June 14 ninutes UCF Women`s Club

UCF Women’s Club
Board of Director’s Meeting
June 14, 2013
Panera on University
1. Welcome-Nancy Marshall. Members present were Nancy, Dell Shadgett,
Sarah Magann, Mary Meeker, and Debbie Carauana. Debbie Manual, Bette
Boston, Beth Barnes, Norma Vernor, and Maggie LeClaire were unable to
attend. The meeting was originally scheduled for June 7, but was postponed
because of inclement weather.
2. Minutes for May 16 minutes. Mary Meeker in Norma’s absence. Tabled for
corrections to be made by next meeting.
3. Treasurer’s Report: Debbie Caruana. Business Checking current balance—
$4671.87 and Share Savings $8539.81. Membership renewals up to 23, a
little behind last year’s renewal status. Our fiscal year is July 1-June 30, so a
budget will be presented at next month’s meeting for discussion and
approval. We are on track for a 1099 which will indeed indicate that our
income is above the amount that a group like ours should have without being
tax exempt. This is the reason for our filing for that status.
4. Sunshine report: Dell reported Teri Notestine death last night, 6 months after
leukemia diagnosis. Celebration of life will occur in about a month.
5. Interest Groups. Mary Meeker. Interest Group chairs will meet September 5
at Mary’s home to organize for the year. The meeting will incorporate the
use of the website for posting events, finding member information, and the
6. Scholarships and fund raising: Committee ( Sarah, Mary, Dell and Maggie) for
selection of scholarship recipients has met and recommendations have been
made to financial aid office.
7. Old Business
a. Web site: Sarah Magann. Sarah met with Maggie and Jonathon, who is the
web master for the College of Arts and Sciences. We will soon have a new
user-friendly “canned” system with a membership list that is only 2 pages
with no extraneous information. Further information is needed to
complete the transition, and that is being sought from the members that
helped set up the first website. The Board budgeted an amount of $500
for this project and has been paid (Debbie, is this correct?).
b. Club incorporation status. Debbie Caruana. Debbie has sent email to all
board members and interest group chairs requesting copies of agendas,
activities, etc. for the 2112 -13 fiscal year. Information is coming in. She
needs a copy of the fall newsletter, which Mary will get to her. She also
needs good descriptions of interest groups in general and of specific ones
with their purpose and activities for the past year only. Sarah and Mary
will work on descriptions of interest groups.
c. Fall Luncheon, September 10. Nancy Marshall. Fairwinds Alumni Center
has been booked for that date for a luncheon 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Nancy
will meet with Aramark soon to detail menu and asked for suggestions.
Group agreed that salad is best idea perhaps with Asian flair. The theme
agreed upon is “Science is sexy “ with a speaker from UCF College of
Sciences. Maggie is working on securing a speaker.
d. Newsletter. Information has been sent to Jerrianne Sullivan, but she is
unable to do the spring issue. Beth is to ask Margie Sloan if she would
take that on. It is a paid position. Nancy will ask Maggie to get info from
Jerrianne so that this can proceed. Statements from Beth as outgoing
president and Nancy as incoming president will be needed as well as a
picture of Nancy.
8. New Business. Nancy Marshall. There was an inquiry earlier in the week
from the UCF Foundation in regard to our incorporation for tax-exempt
status. Any misunderstanding has been clarified.