1300 North 17th Street, Suite 900 Arlington, VA 22209, USA +1-703- 475-9217 http://dicom.nema.org E-mail: dicom@medicalimaging.org M I N U T E S-rev1 DICOM WORKING GROUP TWENTY-SIX (Pathology) September 3, 2013 Called to order: 9:00 AM Local Time Meeting closed: 12:45 PM Local time Location: Room IV / V Centro Congresso, Lisbon, Portugal Presiding Officer: Mikael Wintell, Co-Chair Voting Members Represented 3DHistech DAKO North America GE Healthcare /Omnyx JAHIS Philips Healthcare TRIBVN Vastra Gotalandsregionen Victor Varga Joachim Schmid Michael Meissner Megumi Kondo Hans Van Wijngaarden Jacques Klossa Mikael Wintell Voting Members Not Represented ADICAP ALCON Research British Columbia Provincial Lab. Coordinating Office CAP CAP/Northshore Med Ctr. Corista, LLC DMetrix, Inc. Leica Microsystems/Aperio 1 Daniel Christel Simin Shoari Joanne Philley Mark Whitsitt Bruce Beckwith Eric Wirch Michael Descour Ole Eichhorn Spelling and editorial corrections 1 _______________________ DICOM WG-26 – Pathology September 3, 2011 Mass General Hospital Newport Instruments Nikon Instruments Objective Pathology Services Panasonic Servicio de Anatomia Patologia Takashi Univ. of Health&Welfare Ohio State University John Gilbertson Robert Leif Stanley Schwartz Kemp Watson Thomas Wedi Marcial Garcia Rojo Ikuo Tofokui Tony Pan Alternate Voters, Observers, Guests Present Maya Costa * Antoine Discher Laszlo Gevely Anders Greve * Dan Hosseinzadeh Bas Hulsken Arvydas Laurinavicius Ole Feldballe Rasmussen * Ernesto Moro Rodriguez Bikash Sabata VENTANA Hamamatsu Photonics 3DHistech DAKO North America PathCore, Inc Philips Healthcare Lithuania Natl Pathology Ctr DAKO North America Universidad Rey Juan Carlos VENTANA * Guest, not on WG email list ASSIGNMENTS SUMMARY: Work Items assigned and this meeting: 1. Michael to coordinate meeting room for CAP meeting 2. Michael to coordinate meeting room for US CAP meeting 3. Michael to ask JD Nolan for an update on unique specimen ID 4. Mikael to follow-up with Steven on patent update and possibly have him join the next WG26 meeting 5. Ole to see if Aperio/Leica can share a high-level summary of the IP terms 6. Michael to re-share strategy document of WG26 7. Mikael and Joachim to share their workflow proposal (over the coming weeks) 8. Jacques to invite Mary Kennedy and other from IHE to our CAP meeting this fall Work item(s) from previous meeting(s): 1. Jon G to get CAP join DICOM WG26 2. Michael to publish link to IHE conference calendar 3. Michael to ask WG26 for participants in a trial implementation of LIS, stainer, and imaging device 4. Soren + Donal + Bikash to follow-up on IHE device automation integration profiles, as mentioned by Christel 2 _______________________ DICOM WG-26 – Pathology September 3, 2011 5. On hold: Bas H to work with Bas R and translate multi-spectral proposal into DICOM 6. On hold: Bas H to check with WG26 listserve who would be interested in a trial implementation of multi-spectral presentation state. 1. Opening: The meeting began with a welcome and brief introduction to the planned agenda of the meeting. We welcomed those present, asked people to introduce themselves, and re-stated the antitrust rules. The Agenda was approved. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. 1. HL7/IHE Update: Bikash mentioned there was a meeting in Atlanta but no further details on content as nobody from this group was present. 2. Meeting with IHE: Jacques proposed to have the spring meeting in May in Paris (European Digital Pathology Congress June 18-21 2014), together with the IHE teams, better connecting the efforts and bringing more industry participation to IHE. Mikael commented that some of the integration profiles and proposals need more participation by industry stakeholders and that Workflow of a fully digital pathology use case needs to be focus of WG26. Group agreed. 3. WSI Patent: Dan raised the issue and wanted to know if any status update was known. Bikash mentioned that Leica has not come back on their request to honor the original commitment Ole E made in the WG26 back then. Dan also said that he has not gotten any feedback after contacting Leica. Same for Victor from 3DHistech. Mikael reported that initially Aperio had filed the patent to secure the IP to provide it to the community. Question is on license fee (to cover cost). Conference call with Ole, Steven V, and Mikael was on educating Steven on the subject. High-level take-away was to provide the IP as originally communicated in WG26 and that vendors could obtain a license directly. Generally, DICOM as an organization is not getting involved in Legal matters between companies but the matter is still being investigated by Steven V and NEMA. Several people voiced opinions (not Legal opinions) that Supplement 145 won’t be endangered by the patent. Mikael to follow-up with Steven. Bikash said that without Legal clarification, (some) companies might not move forward with implementation of Supplement 145 which means this industry is at a stand-still. Dan mentioned there is a second patent that is on viewing of tiled images and the patent is also from Aperio: Storage Patent https://www.google.com/patents/US8086077 and http://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=US&NR=8086077B2&KC=B 2&FT=D. Viewing Patent http://www.google.ca/patents/US20120099769. Joachim asked whether there are any examples from other DICOM working groups along the same lines. Mikael mentioned of a situation where this was the case but the patent was granted to the community. Question came up on reasonable cost for license. Bikash commented that the requested license was per seat / install … and thus would provide competitive information which is unacceptable. A simple base fee would be more in line with reasonably covering the cost of the patent. Need to follow-up wit Steven V at NEMA. Dan and Victor said they approached Leica on the patent … but did not get a response. Again, need to close the loop with Steven V and determine what the next options could be. 3 _______________________ DICOM WG-26 – Pathology September 3, 2011 Dan raised the potential to nullify the patent by approaching the patent office with existing prior art or obviousness material. Joachim shared his experience where this takes time, money, and might not lead to anything. Some companies feel more risk averse than others and if they cannot support the standard then that defeats the purpose of the standard. It is about open communication and data exchange between all vendors. Would be interesting to see what the status of the European patent filing is. Secretary’s note: After the meeting, Michael Meissner called Ole Eichorn at Aperio and Ole apologized for any communication gaps that occurred. He suggested to always copy him on any communication to Aperio / Leica so he can help in such instances. Ole said that the intent is still to license the IP to everybody with the same terms for everybody. Michael asked Ole for a high-level summary of the terms to share with WG26. Ole wanted to follow-up. 4. Presentation state for Multi-Spectral: Bas reported from the FDA color summit in Washington, DC. Good meeting and an ICC workgroup for pathology has been started. Focus will be on medical color space, calibration slides, and multi-spectral handling. Work on DICOMization of the multi-spectral proposal is on hold. Waiting on outcome of the ICC working group and whether or not there are changes coming from ICC on that proposal / waiting for ICCv5 which will have extensions that would be suitable for multi-spectral. Decision is needed whether or not a “true color” image is the end-goal, e.g. for multi-spectral. If not, it might not be the right choice. Victor commented that true color makes sense for visible light. For multi-spectral, we are likely not mature enough to talk about / measure photons but true color seems not reasonable there. He questioned the need of yet another color space. Bas commented that for visible light we already have everything we need (good to go as is). Discussion continued on multispectral and question for right approach. Victor commented that multi-spectral is more used by researchers than routine clinical use. Hence, does it make sense to look into this without a true use case. Mikael commented that this was an issue in radiology, too. Once info is sent to PACS, it should be visibly reproducible. Bikash asked whether a slide scanner on two different scanners would be reproducible today. Victor answered “no” due to the many differences in the scanner. Discussion evolved around purpose of working group and whether this is in or out of scope. Reviewed strategy document to clarify the forward looking nature and confirmed this is a topic of interest. Question remains whether ICCv5 is something we could/should wait for … or push ahead now. Bas summarized it is a question of trying to calibrate for spectral emission or dose. After a discussion, a quantitative fluorescence IHC algorithm would need to be calibrated on dose while for generic fluorescence use would need the spectral emission data. Bas to share ICCv5 with the working group 26 and fluorescence scanner vendors to review whether this could work long term foundation. If not, share feedback with ICC. In general both paths (spectral emission or dose) are not highest priority for the working group. 4 _______________________ DICOM WG-26 – Pathology September 3, 2011 5. Calibration Slide for histopathology: Bas reported from the progress being made in the recently founded working group of ICC to come up with calibration color target to facilitate calibration of devices. Numerical aperture, mounting media, cover slip, etc. are all impacting color. FDA has representatives on that committee. Joachim asked question on scope. Bas commented that it is being defined right now and likely will be histopathology and cytology with a broader spectrum of stains beyond H&E. Discussion evolved around purpose … finding a color target that can be used by all vendors and discussing light source variations, patch stability over time, etc. Steps of ICC are for photography and can this working group is dealing with the procedure deviations necessary to make it work for microscopy. Anybody interested should reach out to Craig Revie at ICC (Michael can provide introduction). ICC does require membership which is currently being waved but will apply in the not too distant future. Joachim pointed out earlier work from Grenoble that should be considered in the ICC working group. Bikash asked for targets for multi-spectral targets and there is a separate working group. If you are interested, ask Bas and he can connect you to the working group organizer. 6. IHE Workflow: Mikael reported on the analysis of the workflow that was originally raised as an issue in Venice. Workflow is rather academic and there are gaps that require more vendor participation. Mikael and Joachim will take a stab at defining workflow and present priorities for buy-in in the coming months (ETA: October). 7. JAHIS Update: Translation to English was completed, can provide an electronic copy. Michael upload the documentation to the DICOM ftp server under the Lisbon meeting folder. 8. Upcoming meetings: Mikael suggested a refresh of the annual meeting cadence with two physical meetings and sub-groups to run efforts off-line between meetings, making progress and publishing tangible outcomes. Michael commented on where that worked well and where it doesn’t and topics keep dragging on. Jacques said the workflow one is an important one as tenders are coming out that ask for compliance with e.g. IHE. General agreement to do this and workflow being an important component. Workflow is fairly generic, need to dive deeper on what specific aspects to focus on. Some of this will overlap with the IHE integration profiles … will aim to connect with IHE at the Paris meeting in spring (Jacques to organize with Mikael). Need to focus on the basic routine anatomical pathology workflow. Need to make sure we do have a solid representation of LIS vendors as the integration profiles can only work with their support. a. Planned Meetings: i. CAP in Orlando, October 13-16 … find meeting room for 2 hours ii. US CAP in spring: follow-up on Workflow (~2 hours meeting) iii. European Digital Pathology Congress June 18-21 2014, Paris, France iv. TBD 5 _______________________ DICOM WG-26 – Pathology September 3, 2011 Reported by: Michael Meissner, Co-Chair September 3, 2013 Reviewed by legal counsel: CRS 2013-09-30 6 _______________________ DICOM WG-26 – Pathology September 3, 2011