DRAFT DEVELOPMENT PARTNER ENGAGEMENT IN GAS SECTOR IN TANZANIA – CURRENT AND FUTURE PLANS A. Overarching issues Strategic vision: B. Decision to extract Assessing the resource: Norway (OfD) Government support review of capacity to oversee petroleum policy, the industry and legislative and make own institutional assessments of the framework resource potential critical. World Bank Norway (OfD): A1.1 Strategic follow Modernization of up to the gas master the regulatory plan framework and A1.2 support for strengthening of cross-sectoral reforms key government B1.4 Cross-sectoral functions including Platform in GoT to in MEM and TPDC. integrate Natural Gas Establishment of a Issues national reference petroleum Question: Explicit database. thinking and strategy of upcoming World Bank: petroleum resources B2.4 Enhance C. Getting a good deal D. Collecting revenues E. Managing the resources Award of contracts and licenses: Tax Policy: Macroeconomic management: Norway (OfD): Support to modernize regulatory instruments, including tender systems, regulations and contracts (PSA) with industry. -Ongoing TA related to the 4th licensing round is benchmarking tax regimes and PSA conditions. World Bank: A2.1 Legal and Regulatory -Norway (Tax for development program in Tanzania, delivered through different agreements) has delivered a custom made petroleum tax model to GOT through a core modeling team established within GOT. There is a long term capacity building program with a plan with funding and expertize from Norway, to ensure the model can be utilized by different institutions for a F. Policies and investment for sustainable developmen t Public investment management: -Norway through its bilateral agreement on resource revenue management with TRA has the possibility to offer technical assistance in the area of SWF. World Bank: D1. MEM PPP Node support D2. TANESCO PPP Node support A1.2 support for cross-sectoral reforms IMF will provide technical assistance on how to integrate natural gas revenue into the macro-fiscal and public financial management framework. The support will be WB/ESCAP proposed scope (Oct 2011): Petroleum strategy, including power system master plan, short-term and long-term G. Cross cutting issues Capacity building: Norway (OfD and TfD) -On the job training and capacity building to enhance organizational capacity in key government institutions (TPDC, MEM, TRA, MOF, NEMC etc). - Education and skills development, including review of Vocational training needs as well as resources for University level twinning arrangement and master degrees. DRAFT and revenues missing in the FNDP and Vision 2025 implementation framework? Should a specific strategy and national development scenario be established? Germany Capacity building and organizational development to support an integrated coordination unit for the gas sector within the GOT. Support to the development and the implementation of a GOT communication strategy for the gas sector including the set-up of a monitoring and evaluation system. reservoir simulation, geological modeling and geochemical laboratory infrastructure in TPDC Framework Gas Sector B2.5 Support TPDC in LNG transactions B1.4 Cross-sectoral Platform in GoT to integrate Natural Gas Issues Question: Perhaps the issue is more one of urging GOT at the political level to use more time on regulating properly the sector and gathering data and information through already ongoing exploration, so as to effectively manage development and production. There should be no hurry in off-loading new fields and licenses for exploration today. IMF: Under Trust fund on Managing Natural (MNRW TTF Resource Wealth) IMF Fiscal Affairs Department commences work in October 2012 on Extractive Industry Fiscal Regimes, Licensing and Contracting, with an initial focus on natural gas. The project will review both contractual and legislated fiscal terms, and the fiscal framework for natural gas variety of purposes, including design and implementation of effective tax policies. As mentioned, the model is currently being utilized with Tanzania data and other relevant deep sea field data to model the fiscal regime for the 4th petroleum licensing round. A report will be produced in August/September 2012. The model can produce data and results by field, by company and overall for the sector. World Bank: B1.1 Training on revenue streams and physical audit processes IMF: Revenue Administration for EI finance by the IMF Topical trust Fund on Managing Natural Resource Wealth (TTF MNRW). Specific activities: Macro-fiscal: (i) enhance capacity for medium- to long-term macroeconomic projections; and (ii) design of fiscal policy framework and fiscal rules. Public financial management: (i) options for the design of a resource fund; (ii) amendments to the Public Finance Act; (iii) strengthening the medium-term expenditure framework; (iv) review of budget classification and chart of accounts; gas sector development plans. EU (prospective, starting 2013) - Policy advise to GoT and nonstate-actors World Bank: B1.4 Cross-sectoral Platform in GoT to integrate Natural Gas Issues B2.1 Technical advice, enhanced tariff modeling infrastructure and training for EWURA’s natural gas division B2.2 T Technical advice, enhanced tariff modeling infrastructure and training for EWURA’s electricity division B2.3 Advisory and training services to MEM and related Ministries B2.4 Enhance reservoir simulation, geological modeling and geo-chemical laboratory infrastructure in TPDC B3.2 Advisory services and training for NEMC B4.1 OSHA staff DRAFT projects taking account of various possible commercial options for gas development. The project will use Fad’s FARI modeling system to simulate upstream petroleum regimes, and also to model policy choice in the chain of gas activities. (like duration up to 24 months) AfDB: Will provide Legal advisory support through the African Legal Facility Germany (GIZ/AfDB): Support to the development of negotiation skills (Module 2 under MNRW TTF) – the possible scope of a project will be evaluated during the October 2012 fiscal regimes mission, and a project proposal if appropriate will then be submitted for the MNRW TTF. and (v) design of a regular and timely fiscal reporting regime. Germany Public financial management: Support to crossdepartmental budget planning. training program C1.1 Support VETA to develop, implement and supervise an Educational Development Plan C1.2 Procurement of VETA tools and materials EU (prospective, starting 2013) - Capacity development for Government institutions - Capacity development at University and professional training level (assessment to start shortly) AfDB: we will explore capacity strengthening activities in oil and gas sector through upcoming Education Expansion Program. DRAFT with emphasis on environmental and governance issues in close cooperation with the African Legal Facility Transparency and accountability: -Will in part be addressed through a national petroleum policy and revised acts and regulation. Special measures can be defined and taken in terms of how the sector is organized and managed. (Norway will support through OFD component 2). Already signed initiatives such as the OGI and EITI (supported by Norway, Canada, and WB) will play a role. Local economic, social and environmental impacts: Norway (OfD) Environmental and safety issues to be covered in the review of petroleum policy, legislative and institutional framework. Support to strengthen knowledge, institutional competencies and regulatory capacities. Legal, regulatory and institutional framework: - Norway (OfD): Support to revise the Petroleum Act, TPDC establishment Act, “New regulator” Act, Model PSA, Petroleum regulations (including HSE and environmental managements issues). World Bank: A2.1 Legal and Regulatory Framework Gas Tax administration: -Norway (Tax for development program in Tanzania, delivered through different agreements), will both through a long terms institutional cooperation agreement between the Norwegian Tax Authority and the TRA and another agreement on resource revenue management, deliver capacity building and technical assistance. In the institutional cooperation, the Distribution of resources: Working with the private sector: -Norway will advise on the distribution issue to some extent in the work on the legal and regulatory work. Typically the overall agreed choices and formulas needs to be reflected here. Further considerations regarding budget use enter into the PFM and PIM spheres. - Norway will through its Oil for development program as well as other initiatives work closely with Statoil and other companies to secure efforts in areas such as local content, petroleum related college and university degrees and training etc. World Bank: C1.1 Support VETA to develop, implement and supervise an Educational DRAFT -Other initiatives to consider concerns financial reporting (Openness Guarantee, Norway will support through experts, Fall 2012), making public signed PSA’s etc. World Bank: B1.2 EITI Secondment training on financial modeling B1.3 Secondment training in another EITI Secretariat in SSA B1.4 Cross-sectoral Platform in GoT to integrate Natural Gas Issues EU Funding the EITI through the MDTF. Possible direct funding to TEITI Secretariat (Starting 2013) Germany Technical support to World Bank: B3.1 Prepare Strategic Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (SESIA) Sector A2.2 Gas Sector specific Safety regulation A2.3 Legal Advice to EWURA’s Natural Gas Division emphasis will be on specialized tax audits (including mining, petroleum and other sectors), international taxation and large enterprises. Development Plan D1. MEM PPP Node support D2. TANESCO PPP Node support AfDB: Has supported the recently concluded feasibility study for a possible natural gas pipeline from Dar es Salaam to Mombasa, and will welcome the initiative to make use of the study. The study has found that the project is commercially viable. Germany Support to public private partnerships (PPP) in connection with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) measures (i.e. community development and dialogue, improving local benefit including through DRAFT the T-EITI process in all possible aspects (reinforcing the multistakeholder dialogue, support to the national secretariat, dissemination of the report, communication strategy, trainings, etc.) value chain development and other linkages created) Environmental management: Norway (OfD): -Review of environmental policies and regulatory framework. - Environmental data management systems. -Capacity building in relevant GOT institutions, including NEMC. World Bank B3.2 Advisory services and training for NEMC B3.3 Purchase of DRAFT measuring equipment Germany Support to the setup for a strategic environmental assessment /management system, with a view to regional cooperation and experience sharing Safety Management: Norway (OfD): -Review of policies, regulatory and institutional framework. -Implementation of safety management systems. - Oil spill contingency plans. -Institutional capacity building and on the job training (doing DRAFT actual safety assessments). World Bank: A2.2 Gas Sector specific Safety regulation B4.1 OSHA staff training program B4.2 Purchase of measuring equipment