Cell cycle What is the longest phase in the cell cycle? Where do we

Cell cycle
What is the longest phase in the cell cycle?
Where do we see most of the cell growth in the cell cycle?
Which part of the cell cycle takes the longest?
When is DNA replicated in the cell cycle?
What promotes the cell cycle to “pass checkpoints”?
What three major parts make up the cell cycle?
When do we first see chromosomes become dense?
When do centrioles replicate?
When do we first see homologous pairs form?
When does crossing over happen in meiosis?
When do chromosomes line up at the center of the cell?
What moves the chromosomes during mitosis and meiosis?
When do we see sister chromatids separate in meiosis?
When do spindle fibers take sister chromatids apart in mitosis
What is the difference between cytokinesis and telophase?
Is it better to have a large surface area to volume ratio or a small one?
Which cell has a better chance of survival, one that has a large surface area compared to its
volume or one that has a large volume compared to his surface area?
Explain DNA overload and how a cell can avoid it?
What is the job of cyclin in the cell cycle?
Haploid diploid
A cell has 500 chromosomes how many chromosomes will each gamete have?
Does Meiosis turn a haploid cell into a diploid cell?
What would the math look like if we were trying to figure out how many chromosome
combinations for gametes there were (without crossing over) if we were looking at a human
cell suffering from triploidy?
Binary fission
Which of the following cells would divide by binary fission?
Bacteria, skin cell, sex cell, more than one?
Explain the difference between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes.
How many times does the cell need to divide in order to get haploid cells?
If I have one huge chromosome, one large chromosome, one medium chromosome, and one
small chromosome, is my cell diploid or haploid?
What’s the difference between meiosis and fertilization?
Does mitosis or meiosis lead to pollen formation
Sexual and asexual
What would be a disadvantage of having extremely similar genes in a large population?
How can variation hurt a population?
Crossing over
What happens when sister chromatids cross-over during meiosis?
In what phase does crossing-over occur during meiosis?