Meiosis and Gene Linkage

Compare and contrast: Use what you know about meiosis and mitosis to fill in the table.
When is it used?
How many daughter cells are
Number of chromosomes
compared to parent cell.
Number of divisions.
Types of new cells created.
(haploid or diploid)
11—5 Linkage and Gene Maps
1. What was the major discovery made by Thomas Hunt Morgan about linkage?
2. What organism did Morgan study? __________________________________
3. What is a gene map? ____________________________________________________________
4. Compare the proximity of genes on a chromosome to their likelihood of being separated by
crossing over.
5. How does crossing-over make gene mapping possible?
6. Explain how the law of independent assortment is now applied to organisms based on Morgan’s
Name ___________________________________ Per ______
Meiosis and Gene Linkage
11—4 Meiosis
1. What are the two requirements of Mendel’s laws of genetics?
A. ______________________________________________________________________________
B. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. What are homologous chromosomes?
3. How do homologous chromosomes relate to a cell being diploid?
4. What is haploid? What kinds of cells are usually haploid?
5. Define meiosis. _________________________________________________________________
6. What is crossing over?
7. In what stage of meiosis does crossing over occur? ___________________________
8. How is gamete formation different in males vs. females?
9. In human cells 2N = 46. How many chromosomes would you find in:
Sperm __________
Egg cell ____________
white blood cell ___________