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Flow Cytometric Tests Lymphocyte subset analysis
Absolute counts of T and B lymphocytes and NK cells can indicate the presence of
an immunodeficiency. CD4 monitoring in patients with HIV gives information about
the progress of the disease. T cell numbers may be monitored in patients receiving
treatment for transplant rejection. B cell numbers are monitored in patients receiving
treatment (Rituximab) for lymphoma or autoimmune disease. Fresh blood sample in
an EDTA tube is required.
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a condition characterised by ossification of the spinal
ligaments and stiffness of sacro-iliac joints and it is known to be strongly associated
with HLA class I specificity B27. This test is not diagnostic because 7% of the
Caucasian population have HLA B27 positive allele but not AS, however the
absence of HLA B27 virtually excludes AS. Fresh blood sample in an EDTA tube is
Foetal-Maternal Haemorrhage
This is used for the quantification of foetal-maternal haemorrhage in rhesus negative
Fresh blood sample in an EDTA tube is required.