Genetics 4.2 : Meiosis DP Biology HL Mitosis occurs in somatic (non-reproductive) cells and is the division of a diploid parent cell to produce two, identical, diploid cells. Meiosis occurs in reproductive cells and is the division of a diploid parent cell to produce four, non identical, haploid cells. It is termed reduction division as the chromosome number is reduced by half. A haploid cell contains a single complete set of chromosomes. These chromosomes carry all the genes needed by the cell, one gene for every polypeptide that has to be made. A diploid cell contains two complete sets of chromosomes. This means there are two genes for every polypeptide that needs to be made ie two genes for eye colour, two for blood group etc. A pair of chromosomes carrying genes for the same polypeptide, or characteristic, is known as a homologous pair. Meiosis (reduction division) Meiosis results in the formation of haploid gametes and is therefore known as reduction division. The process involves two cycles of cell division, one following the other. These are known as meiosis I and meiosis II. In each of these cycles you get the same sequence of: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. Prior to meiosis, during interphase, the DNA is replicated and each chromosome becomes a pair of chromatids joined by a centromere. Meiosis I In prophase I of meiosis the DNA condenses, the nuclear envelope breaks down, the homologous chromosomes pair up and the spindle fibres form. Each homologous pair is termed a tetrad and is visible as a tight cluster of 4 chromatids. At various places along their length are crisscrossed. These crossings are called chiasmata. These are the points at which genetic material is exchanged between homologous chromosomes During metaphase I the homologous pairs of chromosomes line up along the equator. Spindle fibres attach to the centromere of each homologous pair. During anaphase I the homologous pairs are pulled apart by the spindle fibres. (no centromeres are split) During telophase each pair of homologous chromosomes reaches the pole of the cell. The cell now divides into two, this process is called cytokinesis . Nuclear envelopes normally do not reform. The daughter cells produced by meiosis I are officially haploid, since they only contain a single set of chromosomes, although each chromosome consists of a pair of chromatids. The aim of meiosis II is to separate the chromatids Meiosis II This is virtually identical to meiosis I except that there is no duplication of DNA. During prophase II spindle fibres reform Chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell during metaphase II. Spindle fibres attach to centromeres. During anaphase II the sister chromatids separate, now individually termed chromosomes, move towards opposite poles of the cell. At telophase II nuclei form at opposite poles of the cell and cytokinesis occurs. Meiosis Activities Each of the daughter cells produced by meiosis is haploid. This means that it will receive one chromosome from every pair of homologous chromosomes in the diploid parent cell. Which chromosome it gets from each pair is entirely a matter of chance., and depends on the way the pair lien up during metaphase I. Because of this Independent assortment of the parental chromosomes there are many different types of daughter cells that can be produced. Imagine a diploid parent cell with three pairs of chromosomes; A1 and A2, B1 and B2, and C1 and C2. A haploid daughter cell might end up with chromosomes A1, B1 and C2 or with A2, B1 and C1, or any other combination. (humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes and therefore the re are 223 different possible combinations – this is over 8 million different combinations). The variety of daughter cells that can be produced in meiosis is further increased by a process known as crossing over. During prophase and metaphase of the first meiotic division, when the homologous chromosomes are lying side by side they often become entangled. When they are pulled apart in anaphase I, they end up exchanging lengths of DNA. This results in the production of chromosomes that contain new and unique combinations of genes. Comparison of mitosis and meiosis Karyotyping and its uses The figure on the right shows a photograph of human chromosomes. If the chromosomes are cut out they can be arranged into matching pairs (homologous pairs) according to their size, position of the centromere and the pattern of banding (shown below). Apart from the sex chromosomes (X and Y) the pair contain the same genes ie eye colour. There may, however, be different forms of the gene for example blue or brown eyes. Human cells each have 46 chromosomes (23 pairs), other species have different numbers, for example chimpanzee cells each have 48 chromosomes (24 pairs) and cabbage plants have 18 chromosomes (19 pairs). Down’s Syndrome and trisomy Advances in DNA technology have brought a new era in preventative medicine. We can now detect a large range of inherited diseases before birth, one of the most common of which is Down’s syndrome. Down’s syndrome is the most common single cause of learning disability in children of school age. Children with the syndrome typically have a round, flat face, and eyelids that appear to slant upwards. They also have a higher rate of infection and heart defects. The syndrome is named after John Langdon Down who first described the condition in 1866. In 1959 Lejeune showed that Down’s Syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome 21. Having one extra chromosome is known as trisomy, hence Down’s syndrome is known as trisomy 21. The extra chromosome usually comes from the egg cell due to non-disjunction of chromosome 21. About 70% of the non-disjunction occurs during meiosis I, when homologous chromosomes fail to separate and 30% during meiosis II when chromatids fail to separate. Genetic screening: amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling Genetic screening refers to procedures used to examine an individual for the presence of a genetic disease. The most widely available genetic screening procedure for Down’s syndrome is amniocentesis. This disease is more common in pregnant women over the age of 35. The risk of Down’s syndrome varies with maternal age: 1:1500 at the age of 20 1:800 at the age of 30 1:270 at the age of 35 1:100 at the age of 40 1: 50 at the age of 45+ Amniocentesis is usually carried out at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. It involves passing a very fine needle into the uterus, observed with an ultrasound image, and withdrawing a sample of amniotic fluid containing fetal cells. The karyotype of the fetal cells is then analysed to test for Down’s syndrome. There is a 0.5 – 1.0% risk of spontaneous miscarriage after the procedure. Therefore amniocentesis is usually recommended only for those at high risk of carrying a Down’s syndrome baby. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) involves the extraction of a sample of cells from the chorionic villus (small finger-like processes which grow from the embryo into the mother’s uterus). The sample is obtained by inserting a fine catheter via the vagina and cervix into the actively dividing cells of the chorion. Fetal cells are then analysed as for amniocentesis. This procedure can be carried out between the 8th and 12th week of pregnancy. If the tests show the fetus to have Down’s syndrome a decision about abortion can be made. CVS allows earlier detection, this is an advantage as early abortions are less difficult both physically and mentally. However a higher risk of miscarriage is associated with CVS than amniocentesis. Genetic counselling Suppose that a couple has been identified as being at risk of having a child with a genetic disorder. A specially qualified genetic counsellor provides advice, both before and after screening. Counselling aims to make sure that the parents have a proper understanding of the probability of the risk that that they have of producing an affected child. The severity of the disorder concerned is also explained. The options available to the couple are considered in the light of their religious and moral beliefs and their cultural background. The hope is that the couple can then make a decision in an informed manner. The results of any tests and the discussions are confidential, so that a couple has a free choice of what to do next. Using karyotypes to identify genetic disorders Genetic screening raises a number of questions: Who should be screened? Who should have access to information derived from screening? Do parents have the right to terminate the pregnancy of a fetus with a genetic disorder? Should an individual who is found to be a carrier of an inherited disorder tell other members of the family who might also be affected? What would be the advantages and disadvantages of screening everyone for one or more inherited disorders? Other trisomy diseases: Trisomy 13 Trisomy 16 Trisomy 18 Trisomy XXX Kleinfelter’s Trisomy XYY