November was agreed.

ACTION : Debbie to confirm with site supervisor that this date was acceptable.

The meeting closed at 08.50 p.m
