School Improvement Plan

Kimmel Farm Elementary School
School Improvement Plan
Review and Update: December 10, 2013
Changes in Red
Goal #1
Increase reading proficiency for all students in grades K-5.
Achieve reading proficiency in grades K-2 using the new state assessments with
an overall composite target of 76% proficiency.
 Achieve reading proficiency in grades 3-5 using the new state assessments with
an overall composite target of 66% proficiency.
Using: Reading 3D; quarterly common formative assessments K-5
Measurements: EOQ: November 2013,January 2014, March 2014; May
Ready EOG Dates 2013-2014.
Strategy #1
Implement the Scott Foresman Reading Adoption grades 3-5/Guided Reading all
grades and “Imagine It” phonics component for K and full “Imagine It” implementation in
1st and 2nd (2013-2014). Utilize Common Core Standards in ELA.
Action Steps
 Schedule 150 minutes minimum of ELA instruction daily
 Specialists integrate reading instruction across the curriculum.
PRTs 1st-3rd
 Provide instructional training for K assistants
 Monitor curriculum alignment through LTMs and formative assessments. Utilize
data to make instructional decisions to increase proficiency levels (Reading 3D
and Blue Diamond) Quarterly classroom assessments
 Support at risk students through tutoring and provide targeted reading materials.
 Serve the AIG population to meet their needs. 3 rd grade inclusion; 4th/5th pull-out
Strategy #2
Use technologies to implement best practices.
Action steps:
 Use supplied classroom technology solutions – hardware and software (district
approved) and provide on-going training.
 Implement professional development in the context of planning for instruction.
 Utilize Activote, ActivExpressions, Promethean, Flipchart, and ActiveInspire
technology resources
 Utilize Reading A-Z, MobyMax, Imagine It Online Interventions, BrainPop as
instructional tools
Strategy #3
Administer Common Formative Assessments in reading grades K-5 to provide more
data on student progress. Follow the WSFCS ELA Curriculum Calendar.
Action Steps:
 Analyze and interpret results in LTMs using student data folders, classroom data,
and school-wide data
 Differentiate instruction based upon student needs/re-teaching
 Retest for mastery
Goal #2
Increase math proficiency for all students in grades K-5.
Achieve math proficiency in grades K-2 using the new state assessments with an
overall composite target of 88% proficiency.
 Achieve math proficiency in grades 3-5 using the new state assessments with an
overall composite target of 79% proficiency.
Using: K-2 Assessment; EOQ(all), Grades 3-5 Ready EOG
Measurements: EOQ: November 2012 (3rd: 48%, 4th: 48%, 5th: 54%), March 2013 (3rd:
52%, 4th: 51%, 5th: 47%); May Ready EOG Data 2012-2013, MOY Math Benchmark (K:
84.6%, 1st: 61%, 2nd: 60%)
Strategy 1:
Implement the Investigations and EnVisions Math grades K-5/Guided Math all grades.
Utilize Common Core Standards in Math.
Action steps:
 Monitor curriculum alignments through LTMs and formative assessments
 Use Math Curriculum Pacing Calendar
 Schedule 90-minutes of daily math instruction
 Analyze and utilize walkthrough data, Blue Diamond Data and K-2 Assessment
 Serve the AIG population to meet their needs. 3rd grade inclusion; 4th/5th pull-out.
Strategy 2:
Use technologies to implement best practices.
Action Steps:
 Use supplied classroom technology solutions – hardware and software
 Utilize MobyMax, BrainPop as instructional tools to support classroom
 Provide professional development in the context of planning for instruction
 Utilize technology aligned by grade level through Curriculum Pacing Calendars.
Strategy #3:
Administer Common Formative Assessments in math grades K-5 to provide more data
on student progress.
Action Steps:
 Compile, analyze, and interpret results in LTMs
 Differentiate instruction based upon student needs and assessments.
 Identify and raise the rigor and relevance of instruction and assessments through
LTM protocols
 Develop and discuss formative assessments in LTMs.
Goal #3
Identify and create a database of evidence/research-based interventions to
assist instructional staff in choosing appropriate interventions for students
that are struggling academically in reading and math.
Strategy #1:
Develop a list of reading and math concerns that teacher’s have observed with students
in their classrooms/grade levels to meet academic concerns with evidence/research
based interventions.
Action steps:
 Teachers will meet with grade level teams and create a list identifying reading
and math concerns.
 Based on the identified reading and math concerns, teachers will find
evidence/research based interventions to meet those academic needs.
 LTM meetings will be utilized to share and support the development of a
database of reading and math interventions for all grade levels.
Strategy #2:
Create and implement a comprehensive instructional support system.
Action Steps:
 Implement classroom interventions to meet the learning needs of all students
 Use LTM protocols to measure the teaching effectiveness of implemented
intervention activities
 Support struggling students through the effective use of the IST process
 Utilize the PEP process to track student academic progress
 Implement tutoring support to the most at-risk learner