Our Classroom ABCs

Room 214 ABC’s of Grade 5 from Mrs. Wolfgram
Attendance- much of
our learning will take
place together in
class. We do lots of
hands-on activities
and group work.
Please plan to attend
school every day,
except in cases of
illness or emergency!
Teachers will lead
students into the
building at 8:22 am.
Dismissal- school
ends at 3:16. You
must send a note to
school if your child is
to go home a
different way than
his/her normal
schedule- especially
if he/she is to ride a
different bus!
Book orders- just
about once a month, a
book order form will
come home from
Scholastic. This is a
great way to
purchase books
inexpensively, while
helping our class earn
points towards other
Communication- please
contact me by e-mail or call
me with questions or concerns
at any time. You can also send
a note in your child's
Assignment Notebook.
Cell 450-4903
Field trips- our class will be
going on several field trips
Expectations – Be
this year. If you would like to
safe, respectful and
chaperone one of these trips,
responsible in all
please let me know!
settings. Please see
our classroom matrix.
Fees –
I will keep you posted
hot lunch checks to AASD,
as to how your child
field trip checks to Houdini,
is doing.
book order checks to
Grades – 5th graders
do not receive letter
grades. Some papers
will be graded with
percentage scores:
90-100 commendable,
80-89 satisfactory,
70-79 improving,
69 or less = needs
Homework- your child
will always have
homework Monday
through Thursday. It
should take about 45
minutes and must
come back to school
the next day.
Homework includes
reading and logs,
math, word study,
and other projects as
Keep updated- please
Jobs in the
check your child’s
classroom- your child
assignment book and
will have an
backpack every
opportunity to apply
evening and go
for a variety of
through the take
classroom jobs. Each
home folder every
child will be
responsible for a job
for a month.
Important information- if you
have any important papers
that need to come to school,
please send them in your
child's take home folder so
they can turn them in to the
completed work bucket.
Lunch- our lunch/recess time
is from 11:30am until 12:15pm.
If you come in during this
time, be sure to sign in at the
office and pick up a visitor's
Math Expressions- is
our comprehensive
curriculum that uses
objects, drawings,
NewslettersObservations and
conceptual language
newsletters with
Investigations in Science –
and real-world
class updates and
units of study include
situations to build pictures of classroom
Landforms, Mixtures and
math ideas. We will
happenings, will be
Solutions, Variables and
hit the ground
emailed home every
running with
other week. Please Nutrition. There will also be a
unit on human growth and
fractions. Please
make sure I have a
development towards the end
support homework,
current email
of the year.
and let me know of address on file so you
any struggles.
can receive these.
Quick update on
Cursive writing – all
Presentations –
5th grade students
during the year
are expected to be
parents may be
able to read and
invited to author
produce legible
celebrations, book
cursive writing.
talks, or final project Students will receive
presentations during
support at school
the school day
with this.
Reading- students are
expected to read at home for
30 minutes every night, as
part of their nightly
homework. Encourage them to
bring their library books
home to read. 5th graders are
required to record their
reading in a log both at school
and at home.
Snacks- you may send a
nutritious snack to
Ten Point Tickets –
school for your child.
students are
Our snack time will be
responsible for keeping
around 10:30 every day.
track of their ticket,
which tracks work and US History- 5th graders will
Spelling – 5th graders
behavior at school.
study explorers coming to a
will continue to use the
Students who
new world, colonizing
Words Their Way
approach to
America, the Revolutionary
demonstrate exemplary
War and the Civil War.
work habits and
Students study
behaviors, will be able
patterns and rules of
to participate in
spelling and apply them
monthly rewards.
to reading and writing.
Website- our website is
updated weekly with
information, websites,
events and student work,
so check it out! You may
access our website from
the Houdini home page.
Volunteers- we love
volunteers! Moms,
dads, grandparents...
Workshop – this is the
you can volunteer in
I am eXcited to work with
framework through which
class or work on
both reading and writing You and Your child this year!
things for class at
will be taught. This is the Make sure he/she gets plenty
home. Please let me
same approach as last
of Zzzz's each night as we
know if you'd like to
year and will include
have exciting days planned
help and we can find several units of study.
for this year!
a classroom job for