Review for Heredity test (Chap 13, 14, 15) Vocabulary


Review for Heredity test (Chap 13, 14, 15) Vocabulary

Chapter 12/13 Mitosis and Meiosis (note that I assume you know Chap 12)

Organization of genetic material (chromatin, chromosomes, chromatids, homologous chromosomes)

Cell cycle – G1, S, G2, Interphase

Phases of Mitosis

Genes that regulate cell cycle, oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes, repair genes

Cancer cells that lose control of cycle

Gametes (haploid cells)= sperm, egg, pollen grain

Sex chromosomes and autosomes

Diploid 2n; Haploid n

Mitosis conserves chromosome number whereas meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes by half

Stages of Meiosis

Reduction steps = Separation of homologous chromosomes AND sister chromatids segregating away from each other

Producing genetic variation in meiosis = Crossing over and independent assortment

Chapter 14 Mendel

Use of qualitative traits

True breeding lines

Hybridization of pea plants to produce large numbers of offspring

P generation, F1 generation, F2 generation

Law of segregation = the two alleles for a trait separate during gamete formation and end up in different gametes

(Anaphase II)

Alleles = variations of a gene

Phenotype vs Genotype

Laws of Probability such as multiplying with an “AND” statement and adding with an “OR” statement



Polylgenic Inheritance controlling quantitative traits

Recessively inherited disorders such as Cystic Fibrosis and Sickle-cell Disease and Huntington’s Disease

Genetic Carriers (Aa)

Amniocentesis and Karyotypes as forms of prenatal testing

Chapter 15 Chromosomes

Gene linkage causes traits to have unique patterns of inheritance other than Mendelian genetics

Recombinant phenotypes vs Parental phenotypes to determine recombination frequency

Recombination frequency and centiMorgans (cM)

Gene order on a chromosome

Sex-linked traits exhibit unique patterns of inheritance

Chi-square as a statistical test to determine the significance of observed numbers varying from expected numbers


Diploid (2n), triploid (3n), tetraploids (4n) (polyploids) vs. monosomy (2n-1), trisomy (2n+1) (aneuploids)

Deletions, duplications, translocations, inversions

Cytoplasmic inheritance / Extranuclear genes (mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and chloroplast DNA (cpDNA)) – maternally inherited

Human disorders due to chromosomal alterations (Trisomy 21, XXY Klinefelter syndrome, Trisomy X, Monosomy X

Turner syndrome, Cri du Chat Syndrome)

An example of a free response question:


Meiosis reduces chromosome number and rearranges genetic information. a.

Explain how the reduction and rearrangement are accomplished in meiosis.


Several human disorders occur as a result of defects in the meiotic process. Identify ONE such chromosomal abnormality; what effects does it have on the phenotype of people with the disorder? Describe how this abnormality could result from a defect in meiosis. c.

Production of offspring by parthenogenesis or cloning bypasses the typical meiotic process. Describe either parthenogenesis or cloning and compare the genomes of the offspring with those of the parents.
