
BIS After School Academy
Fall Session Starting Monday September 28, 2015
Book It -- Mrs. D' Agostino – Monday- 4th, 5th graders - Students in 4th and 5th
grades who need a little help and encouragement to keep up with their reading
can read, discuss, and do fun activities with their friends and Mrs. D. while
accumulating AR points.
Computer Chaos -- Mrs. Stearns-- Mondays -- 4th, 5th, 6th graders - Offered on
Monday OR Wednesday. Choose only ONE DAY. -- Students will pursue computer
skills and explore appropriate topics of choice with available technologies and the
assistance of the media specialist.
CIA -- Mr. Megary-- Monday -- 4th, 5th, 6th graders - Enjoy the company of other
students who enjoy learning about the Bible. Opportunities for outreach
available. Homework time is offered. This club is unaffiliated with BIS, but meets
during BIS After School schedule and provides homework help.
Peace Club-- Mrs. Bankert-- Monday -- By Invitation of Mrs. Bankert, 6th grade
Peer Mediators. Peer Mediators will create a variety of PR materials (webpages,
posters, morning announcements, writing and performing skits, etc.) to promote
students making the choice to talk out and resolve peer conflicts.
Hand Drumming -- Mrs. Ludicke -- Mondays -- 4th, 5th, 6th graders - Read about,
learn about, and practice hand drumming and unique rhythms from around the
world with a certified music therapist.
A Sign of the Times -- Ms. Joseph -- Mondays OR Wednesdays. Sign up for only
one day per week; not both, 4th, 5th, 6th graders - American Sign Language is the
4th most studied language in colleges and universities. There is time for
homework. Come join us either for the Monday or Wednesday class. Just one, not
both days, please!
Poetry Zone -- Mrs. Straight -- Monday -- 4th, 5th graders - Students will read,
analyze, create and illustrate poetry. There will be time for homework help in this
Yugioh Card Club – Wehlan - Monday -- 4th, 5th, 6th - Academy is designed to
reinforce math, reading critical thinking, and cooperative skills using the card
game, Yugioh. Join the fun!
Photography Ms. Anft/ Ms. Grunden -- Tuesdays -- 4th, 5th, 6th graders. Class is
offered on Tuesday and Thursday, but you may only sign up for one or the other;
not both. 15 Students will discover the world around them through the digital
Shark Success -- Mrs. Yingling -- Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 6th grade
Hammerhead Sharks will have registration priority. Sign up separately each day if
you want to attend both -Take a bite out of homework. Play math games that will
improve your math skills, and have time for some free reading as well! It will be
"FINTASTIC"! Join us! Sign up separately for both Tues. and Thurs. if you want to
attend both days.
Kiwanis Builders Club of Community Service - Mrs. Slotter - This academy will be
continued for the same students during session 2 and 3 of After School Academy.
4th, 5th, 6th graders - Students can take advantage of leadership opportunities
through community service and helping others. This is a yearlong commitment to
serving the community.
Brain Nook Math -- Ms. Keyes/ Mrs. Bratten -- Tuesdays and Thursdays -- You
must sign up separately for each day. The class is planned for the same group of
students to meet two days per week. 4th and 5th graders - Students can use this
computerized approach to get help with the foundations of math and to review
topics taught in class. Brain Nook games make improving your grades and skills so
much fun! Homework time included.
Soccer and Speedball -- Mrs. Johnson/ Mr. Sanzotti -- Tuesdays -- 4th, 5th 6th
graders - Students will participate in co-ed soccer and speedball (4 sessions each
sport) and learn skills that make up both sports. Homework will be provided in
part of the second hour.
Science Sleuths -- Mrs. Straight -- Tuesdays-- 4th, 5th graders - Have fun with
investigative science activities
Introduction to Programming - Mr. Wehlan - Tuesdays -- 5th and 6th graders -Self-paced activities using Code/Kahn Academies to start learning beginning
programming/coding skills ( ex: Python, HTMLS5, Ruby).
Discovery Central -- Mr. Hoffman/Mrs. Lipka -- Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 4th, 5th
graders -- Sign up for both Tuesday and Thursday Discovery Central Academy This is a project based learning where students are empowered to explore their
passions while encouraging creativity. After spending several weeks researching,
each child or small group will produce a final project that will demonstrate their
Introduction to MineCraft, (Creative Mode) -- Mr. Wehlan -- Wednesdays -- 4th,
5th, 6th GRADE STUDENTS NEW TO MINECRAFT - Directed and self-paced learning
using MineCraft to cooperatively design and build various structures using critical
Chess Club -- Mr. Megary -- Wednesdays -- 4th, 5th, 6th graders - Learn
everything there is to know about playing Chess! One hour will be devoted to
homework help. Bring a book to read.
Assateague Project Wild -- Mrs. Straight - Wednesdays -- 4th and 5th graders.
Science based games, art, research and community service focused on aquatic/
wild life and habitat. Students will enjoy working with an Assateague National
Park ranger, and a field trip is possible.
Create A Mural -- Mrs. Kreppel -- Wednesday, 4th, 5th, 6th graders - Decorate the
Science Wall with the help of Mrs. Kreppel and the O.C. Art League
A Sign of the Times -- Ms. Joseph -- Mondays OR Wednesdays. Sign up for only
one day or the other; not both -- 4th, 5th, 6th graders - American Sign Language is
the 4th most studied language in colleges and universities. There is time for
homework. Come join us either for the Monday or Wednesday class. Just one, not
both days, please!
Computer Chaos -- Wednesdays-- Mrs. Stearns -- 4th, 5th, 6th grader - Different
students from the Monday class will have an opportunity to explore topics of
interest using available technologies with the guidance of the media specialist.
Fishing Academy -- Wednesdays-- Mrs. Jolley -- 5th, 6th graders -- Open only to
students who have never before been in Fishing Academy - Students will reflect
on and practice all there is to know about fishing! Offered in cooperation with the
MD Saltwater Sport Fisherman's Association. Homework time, provided. Limited
seating for those who have never been in Fishing Academy before.
Book It -- Wednesdays -- Ms. D'Agostino -- 4th, 5th graders - Students enrolled in
in the Monday Book It must also sign up for this Wednesday Book It in order to
keep up with the in-class reading of a chapter book and receive AR points. See
Book It (Monday) for description.
Photography -- Thursdays -- Ms. Anft/ Ms. Grunden -- 4th, 5th, 6th graders-Open to different students than the Tuesday class. Do not enroll in both Students will discover the world around them through the digital lens.
Returning MineCraft -- Thursday -- Mr. Wehlan --5th, 6th graders-- Offered only
to 5th and 6th graders that participated in MineCraft last year - Self paced
learning environment where students use MineCraft to work in groups to design
and build worlds using critical thinking skills. Only students who have attended a
MineCraft Academy last school year may enroll.
Shark Success -- Mrs. Yingling -- Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 6th grade
Hammerhead Sharks will have registration priority.
Brain Nook Math- Ms. Keyes/ Mrs. Bratten Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 4th, 5th
graders, same students as Tuesday Brain Nook. Students must sign up for both
days - Students in the Tuesday Brain Nook Class should also sign up for the
Thursday Class. Computerized games to reinforce math concepts taught in class.
See Tuesday listing and sign up for both days for lots of fun and better grades!
Reader's Theatre – Mrs. Straight -- Thursdays -- 4th, 5th, graders - Read and
perform short plays after time for homework help
Discovery Central – Mrs. Lipka, / Mr. Hoffman - Tuesdays and Thursdays -- 4th,
5th, 6th graders. Sign up for both Tuesday and Thursday Discovery Central
Academy - This is a project based learning where students are empowered to
explore their passions while encouraging creativity. After spending several weeks
researching, each child or small group will produce a final project that will
demonstrate their learning.
Think Green – Mrs. Ward - Thursdays -- 5th, 6th graders - Lead BIS in an effort to
recycle and keep the Maryland Green School Status. Learn about how our efforts
affect our local environment.
Percussion Ensemble -- Ms. Newman -- Thursday - 6th grade-- By invitation of Ms.
Newman. Work with Ms. Newman and your percussion instrument to make