Main publications

Main publications
Malamova, N. (2013) : Factors Affecting Agricultural Employment 2014-2020 before the start of the new programming period –
Agricultural Economics and Management, № 4, pp.14-25.
Malamova, N. (2011): The assestment of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Meat Industry - Agricultural Economics and
Management, № 5, pp. 44-54.
Vladimirov Zh., Malamova, N. , Ts. Kovacheva, O. Harizanova, I. Kazatski (2009): Economic and Social Effects of the
Conforming to EU Food Quality and Safety Standards in Bulgaria. Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”, 2009,367 p.
Malamova, N. (2010): The Opportunities of Measure 311 from the Rural Areas Development Program to have an Impact on the
Employment – Agricultural Economics and Management, №.5, pp.34-41.
Malamova, N. (2008): Quality of Employment of the rural Population - Agricultural Economics and Management, № 4, pp.3946.
Malamova, N. (2009): Social and Economic Effects of the Introduction of the European Requirements for Food Safety in the
Meat Industry Enterprises, – Agricultural Economics and Management, , № 1,pp..19-28.
Malamova, N. (2009): Resources of Enterprises from the Meat Industry to Abide with the EU Standards for Food Safety, –
Agricultural Economics and Management, № 2, pp.18-26.
N. Malamova, D. Mitova, P. Yovchevska, Tz. Kovacheva, B. Ivanov, I. Petrova, P. Kirovsky, D. Toteva (2013) Effects of the
implementation of the CAP on the Development of the Bulgarian Agriculture and Food Industry - Agricultural Economics and
Management, , 2013/5-6, pp.14-26.
R. Popov, B.Ivano, P. Yovchevska, M. Anastasova, N. Malamova, E.Sokolova, A. Mitov (2013) Common Agricultural Policy
and Rural Development in Bulgaria - Agricultural Economics and Management, 2013/5-6, pp.69-80.
Malamova N., The Social Effect from the Agricultural Farms Diversification-European Experience and Bulgarian case (2011),
p.299-309 – In: “Diversity and inequality in rural Europe- The Bulgarian case”, Bulgaria Rusticana, 351 p.
Tz. Kovacneva, I. Petrova, N. Malamova, (2011) Competitive Abilities of the Bulgarian Food Industry in Terms of European
Integration – Agricultural Economics and Management , 3-4/2011, pp.40-49.
M. Anastasova, N. Malamova, (2011) Demographic Resources and labour Forse Development in Rural Areas – Agricultural
Economics and Management , 3-4/2011, pp 145-152.
Malamova N., Divergence of Labor Market in the Rural Zones of the Planning Regions (2009), p.13-20- In: “Reinventing the
Rural: between Social and Natural. The Bulgarian case”, Bulgaria Rusticana, 280 p.
Popov R., I. Yanakieva, N.Malamova, M. Anastasova-Chopeva, M. Atanasova (2009), Regional differences of Bulgarian
rural development, pp.69-83 - In: The Structural Changes in the Rural Areas and Agriculture in the Selected European Countries,
Popov R., I. Yanakieva, N.Malamova, M. Anastasova-Chopeva, M. Atanasova (2009. Różnice regionalne - Nowego Życia
Gospodarczego” nr 9-10/2009, стр.12-13.
Kovacheva, Ts., I. Petrova, N. Malamova, T. Radev (2009), Bulgarian Food Industry after integration into the European market,
achievements and challenges – Agricultural Economics and Management, 3/2009, pp.26-34.
Kovacheva, Ts., I. Petrova, N. Malamova, T. Radev (2008), Opportunities and perspectives for development of food industry
after accession of Bulgaria to the EU – Agricultural Economics and Management, 3/2008 г., pp.26-34.
Kovacheva, Ts., I. Petrova, N. Malamova, Pl. Yovchevska, Bulgarian Food Industry in the Pre - Accession Period: Trends and
Challenges (2007), 146-159 - In: Changes in the food sector after the Enlargement of the EU, Institute of Agricultural and food
economics National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland.
Vladimirov Zh., I. Kazatski, O. Harizanova, N. Malamova, T.Todorov, M. Badjakov (2002), Food-processing Enterprises in
Bulgaria – Competitiveness under Institutional Change.Sofia, 2002, 231 p.
Vladimirov Zh., I. Kazatski, A. Simova, N. Malamova, T. Rackadjiiska,
Competitiveness of Agricultural Producers in Bulgaria. Sofia, 2003, 237 p.
O. Harizanova,
S. Vateva, D. Kopeva (2003).
Malamova N., Motivational environment of employed in agriculture from the mountain and the semi-mountain areas,Sofia, 2002,
127 p.