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Earth Science
Name ______________
Uplift: Plate Tectonics, Volcanoes and Earthquakes
Plate Tectonics
Describe the layers of the earth (lithosphere, asthenosphere, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core, inner core ).
Explain Continental Drift and provide evidence for the theory.
Describe the evidence used to explain Plate Tectonic Theory.
In detail describe the 3 types of plate boundaries (Diverging, Converging, Transform)
Volcanic Activity
Define Magma and explain its chemical/physical make-up.
Define Lava and explain its chemical/physical make-up.
Define Tephra and provide the 3 forms it’s found in (ash, lapilli, block/bombs)
Describe in detail a Rift Eruption
Describe in detail a Subduction Boundary Eruption.
Describe in detail how Hot Spots form a chain of volcanoes.
Compare and contrast between Cinder and Shield Volcanoes.
Define an earthquake.
Describe the causes of an earthquake.
Describe in detail the elastic-rebound theory.
Compare and contrast between the focus and epicenter.
In detail explain the difference between P-waves, S-waves and L-waves.
Explain how the Richter Scale is used to determine the magnitude of an earthquake.
Explain how the Modified Mercalli Scale is used to determine the magnitude of an earthquake.
Explain how the intensity of an earthquake is influenced by the depth of the focus.
Describe how P-waves and S-waves penetrate the earth’s interior. Discuss in context with the shadow zone.
Explain the Moho and how it influences continental land masses.
Describe in detail the layers of the earth, and explain how the lithosphere, asthenosphere and Moho influence
plate tectonic movement.
Describe the differences between the 3 types of plate boundaries. Provide specific characteristics of each
Compare and contrast between Rift and Subduction Boundary eruptions. Explain what volcanoes are commonly
formed due to these eruptions.
Explain in detail the factors that influence the intensity of an earthquake. Discuss the focus, epicenter, seismic
waves, depth, foundation, and magnitude in your explanation.
Explain in detail the events that take place during an earthquake. Discuss the causes, focus, epicenter, seismic
waves, depth, seismographs, and magnitude/destruction in your explanation.