Algebra 1 is focused on algebra and the language of mathematics

Our Mission: Educate and support every student, every day, for success now and in the future.
Brooke Brown
PREP – 4th and 6th
Course Description/Units of Study: The content in this course will include properties of plane and solid figures, deductive methods of
reasoning and logic, coordinate geometry, transformations, trigonometry, probability, and the study of postulates, theorems, and
formal proofs. This course is aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The major units of study include the
First Semester:
Transformations in the Coordinate Plane and Similarity
Coordinate Proofs
Lines and Angles
Second Semester:
Right Triangles
GRADING: Grading in this course is based on specific measurable progress on the Common Core State Standards for mathematics
(CCSSM). This course is graded on proficiency.
Proficiency means . . .
 Your grade is based primarily on your understanding of course content.
 Your classwork is designed as practice for assessments.
 Your promotion is based upon proven readiness.
 You will have multiple opportunities to meet learning targets.
Your grade is determined by your mathematical performance in the following areas:
Summative Assessments
A summative assessment is a comprehensive measure of a student’s ability to demonstrate the concepts, skills, and knowledge
within a course. Examples of summative assessments include, but are not limited to, performance tasks, tests, and projects. It is an
assessment of learning and will be used to determine 90% of your grade for this course.
Formative Assessments
A Formative assessment is an assessment for learning that captures a student’s progress through the learning process. It shows to
what extent a student is learning a concept, skill, or knowledge set. A formative assessment is “practice” and essential in
determining a student’s readiness for successful completion of a summative assessment. Examples of formative assessments
include, but are not limited to, quizzes, skill checks, practice assignments, and notebook checks. Formative assessments will be used
to determine 10% of your grade for this course.
Grading Scale (Your grade reflects your knowledge of geometry):
Letter Grade
What it means
A means you are exceeding the standard. You demonstrate proficiency or mastery on all skills
with more mastery than proficiency.
B means you are proficient in the standard. You demonstrate proficiency or mastery on all
essential skills, and are working toward proficiency on all skills.
C means you are meeting the standard. You demonstrate proficiency or mastery on all
essential skills, but are not working beyond the minimum necessary level.
D means you are not meeting the standard. You demonstrate proficiency or mastery on some
essential skills, but are working below the minimum necessary level for success in college
preparatory courses.
Less than 60
F means you have not yet met proficiency. Student effort and/or performance is causing
significant concern regarding earning a passing grade. If you earn an F at semester, it means
you did not earn credit for the course.
* A C or higher in both Algebra and Geometry is required for placement into Algebra 2.
Our Mission: Educate and support every student, every day, for success now and in the future.
Retesting Policy: Your grade reflects your knowledge of algebra. The following restrictions apply:
 You must retest during a designated retesting time.
 You must complete assignments specified by your teacher in order to retest.
 The highest grade you may earn on a retest is 80%.
 You are only eligible for retesting if your original test score is below an 80%.
 You may not retest final exams.
I reserve the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus. If changes are necessitated during the term of the course, I will
notify you during class and you will be given a handout describing the changes.