Improving Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership

Improving Literacy
and Numeracy
Guidelines for Victorian
Government Schools
Published by the Department of Education and
Early Childhood Development
March 2013
© State of Victoria (Department of Education
and Early Childhood Development) 2013
The copyright in this document is owned by the
State of Victoria (Department of Education and Early Childhood
Development), or in the case of some materials, by third parties
(third party materials). No part may be reproduced by any process
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2 Treasury Place, East Melbourne, Victoria, 3002.
This document is also available on the internet at
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. ..3
2. Rationale .................................................................................................................... 3
3. Selection Process for Participating Schools.......................................................... 4
Registration Process ................................................................................................... 4
4. Reporting Requirements ............................................................................................ 5
Possible Additional Reporting Requirements .............................................................. 5
5. Financial Arrangements ............................................................................................. 5
6. Support and Further Information .............................................................................. 6
7. Appendix ..................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction
The Commonwealth, States and Territories have entered into the National Partnership on
Improving Literacy and Numeracy (the Partnership).
The objective of the Partnership is to improve outcomes for students who are falling behind in
literacy and/or numeracy by contributing to the effective use of evidence-based approaches in
participating schools. This includes targeted groups of students, with a particular emphasis on
students from disadvantaged backgrounds, students learning English as an additional language
and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
Victorian government schools have been selected because they meet the following criteria across
at least 30% of their students were in the bottom two bands of NAPLAN for Reading and
Numeracy, or
they had at least 50 students in the bottom two bands of NAPLAN for Reading and
Numeracy, and
they had more than five students in the bottom two bands of NAPLAN for Reading and
The funding provided to each school is determined by a formula that takes into account the
confirmed 2013 student enrolments and proportion of students at or below minimum standard with
a minimum allocation of $13,000 per school.
Activity in schools will occur during the 2013 school year and will have commenced by the
beginning of Term 2.
2. Rationale
The Victorian Government’s Towards Victoria as a Learning Community (TVLC) position paper
identifies the importance of high-quality whole-school curriculum in driving higher levels of
achievement in Victoria’s education system. Top-tier performance will be achieved through a
renewed focus on the themes of teacher practice, whole-school curriculum planning, assessment
and leadership, and supported by explicit, evidence-based models to guide professional practice.
Victoria’s approach to the Partnership supports this commitment by providing schools with a suite
of quality-assured literacy and numeracy approaches that exemplify these themes. The
approaches are supported by an evidence base of leading research and lessons learnt from a
number of state-based large-scale pilots and initiatives implemented through the Smarter Schools
National Partnerships funding period and their independent evaluation.
The approaches are:
Primary Mathematics Specialists
Coaching Initiative
Bastow Leading Literacy professional learning course
Bastow Leading Numeracy professional learning course
English as an Additional Language (EAL) Science Language Literacy Pilot Project
Literacy and Numeracy Pilot in Low Socio-Economic Status (SES) School Communities
2009 – 10
The Victorian Principals Association’s Principals As Literacy Leaders (PALL) program.
The approaches have been endorsed by an expert reference group comprising Commonwealth,
State and Territory representatives with national international literacy and numeracy knowledge
and expertise and are available on the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace
Relations Teach, Learn, Share database of effective literacy and numeracy teaching approaches.
Curriculum Exemplars
As part of the Partnership at least 25 per cent of participating schools will develop and trial literacy
and numeracy curriculum exemplars. Schools will be supported with expert advice from the
Learning and Teaching Division and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority to develop
and trial primary and secondary exemplars. A portion of the Partnership funding for system-wide
initiatives will be allocated to provide expert advice and to encourage schools to participate.
Exemplars will be shared more broadly with schools participating in the Partnership and other
Victorian schools through online publication.
Schools interested in participating in this trial are encouraged to contact Kate Parker, Learning and
Teaching Division, DEECD on 9637 2176 or email for
further information.
3. Selection and Registration Process for Participating Schools
Consistent with the reform agenda outlined in TVLC, Victoria’s implementation of this new
Partnership acknowledges that schools are best placed to determine the initiatives and activities
that will improve literacy and numeracy outcomes within their local context.
From the endorsed approaches above, participating schools are required to select the activities
that best suit their local needs and priorities. Schools also have the flexibility to choose Teach,
Learn, Share approaches provided by other jurisdictions.
A summary of the approaches is provided as an appendix to these guidelines.
Detailed descriptions of the approaches, including suggested implementation guides, estimated
costs and supporting evidence can be accessed at:
Registration Process
Participating schools are required to complete a registration form. Submitted forms will be
processed by the Performance and Intervention Unit, DEECD.
Once the completed registration form has been received, each school will be contacted with advice
on dates of funding transfer to support their Partnership activity. In order to meet Commonwealth
reporting requirements, schools must submit the registration form by 28 March 2013.
The form can be accessed through the following link – NP School Registration Form
Information required for registration is as follows:
 School name
 Domains to be focused on (Literacy and/or Numeracy)
 Years to be included (eg. Years 9 and 10 only, primary only)
 Cohorts to be focused on (eg. ATSI, EAL, ALL)
 Approaches to be implemented or extended
 Interest in the curriculum exemplars trial
 A brief rationale for chosen approaches
 Intentions to use additional local data measures that your school will use to track progress.
Improving Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership
4. Reporting Requirements
Accountability and reporting requirements will be integrated within existing school accountability
processes, with schools reporting on their involvement in the Partnership and use of associated
funding through their Annual Report to the School Community.
Participating schools are required to:
 adhere to purchasing and employment guidelines and appropriately record expenditure using
CASES21 and eduPay
 document participation in their Annual Implementation Plan (AIP), including completing a
one-page appendix through the Annual Report to the School Community (template will be
 report on progress and expenditure in the Financial Summary sections of their Annual
To streamline processes for participating schools, it is suggested that schools determine their
focus area based on their existing literacy and numeracy improvement goals.
Possible Additional Reporting Requirements
Commonwealth reporting requirements include the provision of case studies over the course of
2013-14. Participating schools may be invited to provide examples for this purpose.
The Smarter Schools National Partnerships Evaluation Strategy has been expanded to include
consideration of the outcomes of investment and activity delivered under the Partnership.
Participating schools may be approached by the independent evaluator engaged to undertake this
work in order to assist with the evaluation.
5. Financial Arrangements
The funding allocation provided to each school is based on a formula which takes into account
overall student enrolments and the number of students at or below the national minimum standard.
Funding will be provided to participating schools as credit through the Student Resource Package
(SRP) under the Strategic Programs (SP) component.
SP funding is quarantined within the SRP, with SP deficits and surpluses treated separately from
SRP deficits and surpluses. SP surpluses or deficits will be handled in aggregate rather than for
each individual item.
Unique codes have been developed to identify National Partnership projects against which staff are
being employed. The project code for Improving Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership is
152617. If schools have charged staff to an incorrect budget category, they should complete the
online Salary Mischarging Amendment Form (SMAF) to correct the mischarging, and select the
appropriate SP under the “Budget Charge Out Item” drop down box within the SMAF system.
While allocations will be in the form of credit, there is capacity for credit to cash transfers (CCTs).
Requests for CCTs will be subject to sufficient funding being available. Payments will be included
in the normal quarterly cash grant payments at the beginning of each term.
Unique SP sub-program codes have been created in CASES21. For acquittal purposes
expenditure of the National Partnership funding will be tracked by Financial Services Division
against the following new sub-programs CASES21 code: 9620 – Improving Literacy and Numeracy
National Partnership. Please use this code to record revenue and expenditure.
Support and further information
Additional information on Victoria’s endorsed approaches, including guides
implementation, approximate costings and supporting research can be found at:
The Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations’ Teach, Learn, Share
database can be accessed at:
For further information relating to the selection and registration process please contact Sue
Buckley at or on 9651 4497 or Al Bradtke at or on 9637 2433 in the Performance and Intervention Unit.
For further information relating to the Curriculum Exemplar trial please contact Kate Parker,
Learning and Teaching Division at or on 9637 2176.
For further information relating to the endorsed approaches and supporting evidence base
please see the contact details in the Appendix following.
Improving Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership
Victorian Endorsed Approaches
Detailed descriptions of the approaches, including suggested implementation guides, estimated costs and supporting evidence can be accessed at –
Primary Mathematics
Coaching Initiative
Bastow Leading
Literacy professional
learning course
Suggested Resourcing
 Support participating schools to
develop an evidence-based
teaching approach that is focused
on improving and sustaining
student learning outcomes in
Allocation of 0.5EFT for 3 specialists (P-2, 3&4, 5&6) cost to
school $50 000 (approx. salary per specialist)
Louise Stewart,
Senior Project Officer, Learning and
Teaching Division
10 days, team-based Professional Learning for Specialists in
May, 2013 (10 days @ 0.5 CRT per specialist )
9637 2335
For regional schools 10 days accommodation for specialists
attending professional learning
Time release for teachers to work with the specialist to plan
(based on student assessment, to observe, collaborate, work
in the classroom and for reflection)
 Improve student learning
outcomes in literacy and numeracy
through evidence-based
approaches. Whole-school
curriculum planning is targeted at
student learning needs and used
as the reference point for
monitoring improved student
learning outcomes.
Allocation of 0.5EFT coach/mentor (school-based decision,
staff selection) cost to school $50,000 (approx.salary)
Professional learning through Bastow Leadership Institute
 To provide participants with a
deep understanding of current
research around the processes of
reading, writing, speaking and
listening and best practices for
literacy instruction.
Bastow Leading Literacy
Chris Dickinson, Project Officer, Bastow Institute
8199 2938
Jenny Schenk,
Manager, Learning and Teaching
Time release for teams of teachers to work with the coach or
mentor to plan (based on student assessment, to observe,
9637 2174
collaborate, work in the classroom and for reflection)
Bastow Leading
professional learning
The Victorian
Principals As Literacy
Leaders (PALL)
English as an
Additional Language
(EAL) Science
Language Literacy
Pilot Project
 To develop school leaders’
strategic knowledge and capacity
to achieve and sustain high levels
of student learning and
engagement in numeracy through
an evidence-based culture that
supports improvement in
instructional practice.
 To examine school and system
data for the purpose of evaluating
performance and developing plans
and strategies for improvement
and sustainability of high levels of
literacy achievement
 To lead the design and
implementation of literacy
improvement in participants’
 To build a professional learning
community for improving literacy in
participants’ schools
 To contribute to literacy
development from a system
 To provide secondary science
teachers of EAL students with an
understanding of how to teach the
aspects of English through which
scientific knowledge is
communicated and understood.
Bastow Leading Numeracy
Chris Dickinson, Project Officer, Bastow Institute
8199 2938
One program of 20 participants will be offered to Victorian
Government school principals– includes 5 full day modules
with ongoing support and 10 hours of coaching provided
throughout the year.
Subsidised cost of $500+GST for VPA members and
$590+GST for non-members includes presenters, coaches,
resources, catering, and venue.
Time release for teams of teachers to work with the coach or Anita Calore,
mentor to plan (based on student assessment, to observe,
Senior Project Officer, Learning and
collaborate, work in the classroom and for reflection)
Teaching Division
Professional Learning Program: Language for Learning:
9637 2131
Success in literacy and learning is a comprehensive and
innovative professional development program for educators
seeking to extend their understandings about language and
literacy. Cost to schools $120 for teacher materials.
Programs to be announced.
TESMC Teaching ESL students in Mainstream classrooms
Improving Literacy and Numeracy National Partnership
Rebecca Vosper
Victorian Principals Association
8379 4000
Literacy and
Numeracy Pilot in Low
Status (SES) School
Communities 2009 –
 To improve students’ literacy and
numeracy achievements through a
multifaceted approach identified
from local reform experience.
 Leadership - Professional learning through Bastow Institute
 Coaching – Coaching Initiative above
 Building teacher capacity in literacy and numeracy - Primary
Mathematics Specialists above
Jenny Schenk,
Manager, Learning and Teaching
9637 2174
 Literacy for Learning
 TESMC Teaching ESL students in Mainstream classrooms
 Intervention Programs Hume Region Numeracy Strategy
Teach, Learn, Share
 Getting Ready In Numeracy (GRIN)
 Bridging program for Secondary EAL learners with disrupted