1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. Disseminate: verb: to pass something out Sordid: adjective: morally degraded; filthy Proffer: verb: to offer Blatant: adjective: in your face offensive Ruminate: verb: to meditate or think deeply about something Flag: verb: to become weak Rusticate: verb: to vacation Docile: adjective: manageable; easy to handle Pristine: adjective: pure; clean; like new Crop: verb: to clip; to cut Synopsis: noun: an outline or a summary Anachronism: noun: something out of place; in the wrong time period Intangible: adjective: something you can’t touch Scintillating: adjective: glowing; gleaming Corpulent: adjective: fat Besiege: verb: to surround something; to attempt to take something over Polyglot: adjective: speaking or having several languages Trepidation: noun: fear; reluctance Garrulous: adjective: extremely talkative Anathema: noun: curse Estrange: noun: to alienate; to turn away Insidious: adjective: wicked Languish: verb: to suffer or to weaken Didactic: adjective: educational Ambiance: noun: atmosphere; mood Reproach: verb: to blame Gregarious: adjective: enjoys the company of others; sociable Quell: verb: to suppress; to pacify; to calm Allocate: verb: to set apart; to allot; to set aside Saccharine: adjective: overly sweet; artificially sweet; not real Rummage: verb: to hunt; to search Vent: verb: to relieve; to get something off your chest Anecdote: noun: short story; brief narrative Antidote: noun: something to heal or counteract a poison Maul: verb: to tear; to attack Porcine: adjective: piglike; like a swine or pig Disengage: verb: to release; to free Postprandial: adjective: after dinner; after a meal Amalgamate: verb: to mix or blend together Buffoon: noun: clown; fool Gravitate: verb: to be attracted to something Potable: adjective: fit to drink 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. Amenity: noun: refinement; pleasantness; a nice thing to have Fulgent: adjective: shining; brilliant Drudgery: noun: tedious work; menial work; work without much meaning Rotund: adjective: corpulent; stout; heavy; fat Kinetic: adjective: moving; mobile Quip: noun: joke Ambrosia: noun: food of the gods; especially delicious food Sinuous: adjective: winding; curving Infringe: verb: to violate; to trespass Ovine: adjective: sheeplike; easily led Reverberate: verb: to echo; to resound Burnish: verb: to polish; to make shine Connive: verb: to plot; to scheme Jargon: noun: specific language for a profession Dulcet: adjective: musical or melodious sounding Inclement: adjective: rainy or storm Plenary: adjective: full; entire Breach: verb: to break through; to open Metamorphosis: noun: a complete change; transformation Aggrieve: verb: to mistreat; to abuse Garner: verb: to gather; to collect Swathe: verb: to wrap; to bind Elegy: noun: sad mournful poem Misconstrue: verb: to misunderstand; to misinterpret Effervescent: adjective: bubbling; enthusiastic Terse: adjective: to the point Rouse: verb: to stimulate; to awaken Coquet: noun: a flirt Regale: verb: to honor; to entertain Swath: noun: track; path Eclipse: verb: obscure; to darken Dowdy: adjective: shabby; old fashioned Friable: adjective: brittle: easy to crumble Befuddle: verb: to confuse; to muddle; Hone: verb: to sharpen; to whet Disheveled: adjective: unkempt; disorderly Putrid: adjective: rotten; decaying Fraught: adjective: full of; charged Clandestine: adjective: secret; covert Bilk: verb: to cheat someone Harp: verb: to stay on one topic; not let something go Coiffure: noun: hairdo; hairstyle 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. Outmoded: adjective: out of fashion; obsolete Mesmerize: verb: to hypnotize; to stupefy Bivouac: verb: to camp Drone: verb: to buzz Candor: noun: honesty Guffaw: verb: hoarse laugh; belly laugh Void: verb: to cancel something Charisma: noun: special charm; personal magnetism Blithe: adjective: cheerful; devil-may-care; not a care in the world Ingenuous: adjective: sincere; genuine Bohemian: adjective: uncommon; not normal; out there Sullen: adjective: morose; sad; resentful Hallowed: adjective: sacred; holy Mendicant: noun: beggar; supplicatory Rue: verb: to regret; to grieve Dormant: adjective: asleep