Wednesday, Jan

Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013
PTSO Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Denise Clearwood, John Olson, Betsy Niesen, Diane
Harrington, Jackie Woodruff, Leia Esser, Catherine Martin, Cheryl Goetz,
Ellen Brummell-Kale, Susan Elder, Theron Sorgatz, Laura Kite
Meeting started at 6:30 p.m.
Previous meeting's minutes: approved online after last meeting.
* Previous treasurer still is the signatory on checking account, and
Jackie needs access. Denise called Mary right away, and Mary will get her
name off Anchor Bank this week so it can be switched to Jackie's name.
* SHMS has joined rest of MMSD in terms of its treasury; MMSD
wants everything to go through them so they can track it. Treasurer's
Report shows large chunks of money taken out (rather than previous,
clearer method) because that's how MMSD wants to handle it. Shari Joslin
(SHMS) is keeping spreadsheets of everything to keep track of what's
going where. Bottom line: Treasury reports look funny, but they're OK.
* Jackie noted that Shari put together "an amazing, awesome sheet"
that shows what the $9,600 from the PTSO was used for by the various
teachers — everything from snacks, furniture, books and much, much
more. Look for a larger list on the Spring-a-thon envelopes, which the kids
can share with potential donors.
* Last fall, we had some outstanding Teacher Appreciation checks.
One has been cashed. Jackie will be talking to the other teacher soon.
* Denise updated Target info from the last meeting. PTSO is taking
Target line item off the PTSO treasury report, because the check goes
directly to the school; PTSO doesn't get it. (But we ARE getting Target
* We're taking Spiritwear line item off, too, because the money stays
with SHMS/Mr. Friedl rather than going to the PTSO. These two changes
will remove some clutter from the report.
* Mon., Jan. 21 - No school; Martin Luther King Jr. Day
* Fri., Jan. 25 - Dance/Fun Day rescheduled for today; will be 10:1011:40 a.m. (It's a half day of school.) Cheryl will send out listserv call for
volunteers for cookies and bars. (No big focus on food since so close to
* Fri., Feb. 1 - No school; parent-teacher conferences only for
parents whose kids are struggling with something
* Weds., Feb. 6, 6:30 p.m. PTSO meeting [REALLY need parents of
6th and 7th graders to show up! All but one current PTSO board members
are outgoing 8th-grade parents!!]
* Thurs., Feb. 21 - Glimpse into the Past
* Fri., Feb. 22 - No school; teacher in-service
* Weds., Feb. 27 - Heritage Dinner
* Fri., April 19 - Fun Day
* Teacher Appreciation Day. Last year, we made executive decision
about what to do. This year, Catherine will send out survey with four
options to see what teachers want (Salad Creations, Pasqual's, etc.)
* Spring-a-thon. Betsy and John will be co-chairs and are working on
a date for planning/kick-off meeting. The event dates that are on the
calendar are flexible, if need be, Leia says.
* Working on getting 7th and 8th graders scheduled for secondsemester extensions (last class of the day; varies by student's need).
There've been some bumps and learning, but the idea has really been wellreceived by kids and teachers and is giving kids who are doing well the
ability to dive in a little deeper, while helping kids who need more help a leg
* EXPLORE test scores for 8th graders coming this week or next
* 8th grade parents need to go to Memorial (or Toki) later this month
for sign-up info and electives info. Details have already been sent home to
* Elizabeth Morrison has taken over from John in sending
newsletter/listserv out. Doing a great job!
* Denise notes that Hamilton PTO is sponsoring showing of film
"Race to Nowhere" at CUNA Mutual on Mineral Point Road on Tues., Jan.
22 at 7 p.m. Cost is $10 (plus maybe a $1 service fee?) - and tickets must
be bought ahead of time. It was put together by parent-turned-filmmaker.
It's a view of the state of our education system, the pressure of testing and
how important numbers have become and how tests are limiting what the
kids are learning. It's gotten good buzz; looks interesting.
Meeting concluded at 6:56 p.m. (Less than a half hour!!)