E-assessment task Japanese

Japanese student task
Language: Japanese
Stage: 5
Due date:
Indicative time: 1.5 - 2 hours
20 marks (total)
Task: You are required to construct a dialogue of approximately 1-2 minutes between a
shopkeeper and a
customer. There are two parts to this
task; Part A is a written draft of the dialogue and Part B is the recording of the dialogue.
You are to work individually to construct a dialogue between a shopkeeper and a customer.
You will need to ‘play’ the part of both the shopkeeper and the customer by changing the
‘pitch’ of your voice using the program Audacity. The dialogue must be approximately 1-2
minutes long and include the following:
standard opening salutations/greetings
a request by the customer for a specific item/s
extension work: add a complication (e.g. the shopkeeper does not have the item
requested by the customer) and a resolution (e.g. shopkeeper offers alternate
item/size/colour, etc.).
a financial transaction (i.e. the customer pays for the item)
standard closing remarks
For Part A You will first need to write/type a draft of your dialogue and submit it to the
teacher for feedback.
For Part B You will need to record your final version of the dialogue and submit it to the
teacher for feedback.
Marking criteria:
In this task you will be marked on your ability to:
Part A
use a range of vocabulary appropriate to the topic of shopping
sequence and structures ideas coherently and effectively
use script (hiragana/katakana/kanji) accurately
Part B
use correct pronunciation and intonation
maintain pace in delivery of dialogue
use culturally appropriate language.
Japanese E-assessment Task (Stage 5)
Part A – draft dialogue
Electronic feedback
Missing little つ.
Missing う.
Long vowels
need to be
typed in with a
きゃく: こんにちは。キャラクターのえんぴつはありますか。double vowel or
vowel and u.
e.g. doozo is
This word is written with a double
typed as douzo
てんいん: はい、あります。どぞ。(indicating
the way)
い - かわいい.
for どうぞ.
てんいん: いらしゃいませ。
Wrong kanji for に.
てんいん: 一本120円です。
It should be 二本. Be
careful when choosing kanji that it is correct
for the context as the computer will offer you
all possible compounds/combinations. Also,
the particle を is not used after a counter.
Foreign borrowed words
need to be written in
katakana - ブルー.
てんいん: はい。
This can be written in kanji - 一つ.
Insert particle は as you are
てんいん: はい。ピンクとぶるーときいろがあります。talking about the glue.
てんいん shop assistant
きゃく customer
きゃく: Key:
てんいん: けしゴムはひとつ80円です。
てんいん: はい。のり一本100えんです。ぜんぶで580円です。
はい、どうぞ。(handing over the money)
てんいん: はい。420円おつりです。ありがとうございました。