significant meaning to the following terms and people.
Terms, People
DIRECTIONS: You will be responsible for reading the assigned pages and for defining or giving the
SECTION I. CONTENT VOCABULARY. Pages: 324-331. Europe After the Fall of Rome.
Holy Roman Empire
Charles Martel
Academic Vocabulary: significant, enable, exclude
Biography: Read biography on Charlemagne on page 329.
Questions for Discussion:
1. What important changes took place in Europe after the fall of Rome?
2. What conditions after the fall of Rome led to the rise of Feudalism?
3. Which Germanic tribes settled in the areas that became France and Germany?
4. How did Charlemagne improve learning and the quality of the church in medieval Europe?
5. Describe the condition of Europe after Charlemagne’s death.
SECTION 2. CONENT VOCABULARY Pages: 335-343. Development of Feudalism. feudalism knight vassal serf apprentice fief three field system journeyman manor code of chivalry
Flanders guilds
Academic Vocabulary: shift, process
Reading Check: Answer question on page 343.
Questions for Discussion:
1. How did the feudal system affect the everyday lives of people in Europe?
2. Why was loyalty important in the feudal system?
3. Why was it such a long and rigorous process to become a knight?
4. How did each class help to keep a feudal manor running?
5. Describe the social order that evolved in medieval towns.
6. Explain how the guild system worked.
7. How did the Magna Carta pave the way for a new social system in England?
Read on page 342: Linking Past and Present
YOU DECIDE: Feudalism: Good or Bad? Read this piece on pages 344-345.
Domesday Book
Grand Jury
Edward I
Habeas Corpus
William the Conqueror Henry II
Trial Jury parliament due process
John I
House of Lords House of Commons
Philip IV
Crusades Pope Urban II Saladin
Academic Vocabulary: guarantee, nonetheless, document
Common Law
Magna Carta
Estates General (France)
Richard the Lion-Hearted
Questions for Discussion:
1. How did the Magna Carta pave the way for a new social order in England?
2. What motivated the Europeans to go on crusade? What did they hope to gain?
3. What was the general outcome of the crusader movement? Were the successful? How was Europe
affected? the Middle East?
4. Why did cities such as Venice flourish as a result of the crusades?
SECTION 1/4. Pages 331-333 and 355-363. The Power of the Church.
CONTENT VOCABULARY: Section 1. Pages 331-333. concordat missionary excommunicated
Henry IV
CONTENT VOCABULARY: Section 4. Pages 355-363.
The Cistercian Order
Bernard of Clairvaux
Hildegard of Bingen scholasticism convents heresy
Francis of Assisi friars
Inquisition vernacular
Academic Vocabulary: demonstrate, obtain
Gregory VII mass anti-Semitism theology
Biography: Read the biography on Thomas Aquinas on page 362.
Reading Check: Answer the questions on pages 359 and 363.
SECTION 5. CONTENT VOCABULARY. Pages 364-369. plague
Ferdinand of Aragon
Isabella of Castile
Joan of Arc
The Hundred Years’ War
Academic Vocabulary: approximate, abandon
Biography: Read biography on Joan of Arc on page 368.