Read our Newsletter - Ambrose Avenue Group Practice

Our Patient Participation Group continues to expand
and are very proactive with surveys and regular
meetings to look at ways to ensure the practice
offers the best possible service to all its patients.
The group welcome new recruits and are happy to
hear from patients who would like to ‘Have their
Say’, either by participating in the meetings or by
being a virtual member and communicating by
email. If you wish to take part please ask for a form
from one of our Receptionists.
A very happy, healthy and prosperous new year is
wished to all our patients.
All Partners and Staff say a BIG THANK YOU to all
those who kindly gave cards and gifts.
2013 was a tough year and General Practice has had
to deal with many changes over the last 12 months,
whilst at the same time endeavouring to ensure the
practice continues to offer the best possible service
to all our patients.
Changes taking place this year are the withdrawal of
the Warts & Verruca’s Clinic and changes to the
phlebotomy service previously offered.
We understand that the Warts & Verruca Clinic will be
missed but with the tight budget restraints GP
Practices are currently experiencing, this clinic is
unfortunately no longer able to run. We ask that
patients speak with a Pharmacist about over the
counter products if they have any problems with
warts or verruca’s.
The Surgery has been unable to offer routine blood
tests and have had to restrict this service to our
elderly and housebound population. This service
availability may change….look on our website for
further information, we will update as and when
more information becomes available.
All households will be receiving a leaflet through
their letterbox explaining how your data may be
shared. Sharing information about the care you
have received helps the NHS understand the health
needs of everyone and the quality of the treatment
and care provided. It also helps researchers by
supporting studies that identify patterns in diseases,
responses to different treatments, and the
effectiveness of different services.
More information can be found by logging on to our
website or the NHS website:
or call the dedicated patient information line on
0300 456 3531. If you don’t wish your details to be
shared please let the surgery know.
Are you due a review? Please speak to a Receptionist
to book an appointment with the relevant clinician.
Please speak to one of our Receptionist who will
advise if you need any blood tests, or your blood
Keeping a well stocked medicine cabinet at
pressure tested before your review. If you attend for
home can help you treat many minor
ailments. Colds, coughs, indigestion and
an Asthma Review remember to bring your inhalers
many other minor complaints can all be
with you to your booked appointment.
treated with medicines that are available
over the counter.
Your pharmacist can advise on what you
DNA’s (Did Not Attend)
Remember!!!! If you cannot make your appointment
please let us know. If you DNA (Do not attend) and do
not let the Surgery know the appointment is wasted.
Let us know and we can offer the appointment to
might find useful to keep in your medicine
cabinet. Always follow the instructions on the
medicine label and consult your doctor if the
illness continues or becomes more severe.
If you really feel you need to see a clinician
Our Nurse Practitioner is able to look at all
another patient.
Minor Illnesses and can prescribe if need be.
Ante-Natal Appointments
Check out our website on for
Please contact the Area Midwifery Team for
updates and information on services provided.
Did you know you can ‘REQUEST’ an appointment
through our website and we will do our best to
book you your requested date if available. You can
also update your personal details through our website
all Ante-Natal and pregnancy issues. They
can be contacted on:
Office: 01206 742369
Paula Kilpatrick: 07801 557544