Main publications 1. Anastasova M. (2013) “Some trends of demographic potential in Bulgarian villages till 2020. at national and regional level”, Agricultural Economics and Management, № .1, pp.48-55. 2. Anastasova M. (2013) “Level of the members participation from some Agricultural Cooperatives in their activities”-In: Cooperatives in the Bulgarian village -light shade past and uncertain future", Bulgaria Rusticana, pp. 158168. 3. Anastasova M. (2012) “Agricultural educational status of farmers and their employment behavior”, In: Educational questions for Bulgarian village (sociological points of view) Izd.Alya, pp. 146-156. 4. Anastasova M. (2012) “Regional assessment of the changes in the demographic village potential after the start of the RDP”, Agricultural Economics and Management, № 1, pp. 67-75. 5. Anastasova M. (2010) “Development of demographic processes in the villages by planning regions and districts”, Economic Thought., BAS., 2010, № .2, pp. 69-83. 6. Anastasova M. (2011) “Migration intentions of the Population from some Rural Municipalities”. Look in: Diversity and Inequality in Rural Europe – The Bulgarian Case. Bulgaria Rusticana. pp. 184-193. 7. Anastasova M., M.Shishmanova (2011) “Demographic Situation in the Villages Afterimplementing the natonal Plan for Rural Development”, In: Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Vol.1. Foufth International Scientific Conference – FMNS2011, South- West University, Blagoevgrad, 8-11 June, pp. 522-530. 8. Anastasova M., M.Shishmanova (2010) “ Regarding a method for predicting the demographic potential of the rural municipality in peripheral area” In: Science, education and the arts in the 21st century, SWU "Neophyte Rilski", Blagoevgrad, pp.254-264. 9. Nikolov D., M.Anastasova, T.Radev (2010) “ CAP Impact on the structural adjustment of the agricultural holdings”,Agricultural Economics and Management, № .2, p 23-32. 10. Koteva N. M.Anastasova (2011) “The role of the small farms conditions of of Euro-integration”, Agricultural Economics and Management, № 5, pp.3343. 11. Anastasova M. N.Malamova (2009) “Assessment of demographic trends and employment in rural areas”, SSA, IAE, pp.56. 12. Anastasova M. N.Malamova, O.Boyukliev (2011) “State and guidelines for the development of demographic resources, labor force, employment and income in rural areas”, SSA, IAE pp.51. 13. Anastasova M. N.Malamova (2013) “Demographic profile and agricultural employment of the rural areas conditions of the CAP”, SSA, IAE, pp. 60. 14. Nikolov D., M.Anastasova, I.Boevski, E.Ivanova (2013) “Insurance and risk in agriculture, SSA, IAE, Sofia, pp. 60. 15. Anastasova M. N.Malamova, P. Yovchevska (2014) “Evaluation of some socio-economic effects of the CAP implementation”, SSA, IAE, pp.56. 16. Nikolov D., M.Anastasova, I.Boevski, E.Ivanova (2013) “Farm risk. Strategies for risk management in agriculture”, Avangard Prima, Sofia, pp. 170. 17. Anastasova M. D.Nikolov (2013) “Evaluation of diversification and economic risk in Bulgarian farms”, Agricultural Economics and Management, № 3, pp.50-59. 18. Nikolov D., M.Anastasova, E.Ivanova (2013) “Insurance Products for Agriculture and the reaction of farmers”, Economic Thought, BAN, № 1, pp. 62-83. 19. Anastasova M. (2009) “Degree of the labor`s social subject development in agricultural production cooperatives”, Economic Thought., BAN., № .3., pp. 51-68. 20. Anastasova M. (2009) “Development of demographic processes in the Bulgarian village till 2011.“ Economic Alternatives Magazine, World Economy. № .2, pp. 47-60. 21. Mitsov V., M. Anastasova (2009) Use of statistical methods for studying the farm development , SSA, IAE, pp.40. 22. Anastasova M. (2008) “Some structural changes in the farms”, Agricultural Economics and Management, № 1 p.16-23. 23. Anastasova M. (2008) “Forecasting the Probability of Receiving and Use of grants by Farmers through Logistical Statistical Models”, Economic Thought, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, рр. 87-99. 24. Kaneva K., M.Anastasova (2008) Agricultural and rural development in Bulgaria, Rural Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization,Vol.15. pp. 191-213. Warsaw.