WG-26-2015-03-22-Min - dicom

1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900
Arlington, VA 22209, USA
+1-703- 475-9217
E-mail: dicom@medicalimaging.org
March 22th, 2015
Called to order: 08.30
Meeting closed: 12:00
Location: Hampton Room, Boston Sheraton Hotel, Boston)
Presiding Officer: Mikael Wintell & Dan Hosseinzadeh
Voting Members Represented
Vastra Gotalandsregionen
Mass General Hospital
Philips Medical System
Kevin Campbell
Megumi Kondo
Mikael Wintell
Bruce Beckwith
Tamas Regenyi
John Gilbertson
Hans van Wijngaarden
Voting Members Not Represented
ALCON Research
British Columbia Provincial Lab.
Coordinating Office
Corista, LLC
DMetrix, Inc.
Nikon Instruments
Objective Pathology Services
Ohio State University
Takasaki Univ.
Simin Shoari
Joanne Philley
Eric Wirch
Michael Descour
Stanley Schwartz
Kemp Watson
Thomas Wedi
Tony Pan
Jacques Klossa
Ikuo Tofukuji
DICOM WG-26 – Pathology
March 22th, 2014
Mary Kennedy
Alternate Voters, Observers, Guests Present
Dan Hosseinzadeh
Robert (Bob) Leif
Bas Hulsken
Peter Miller
Ingvar Ryden
Frank van Apeldoorn
Koike Tsutomu
Zsolt Szegedi
PathCore Inc
Newport Instruments
Philips Medical System
Caliper LS
Philips Medical System
IHE Japan
- (Thanks to CAP for sponsoring the meeting room also to PathCore (Dan
Hosseinzadeh) for helping us arranging teleconf-meeting facilities)
- Agenda presented
- Introduction by all present
- Meeting Readiness presented (DICOM rules for working groups)
- Antitrust disclaimer presented
- Mikael Wintell and Dan Hosseinzadeh (PathCore) propose the development of three
subgroups in order to forge ahead on several challenges simultaneously
o Multispectral Imaging (ICC Profile) subgroup
o Workflow subgroup
o AP structured report subgroup
- Previous meeting minutes presented and accepted
- Mikael Wintell (VGR) introduced the IHE effort on workflow
- Robert Leif discusses OME (Open Microscopy Environment)
Aperio Patent Conclusion
- Mikael Wintell presented history of the Aprio/Leica patent
- Mikael Wintell reports that NEMA legal counsel has reviewed the patent issue
- DICOM legal counsel has declared the patent issue solved because Aperio has signed on
as DICOM voting member.
- DICOM has prepared new documents for Leica to reaffirm their intention of carrying out
Aperio’s obligations. These documents will be forwarded to Leica.
Multispectral Proposal Update
DICOM WG-26 – Pathology
March 22th, 2014
Bas Hulsken (Philips) presented DICOM multi-spectral presentation states
Proposal presentation available on FTP
Proposal to be discussed at WG-6 meeting in June
Proposal covers enhancing ICC support in DICOM as well as adding support for linear
Multi-spectral usecase needed in several imaging fields (dermatology, optometry fondus
imaging, cytometry, pathology, etc.), and therefore is best handled by WG-6
Robert Leif mentioned ISAC has linear unmixing standards
Bas Hulsken (Philips) indicates that multiple presentation states can be stored per image
which allows multiple views of the same data, in response to question from Peter Miller
(Perkin Elmer)
WG-26 should indicate their preferences for the storage of ICC profiles (see presentation)
Bas Hulsken will represent WG-26 in WG-6 meetings
Multispectral (ICC profile) Subgroup
- Bas Hulsken (Phillips) (bas.hulsken at Philips dot com) nominated as Chair of
multispectral subgroup, approved.
- Bruce Beckwith (CAP) volunteered to serve as member
- Robert Leif volunteered to serve as member
- Peter Miller (Perkin Elmer) volunteered to serve as member
Coffee Break
Structured Reports Discussion
- Recruit pathologists to join the effort in order to get a balanced view of requirements
- Robert Leif recommend use of ISAC (an XML based format for storage)
- Robert Leif mentioned that US HER may contain information similar to DICOM APSR
- John Gilbertson (MGH) reiterates that CAP has already created templates for content of
structured reports, which could be very helpful in guiding the DICOM efforts
- Ingvar Ryden (Tieto) asked where to put quantitative information into LIS, perhaps in SR
Structured Reports Subgroup
- David Clunie (dclunie at dclunie dot com) nominated to Chair AP-SR subgroup
- Mikael will contact David and see if he approves to his nomination
- There is a need to collaborate with IHE and CAP within this subgroup
- A first task may be to compare and contrast (gap analysis) IHE and DICOM approaches
- David Clunie is the original author of DICOM structured reports and is therefore very
familiar with the current DICOM and IHE standards
Workflow Discussion
DICOM WG-26 – Pathology
March 22th, 2014
John Gilbertson (MGH) asks, is it possible to deploy a DICOM based digital pathology
solution today?
Mikael Wintell (VGR), talks about problems in radiology related to “non-standard”
Dan Hosseinzadeh (PathCore) proposes the development of sup 145 “reference
implementation” as a way to streamline and guide future implementations; availability of
dicomized images and software will be helpful for all vendors
Bruce Beckwith (CAP) commented that to create a “reference implementation” image
raw data, image metadata, and dicomized versions of this data may be required
In response to the utility of DICOM in pathology, Bruce Beckwith (CAP) says that sup.
145 and sup. 122 were designed to be very flexible and intended to be layered with IHE
profiles for specific use cases
Mikael Wintell (VGR) proposes a “hackathon” to allow vendors to collaborate and create
conformant implementation guides.
Workflow Subgroup
- Dan Hosseinzadeh (PathCore) (dan.zadeh at pathcore dot ca) nominated as Chair of
subgroup workflow , approved.
- Dan Hosseinzadeh is currently involved with the creation of end-to-end digital pathology
workflow solutions from a vendor neutral perspective
- Bruce Beckwith (CAP) mentioned that LIS vendor involvement will be important for the
workflow subgroup
- Frank van Apeldoorn (Philips) volunteers as member of subgroup
- Mikael Wintell (VGR) volunteers as member of subgroup
- Bruce Beckwith (CAP) volunteers as member of subgroup
- John Gilbertson (MGH) volunteers as member of subgroup
FTP Usage
- Mikael Wintell (VGR) described contents and organization of the WG-26 private FTP
folder after rearranging its structure.
- Decision made to post the unofficial meeting minutes on private section of FTP until the
minutes can be approved by DICOM secretariat
- Dan Hosseinzadeh (PathCore) suggests a survey of WG26 members and potentially the
pathology community in order to identify high priority challenges, efforts for
standardization, and new focus areas for WG-26 post sup. 122 and sup. 145
- Ingvar Ryden (Tieto) mentions that an educational component and a website may be
required to introduce DICOM to pathologists
DICOM WG-26 – Pathology
March 22th, 2014
Zsolt Szegedi (3D Histech) indicates that survey could be very valuable and suggest that
it could be dynamic, so that people can address specific issues of interest based on their
level of knowledge
WG26 in favor of the survey.
Future Meetings
- ECP (Serbia, September 5-9) selected for the next meeting of WG26
- A telecon may be scheduled for a time after the ECP meeting to process subgroup
- Digital Pathology Congress, may be a suitable meeting site; this conference includes a
session on standardization and is now organized in EU, Asia, US
- Megumi Kondo (JAHIS) suggests IHE’s Paris meeting as a possible meeting location
- Dan Hosseinzadeh (PathCore) asks Megumi Kondo to report on the IHE meeting if she
- Bruce Beckwith and Mikael Wintell recommend that USCAP and ECP could be our
default meeting locations and perhaps CAP may be 3rd location for physical meetings
Meeting conclude at 12pm
Reported to ACR/NEMA by: Mikael Wintell, Chair
Reviewed by legal counsel: Clark Silcox
DICOM WG-26 – Pathology
March 22th, 2014