File - LBI @ Groby Community College

Scenario 1 Potential Questions
Animated World Books employs a range of staff who collaborate to create books, comics and animated cartoons
1. How would Animated World use ICT?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages for Animated World staff using desktops or laptops?
3. Some staff are dealing with large graphics or video files. Which type of computer system would be most suitable and why?
4. Staff are issued with a Laptop to take to remote locations and customers own homes. Identify and describe three benefits a Laptop can provide to the staff
in terms of storage and/or communication?
5. What factors would Animated World consider when choosing a computer system?
6. What tools can be used to aid collaboration between staff?
7. How can Animated World Books try to stop incidents of cyberbullying?
8. As a range of staff often work on files, describe two ways this can have access to the same files.
9. Explain how Animated World will make use of access rights and permissions
10. Explain how Animated World can keep data safe and secure
11. What input devices would staff would create animated cartoons make use of?
12. What software would staff who create books and comics use and what features within the software would they make use of?
13. What devices would employees who are physically impaired use to make their use of a computer easier?
14. What type of output device would the staff use to print drawings?
These employees include actors, writers, illustrators, animators and sound engineers. Some of these employees are based in the main office
Of Animated World Books, but others work from home
15. What is remote working?
16. The employees need to communicate via an internet-based video conferencing service. State one device that would be needed to take part in this video
conference, for each of the following requirements: Voice input, Moving image input, Voice output, Moving image output, connectivity
17. When employees are working at the office identify one type of wired method which they could use to connect their desktop computer to the network
18. The company has an SSID. What is one and how can they be administered?
19. Each laptop in the office uses a wireless connection. As part of its security, the wireless network requires the use of a security key. Describe how a
security key is used to allow a device to connect to a wireless network.
20. Describe one responsibility that the Health and Safety at Work Act places on employers who provide staff with computer equipment
21. State one reason why Animated World Books archives data, what medium they might use and why it would be suitable
22. Identify one possible problem to Animated World Books that may be caused by archiving data
23. Explain why it is necessary to back up data and how can you recover data or files use a backup?
24. What is the difference between a backup and an archive?
25. What is an incremental backup?
26. Compare the different types of backup in terms of cost, ease of use and security
27. What are the advantages and disadvantages of automatic and manual backups?
28. If Animated World book lost data due to corruption or theft what would the impact on the business, customers and employees be?
29. What types of threats to data security exist for Animated World and how can they minimise the risk?
30. With employees working in a number of locations, how can Animate World monitor its staff and what are the moral/ethical issues surrounding this
31. Describe three potential health issues for employees and how the risks can be reduced
32. What should Animated World Books do to ensure the physical safety of its employees?
33. Animated World Books issues usernames and passwords to its staff. Describe how the network operating system uses the username.
34. State why a password is needed when logging onto the school network and give one reason why this password should be changed regularly
35. What could affect the speed of the network Animated World Books use?
36. Animated World Books holds customer details of her employees in a database.
a. Describe three features of database software that make it suitable for storing and analysing
b. customer information State the name of the Act that controls the storage of personal information and describe one legal implication for Animated World
Books if this data is stolen
37. Animated World Books requires each employee to sign an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) before they are issued with their netbook. The AUP states that
technicians are not allowed to download any Apps other than those included with the netbook. Explain two reasons why Animated
World Books would not want staff to download any other Apps to their netbooks.
38. Animated World Books is installing a new operating system (OS) and utility software. What is the purpose of these software?
39. Certain staff are allowed access to certain parts of the building. How is this achieved?
Employees who work from home may be based anywhere in the world
40. How can employees ensure his email communications are clear and understood?
41. Explain how the use of ICT by Animated World Books increases its efficiency as a business
Catherine works as a project manager for Animated World Books. Her job is to oversee new ideas from the initial design stage, when ideas about
new characters and stories are discussed, through to the creation of the assets for use in finished cartoons
42. What type of file format would be suitable for saving the animated cartoons?
43. What factors affect the choice of file format?
44. What type of input device could be used to convert sketches into a digital image on the computer?
45. What type of storage device would be suitable for storage the assets which will be used in the finished cartoons?
46. How can Animated World Books ensure they do not break the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act when using software to create the assets?
Catherine is also responsible for publicising new characters and storylines to trade publications and the wider public
47. When publishing the new characters and storylines explain three actions that Catherine must take in order to comply with the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act?
To fit in with Animated World Book’s high-technology image, Catherine is expected to make as much use of new technology as she can in her
48. How could Catherine make use of matrix barcodes?
To fit in with Animated World Book’s high-technology image, Catherine is expected to make as much use of new technology as she can in her
49. What is an ‘app’?
50. What could Catherine include in her app?
51. Identify two input methods that the customers can use to enter information onto a smartphone
52. Identify two output devices that may be found on the customers’’ smartphones
53. Catherine publishes her app online and noticed that she has had a negative review from a customer who has downloaded it. She has decided to use the
details included on the app review to contact the customer to discuss their review. Explain two reasons why it would be morally wrong for her to do this
Scenario 2 Potential Questions
He has his own website, from which he sells some of his own artwork
54. Identify one input device that could be used to enter text onto the website
55. How would customers know that their data is being encrypted??
56. State two ways in which the artwork, once created, could be manipulated to make it suitable for use on the website.
57. John, a new customer, must set up an account by completing a form on the website before he can place an order. To do this, he will need to choose a
username and enter the country where he lives.
a. Explain why each username used on the Animated World Books website must be unique
b. Explain how the form could make sure that John can enter only a valid country name
58. Animated World Books is considering creating a community section on its website. Discuss the implications for Animated World Books of including a
community section on its website
59. What can be used to by criminals on public computers to steal passwords or credit card information when customers are typing these details into the
60. How could Richard make use of cookies and electronic consumer surveillance to generate more income?
Customers who wish to purchase artwork from Richard can express an interest by filling in a data capture form on his website
61. What type of software would Richard’s customers view this data capture form in?
62. What type of application software would be most suitable to use to create this form?
63. State one output device that would be used to create a hard copy of this form
64. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using an online form rather than customers expressing an interest on paper?
65. Explain one possible disadvantage caused by using a paper-based form to capture the information Richard needs
66. Richard has created a user form on his website which people can fill in and submit if they want further information. What are all the features of a user form
and what is their purpose?
67. Explain why the use of data validation could improve the effectiveness of the data that is submitted on these forms?
68. Explain the role of data verification in data capture
69. What types of data might the input form include?
70. Design a suitable online data capture form. Marks will be awarded for: items to be included; • good use of space; fitness for purpose; annotations to justify
71. The results of the input form get stored in a database. Why is data coded in a database and give an example of what it would look like?
72. Once the data has been collected, which law protects the customer’s rights on how the data should be stored and used by Richard and name some of the
principles of the law?
73. Customers who purchase artwork have hard copies sent in the post which is sent by a tracked delivery service. The delivery person scans the package
before the customer signs to acknowledge that they have received the package.
a. Describe how a barcode reader captures the data stored in the barcode
b. Describe how the customer’s signature could be entered onto the hand-held computer
c. Describe how the Global Positioning System (GPS) locates the position of an individual delivery driver
d. The delivery company uses RFID technology to track the movement of the artwork as it is delivered
i. Describe how RFID technology would track the movement of package
ii. Explain how cost would influence the decision about whether to adopt RFID technology
74. Give a reason why Richard gets the data capture form to add a number to each submission
75. One of Richard’s customers gets this email:
Subject: Animated World Books Customer Services. Prize winner!
The company has awarded 2u a special prize for being an outstanding customer!
Your prize is 650 million United States Dollars (USD).
Please attention!
To collect your prize you must give us your bank details. Please download and open the attached form to add your
bank details. Then send it to
a. Identify four reasons why this email is suspicious
b. Identify one action, other than contacting Animated World Books, that the customer should take in response to this email
When he is not working for Animated World Books or on his own artwork, Richard travels to get new ideas for stories and illustrations
76. How could Catherine make sure of cloud computing?
77. State the type of portable storage would be suitable for Richard to store his artwork, stories and illustrations whilst travelling
78. What are the potential issues of Richard travelling around the world with customer data on his laptop?
79. Explain why Richard encrypts the personal data that he holds
80. How could Richard make use of DMS (Diary Management Software)
81. Discuss how the use of features of online calendars could help Richard in managing this time and avoid the need to cancel meetings
82. How will Richard connect to the internet whilst mobile or travelling?
83. Explain two possible reasons why Richard might prefer to use a graphics tablet rather than a mouse when creating digital graphics
84. The Office Controller would like to monitor the amount of time Richard spends on his travel. She is going to use spreadsheet software for this purpose.
Describe features of spreadsheet software that make it suitable for to monitor the amount of time Richard travels.
85. Richard connects to open networks whilst traveling. What are the potential issues with using an open network and what could he install which would still
allow internet access but block unauthorised devices?
When he sees something that he finds interesting, he uses his smartphone to take a photograph of the item
86. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Richard carrying a smartphone around to take photographs?
87. What legal implications should Richard be aware of when taking pictures with his smartphone
88. What peripherals might Richard use with his smartphone?
Richard will sometimes use social media to share the image with his friends and customers.
89. Other than social media, what other communication methods could Richard use to communicate with his friends and customers?
90. What are the advantages of disadvantages of social networking?
91. When sharing his image via social media what are the legal implications for Richard and other people who see the image?
At other times, he will only share it with colleagues from Animated World Books
92. Describe one method which could be used to transfer the image from Richard’s computer to his colleagues via a wired, wireless method as well as via the
93. Identify one security measure that Richard could use to prevent unauthorised people reading the article he sends to his colleagues via the internet
94. Describe two features of word processing software that his colleagues can use the collaborative editing tools in a word processing package to do this
efficiently so to provide Richard with feedback