Welcome to Mrs. LiCausi’s Math Class! Dear Families and Students, I am very excited to get to know you and your child this year! In this advanced Math class your child will be working on grade-level and above-grade-level standards. Our primary goal is to make sure that each student masters grade-level objectives, but also has multiple opportunities to work above grade level. The change to Common Core standards means that every classroom at every grade level will be challenged to apply skills at a higher level, and be able to explain their thinking. What makes this class different than the grade level classrooms will be the pace and amount of content we cover. As we monitor each child’s progress, it will be imperative to ensure that they are mastering and retaining grade level skills since there will be far less time for review and practice, than is typical in a regular classroom. Our daily activities will include group problem-solving, skills practice, and differentiated group activities. Our class is composed of 4th and 5th graders, at many different levels of skill and understanding, so providing leveled instruction will be a flexible process. This means that your child may be working at grade level in fraction concepts and above grade level in number operations, for example. Below I have listed a few things for you to know to carry us through until Curriculum Night, when you will be able to receive a more in-depth explanation of our classroom curriculum, routines, and expectations. Baby News! My second child, a girl, is due September 14th! My maternity leave is scheduled for the following week, but may begin earlier if she so decides. The long-term sub for the majority of my leave will be Diane Duffy, a retired Gifted Teacher from Kyrene. She has remained active in the district and has lots of experience to make this transition as smooth as possible. You will have the opportunity to meet her on Curriculum Night. She is very eager to become familiar with our class and families. You will receive more information about her and our transition plan as we move into September. Schedule: We will meet for class every day between 9:30-11:30am, except Wednesdays. 4th and 5th grades may be staggered, so the final schedule will be determined after school begins. I consult at Niños and with other grade levels on Wednesdays. Supplies: Your child will need some sort of journal for daily practice and problem-solving activities. They will also need a homework folder specifically for this math class. Each grade level has an organization structure that they use. 4th graders typically have red ‘Homework’ folders. In the past we have learned that it is great if they can keep all of their homework together in one binder (only one binder!), but have a separate folder for this LA class. Putting all homework into the same folder usually leads to things getting confused or forgotten. 5th graders typical use an expandable file. They do not need a separate folder for my class, as long as they have a separate section of the file designated only for our class work. This will help tremendously with organization! Homework: Every 4th and 5th grader receives an assignment notebook or “agenda” to record homework. Your child will write their homework, even briefly (Read CH 4-7), every day and the assignments must be initialed by an adult every day. This is incredibly important for purposes of accountability on the child’s part, and communication between home and school. Especially children who have more than one home, and more than one classroom, there is room for many misunderstandings if we’re not in contact in a clear and consistent way. Students will usually have one sheet of skills practice on Mondays, which will be due the next day. On Tuesday they will have a story problem page that’s due Friday. The story problems require a lot of thought and time, which is why they are given more time to complete. They focus on developing thinking strategies. The strategies will be introduced in class. The assignment and strategies will be linked to the gifted website each week so you can help your child at home. Your child is participating in two classrooms at once which may cause some confusion at first. This program is meant to be a replacement program for math, not double math work! The only math work your child will be responsible for should be from me, their core math teacher. Exceptions may be things like math facts practice, or Wednesday group work when your child is present for those activities in their homeroom. They may also complete math assessments that the whole district is required to administer. Grades: Grades will be based on percentages of points earned out of total points per assignment. Assignments, projects, and assessments will be weighted differently. All grades and assignments should be accessible through SYNERGY parent portal online. Ask the office if you need help to access this. Test and projects that receive an unsatisfactory score (below 80%) must be redone, and can earn points back. The priority is to learn the content, not get everything right the first time. Homework and daily practice will be graded based on work, strategies, and accuracy. A student may still earn an A on a problem with the wrong answer, but some great thinking. Although, correct answers usually indicate mastery and often deserve higher grades. Website: Mrs. LiCausi’s classroom website has links for assignments such as the weekly math story problems, biweekly vocabulary units, language arts projects and monthly book reports. http://www.kyrene.org/Page/16034 Or visit Norte’s Classrooms’ link and click on Mrs. LiCausi. Communication: Please send me an email at mlicausi@kyrene.org from the email account you would like me to use when contacting you. Please include the name of your child and a preferred phone number to contact you. Feel free to contact me by phone or email with questions and concerns any time. Information for Curriculum Night will be sent home by note and email once it is scheduled. I hope you and your child have a wonderful experience in our program this year! Sincerely, Mrs. LiCausi (480) 541-4935 New Room!! E-1