T 5/17

Name _________________________
Novel ___________________
Reflection of Faith
Each student will complete the following project based on their novel. Due date: Fri., 5/11
Faith: a belief and trust in and loyalty to God; firm belief even in the absence of proof; the quality of
being true to one’s promises
Write a reflection piece that uses elements of the novel to show how your faith beliefs agree or
disagree with those of the novel. Keep in mind what you have been thinking and discussing about being
confirmed. This writing will include at least two page references to quotes or situations that support
your ideas. This essay should be at least 250 words, typed - 12 pt. font, double-spaced (preferred).
Individual Reflection of Faith
_____ / 30
Shows clear reflection of your faith in writing (content)
Incorporates at least 2 examples/quotes from novel to support your reasoning
Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling
250 words minimum, typed, 12 pt. font, double spaced (preferred)
Standard: Interpretive comprehension
Name _________________________
_____ / 10
_____ / 10
_____ / 5
_____ / 5
Novel ___________________
Reflection of Faith
Each student will complete the following project based on their novel. Due date: Fri., 5/11
Faith: a belief and trust in and loyalty to God; firm belief even in the absence of proof; the quality of
being true to one’s promises
Write a reflection piece that uses elements of the novel to show how your faith beliefs agree or
disagree with those of the novel. Keep in mind what you have been thinking and discussing about being
confirmed. This writing will include at least two page references to quotes or situations that support
your ideas. This essay should be at least 250 words, typed - 12 pt. font, double-spaced (preferred).
Individual Reflection of Faith
_____ / 30
Shows clear reflection of your faith in writing (content)
Incorporates at least 2 examples/quotes from novel to support your reasoning
Mechanics, Usage, Grammar, Spelling
250 words minimum, typed, 12 pt. font, double spaced (preferred)
Standard: Interpretive comprehension
_____ / 10
_____ / 10
_____ / 5
_____ / 5
Name _________________________
Novel ___________________
Literary weaving
Each group will complete the following project based on their novel. Due date: Tues., May 17
Pay attention to words and phrases, images, even colors that seem especially significant to your book.
Create a paper strip that could serve as a means of prompting discussion about the book. Eventually
we’ll weave the paper strips together to create a literary weaving reflective of faith as represented
through the books. Each strip must include both a written and visual response to the book.
The written response will include either a significant “snippet” from the book or a key word(s) or
phrase repeated on your strip. If you include a quote or phrase, be sure to include the page
number somewhere on the strip.
Visually, consider color(s), images, shapes, symbols, and designs that seem representative of, or
significant to ideas, issues, themes, characters, setting, mood, and tone in the book. Leave very
little white space. Feel free to repeat symbols. I recommend not creating an entire scene, since
weaving the strips together will cause you to “lose” aspects of your design underneath the
woven pieces.
Based on your completed paper strip, answer these on loose leaf and turn them in with your rubric.
What did you represent from the novel?
Explain your decisions (or design, symbol, color, words/quote) regarding both visual and written
Group Literary weaving due T 5/17
_____ / 30
“Snippet” from the book or word(s) repeated that is/are significant to the novel
Visual component is a colorful, detailed, accurate representation of the novel
Written explanation on loose leaf is thorough to represent the novel
Teamwork is evident (all members contributed to the creation of the strip)
Standard: Interpretive comprehension
_____ / 5
_____ / 10
_____ / 10
_____ / 5