File - Science 10 Enriched

Science 10 Enriched:
Chapter 12.2 Features of plate tectonics
Layers of the earth.
What is the diameter of the earth? _____________________________________
Describe the four distinct layers of the earth.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
Science 10: 12.2
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What is the difference between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere?
Are tectonic plates part of the lithosphere or the asthenosphere? _______________________
What keeps the lithosphere molten?
Continents, attached to the tectonic plates, float in the magma of the asthenosphere.
 As magma is heated in the asthenosphere, convection currents form.
 Rising magma can reach the surface at ridges (in the oceans) or rifts (on land).
 What is ‘ridge push’?
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 Tectonic plates are all moving at the same time.
 How many large plates are there? _____________
 What is subduction and what kind of disturbances does it cause?
What is a plate boundary? ________________________________________________________
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Differetiate between divergent, convergent and transform plate boundaries and provide examples
of where these occur on earth!
1. Divergent plate boundaries:
2. Convergent plate boundaries:
a. Oceanic-continental plate convergence.
The convergence of an oceanic and a continental plate
The oceanic plate subducts under the continental plate, forming a trench.
Cone-shaped volcanoes can form from magma seeping to the surface.
This is how the volcanic belt of the North America’s west coast has
Mountain ranges like the Coast Mountain range also form from the
Science 10: 12.2
Earthquakes can occur when subduction, ridge push, and slab pull stall.
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Oceanic-oceanic plate convergence
How does this occur and where has it occurred on our earth?
c. Continental-continental plate convergence
How does this occur and where has it occurred on our earth?
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3. Transform plate boundaries: What are they and where do they occur?
What accounts for 95 percent of all earthquakes?
What is the difference between the focus and the epicenter of an earthquake?
What are seismic waves?
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Create a table to highlight the difference between primary, secondary and surface waves.
What is a seismometer?
How much stronger is a magnitude 6 earthquake that a magnitude 5 earthquake?
A magnitude 9 earthquake that a magnitude 5 earthquake? ___________________
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Explain the difference between:
Composite Volcanoes
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Shield volcanoes
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Rift eruptions
Complete all textbook review and workbook questions.
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